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Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

Question during '65 and '71 did we have AShM coastal batteries?
Do we have such capabilities now?

In order to determine Friend or Foe would the coastal batteries use IFF sort of system?

PN has Zarb antiship missile batteries deployed along the coast. In terms of iff others here would know more
He clearly stated development of long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles which can be fired from ships and hit target on land. For cruise Missile Type 52 D is enough issue is Ballistic Missiles.
eventually you ll come to know that he played with your feelings...
Ex CNS Admiral (r) Zafar Mehmood Abbasi has done a great job in improving combat readiness of Pakistan Navy. He built on the vision of his predecessor Admiral (r) Zakaullah and than added quite a few additional capabilities in both surface and Airborne Naval capabilities. The new Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi is a ‘ship guy’ therefore expect the surface punch of PN to enhance further in coming years under his tenure. I just wish that the funding from GOP to Naval ambitions are not squandered and the cluster of high class officers continues to do a remarkable job as we progress into a bright future for the PN. Like I’ve said previously, people will forget the Army and the Airforce when these projects start coming online. Pakistan Navy is the force to watch now.

And now I also have the designated name of the new Jet LRMPA and the photos of it as well. But unfortunately due to the porous nature of this forum, now is not the time to share
Ex CNS Admiral (r) Zafar Mehmood Abbasi has done a great job in improving combat readiness of Pakistan Navy. He built on the vision of his predecessor Admiral (r) Zakaullah and than added quite a few additional capabilities in both surface and Airborne Naval capabilities. The new Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi is a ‘ship guy’ therefore expect the surface punch of PN to enhance further in coming years under his tenure. I just wish that the funding from GOP to Naval ambitions are not squandered and the cluster of high class officers continues to do a remarkable job as we progress into a bright future for the PN. Like I’ve said previously, people will forget the Army and the Airforce when these projects start coming online. Pakistan Navy is the force to watch now.
It's in situations like this that I wish we had a strong Chief of Defence Staff / Joint Chiefs, and that the three arms rotate the seat. Imagine if Admiral Abbasi now became CDS/JC for 3 years and brings his expertise to support AZM, al-Khalid 2, etc.

PS: if the PN got an aircraft carrier with a fighter wing, then it'd get all the PAF-style songs too :P (j/k)
It's in situations like this that I wish we had a strong Chief of Defence Staff / Joint Chiefs, and that the three arms rotate the seat. Imagine if Admiral Abbasi now became CDS/JC for 3 years and brings his expertise to support AZM, al-Khalid 2, etc.

PS: if the PN got an aircraft carrier with a fighter wing, then it'd get all the PAF-style songs too :P (j/k)

The realisation of Naval empowerment is evident in national strategy. One of the reasons is the placement of Pakistan major tactical and strategic assets within 200kms from the Baluchistan coastline in coming decade. Plus the Chinese investment at Ormara and Gwadar as well takes precedence for a strong Navy. Pakistan does not have blue water ambitions. It only needs to guard the Balochistan coastline that I envision as a major trade hub for Pakistan and China in this century.
I think the ASBM will likely be deployed from land. Our surface ships will probably carry the supersonic-cruising ASCM. Now, it would be interesting if we could get an SLBM out of the P282...
In all honesty, why would we even need a 1500 KM anti ship ballistic missile at sea? We're killing ships in international waters now? =) That said, I highly doubt our missile will even cross the 1000 KM mark. Expect the range to be b/w 500-700 KM.
Where did you get that 1500KM range? The exCNS only said anti-ship ballistic missile. Very likely this is something like the Iran's PG, Hormuz 1 and 2, or Chinese SY-400 with ranges between 300km to 800km. Think of a Ghaznavi with a specialized warhead.

It is super unlikely that P-282 is a DF-21 class system. This is probably because:
1. Too expensive to build in numbers.
2. Too complicated.
3. How will you track targets at those ranges (see excellent video by Covert Cabal)
4. Pakistan doesn't need to hit anything at those ranges.

EDIT: Actually I would wager that the P-282 is a specialized development of the Ghaznavi.
Besides, China is using super-sonic drones as means to achieve terminal guidance, what'd we do at ranges like 1500 KM for anti-ship missions? It's alright to dream big, but we always end up putting the cart before the horse. =)

Something to read
In all honesty, why would we even need a 1500 KM anti ship ballistic missile at sea? We're killing ships in international waters now? =) That said, I highly doubt our missile will even cross the 1000 KM mark. Expect the range to be b/w 500-700 KM.
tbh the trippiest application of a ship-launched ASBM/BM is to sneak 'em aboard merchant/civie ships. However, the future I think will be in supersonic-cruising ASCM and a VL-LACM (Harbah) via a common VLS.
tbh the trippiest application of a ship-launched ASBM/BM is to sneak 'em aboard merchant/civie ships. However, the future I think will be in supersonic-cruising ASCM and a VL-LACM (Harbah) via a common VLS.
Or we'd opt for Russian container like solution too. =)
> According to outgoing Naval Chief, Adm ZM Abbasi, PN has restructured its operational formations by raising Surface Task Force 1,2&3 at Karachi, Gwadar and Ormara.
> PN vision is to have a fleet of 50 ships with 20 major surface vessels. Current modernization projects are;
> 4 x Type-054AP are under construction
> 4 x MILGEM ships are under construction
> 1 x Jinnah-class Frigate construction
> Deal for 6 heavier Tonnage surface vessels to be concluded soon.
> PNS Tabook and PNS Haybat to join soon.
> 8 x Hangor-class subs under construction
> 1 x Yuan-class sub has been acquired from China for training purposes.
> 1 more Modernised ATR-72 ASW aircraft to join soon.
> 10 more jet aircraft for ASW role to be acquired as a replacement of P-3C Orions. Deal for 1 is concluded.
> Harba cruise missile being integrated.
> P-282+ ship-based long-range anti-ship and land-attack Ballistic missile under development.
> Deal for MALE UAVs underway.

Credits of Point writing : Khawaja Awais Usman

From 12:15 to onwards

Not just this more interesting stuff is Directed Energy Weapons (Lasers),Unmanned Underwater Vehicles and UAVs etc...
Can’t tell everything on an open source platform. But they aren’t Aegis to be precise. West offers a lot of different platforms.
French Gen and diplomats were in town but Italians too all EU options are expensive but if things are ok UK is not bad option too Both PN and PAF should look for sub systems
It could be either French or Italian
More likely Italian
Swedes or Polish?
UK too? But may be US too?
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Ex CNS Admiral (r) Zafar Mehmood Abbasi has done a great job in improving combat readiness of Pakistan Navy. He built on the vision of his predecessor Admiral (r) Zakaullah and than added quite a few additional capabilities in both surface and Airborne Naval capabilities. The new Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi is a ‘ship guy’ therefore expect the surface punch of PN to enhance further in coming years under his tenure. I just wish that the funding from GOP to Naval ambitions are not squandered and the cluster of high class officers continues to do a remarkable job as we progress into a bright future for the PN. Like I’ve said previously, people will forget the Army and the Airforce when these projects start coming online. Pakistan Navy is the force to watch now.

And now I also have the designated name of the new Jet LRMPA and the photos of it as well. But unfortunately due to the porous nature of this forum, now is not the time to share
Do share once you are cleared to do so
Pakistan navy will be transferred has from small submarine navy to full fledge one of the largest navies of the world

This is amazing
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