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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

Losing 80000 lives and 100+ Billion USD in economic damage is earning a "fortune"?
It was either that, or your terrorists would have taken over the whole of pakistan.

please explain to me why so many pakistanis were blowing themselves up all over pakistan daily, praising terrorist groups and joining them.

it was your OWN jahil actions that destroyed the economy, and your OWN jahil actions that forced the drone strikes to stop you,

there was simply no other way.

Now instead of crying about drone strikes that happened, let's hear you question why so many pakistanis are radical extremists especially during that time and why it had to get to the point of drones.
So you mean designating a successor to lead ummah = kingship. Prophets had successor so they were kings? Nice logic.

If a man is succeeded by closest male relative or next of kin, it's usually referred to as Kingship.

David and Solomon were both Kings of the Jews and also Prophets unto them.

Jesus was prosecuted for claim on the throne as King of Jews rather than being a Prophet to the Jews.

79 is a good run - despite his illness at the end.

He had a chance to make things better for Pakistan and economically for while things did improve alot.

However, his NRO planted the seeds of todays destruction of Pakistan.

RIP Mushy - i hope you find peace.
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Inna lillahi wa Inna ilahi rajioun.
Rest in peace Sir. In a country where leaders don’t take tough decisions because of fear of risk to their reputation, you atleast put you country first.
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I love this picture. At this point the man was my hero.

I hate this one.


Allah shows us every day how flawed we can be and how easily we can go astray.
This Dictator could not run away from his ultimate fate which is his DEATH, just like all the present Army dictators will die as well. We will hear similar news for fat Bajwa, the new COAS Dictator Munir, the past dictator Kiyani and countless other ruthless Dictators responsible for massive Human Rights Violations and murders in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
He may have made very bad choices; allowing the WoT to flop so insanely badly, drone strikes and not accepting the bodies after Kargil.

But he never gave up on the goal of Kashmiri freedom. He wasn't afraid to fight for it, even though it was ultimately a losing battle.

Who knows, maybe his heart was in the right place, but he just wasn't able to enact the good that he wished to enact.

Only Allah knows, and indeed Allah is the fairest of judges.


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If a man is succeeded by closest male relative or next of kin, it's usually referred to as Kingship.

David and Solomon were both Kings of the Jews and also Prophets unto them.

Jesus was prosecuted for claim on the throne as King of Jews rather than being a Prophet to the Jews.
You've answered your own question.

"He is called a military dictator, but there has never been a stronger democratic system than that under him," said former close Musharraf aide Fawad Chaudhry, a leader of former Prime Minister Imran Khan's party."

"He gave Pakistan a free media and he stressed on diversity of opinion in Pakistan," Chaudhry said in a video message. History will always remember him," he said. "Pervez Musharraf, we will miss you."
One less traitor to deal with, thousands more to go. Unfortunately this is the
only way the Pakistani people will get justice.

Musharaf 2 biggest mistakes was to allow drone strikes on the people of Pakistan and also gave NRO
to Sharifs and Bhutto's.
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His worst mistake was the NRO given to zardari and sharif.

No, his time as the leader of Pakistan was up. Due to the stupidity of the Lawyer's Movement and the Lal Masjid terrorists events plus the wave of terrorism starting in Pakistan from 2007, Musharraf had become a 'bunker President' by 2008. Remember the multiple attacks on him which he barely escaped?? He HAD to leave power quickly after 2007 and power could have only be given to civilians and the unfortunate choices were Benazir and Nawaz Sharif. Just because we--including ME--don't like those parties doesn't mean they didn't have mass support for them. Here people are talking about 'democracy' and calling Musharraf a names because he 'broke the Constitution' by grabbing power via Martial Law but here people don't have basic respect for the rights of the civilians, however much we despise them. Plenty of hypocrisy and contradictions here.

My opinion is that his main and perhaps the only crime was launching the futile Kargil War in 1999. But that's for another discussion.
إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Surely, we belong to Allah and verily to Him do we return.

Do not walk on the earth in haughty style. You can neither tear the earth apart, nor can you match the mountains in height (Quran Pak 17:37).

Your minds are severely f##ked up from centuries of colonisation and regional extremism from OBL and Co, and there requires a serious mental decolonisation effort through the schooling curriculum and national media, and revival of identity.
It is by design. The monopoly on freedom of thought and expression is maintained by the same people.
Everybody is here going gaga over drone strikes and WoT, overlooking his worst blunder, The Enlightened Moderation.
But one thing I can't understand is that what other options Pakistan had after 9/11 if it opted to not support USA? Even countries like Saudi Arabia and China would have supported it? This is something that even IK doesn't answer property when he is trying to justify terrorism of TTP

Correct. People are too naive or outright enemies of Pakistan to think that mad rage in America after 9/11 would not have destroyed Pakistan within days, if not hours!! Pakistani nukes would be gone before even being assembled. This would have been India's greatest wish come true had Pakistan even dithered in its response to help America. Basically, Musharraf ended up in a very bad situation due to the follies done by the Pakistani military by joining the American war against the Soviets in the 1980s.
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