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Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

The realisation of Naval empowerment is evident in national strategy. One of the reasons is the placement of Pakistan major tactical and strategic assets within 200kms from the Baluchistan coastline in coming decade. Plus the Chinese investment at Ormara and Gwadar as well takes precedence for a strong Navy. Pakistan does not have blue water ambitions. It only needs to guard the Balochistan coastline that I envision as a major trade hub for Pakistan and China in this century.

absolutely true, that planned strategy is now in the execution phase discussed by Ex-Naval Chief, briefly.
there were elements that were hinted by him give a ground to the facts that are happening or going to happen in future with Naval developments.
when he said "Maritime Economy" he summarized into it what does it hold which he discussed afterwards by explaining PN Vision based on 3 pillars "Combat Readiness, Jump Starting Maritime Economy and Reinforcing Ideological Domain".
then he discussed challenges during last three years including volatile geopolitical landscape, heightened tension in the region, near conflict with our eastern neighbor and complex internal security situation.

under that scenario, with given priority to combat readiness and offensive capability. Navy's war plans reviewed, practiced and employment/development strategies aligned with threats and challenges.

then he discussed employment side of the surface assets under surface task groups stationed at three sites including Gawadar, Ormara and Karachi with activation of aviation bases for day and night operations, revision of creek area defense plans.

then he discussed enhancing Pak Navy's regional footprint and influence with the expansion of the surface fleet to 50.

to me this (above) part of his speech is of great importance although list down of asset acquirement was of attraction but that all based on everything he said above

with the execution/implementation process, it gives the impression that the planning and the execution and implementation process is financed satisfactorily and they are moving at a pace required for it to be completed in due time.

to me activation of aviation bases is the element which require a due discussion here as it has not been elaborated by him but with this massive expansion of fleet, cannot rule out an aviation wing of fighters. there were other things which are not including in his speech but are way under certain stages of execution and implementation.
@Zarvan your desire of 'biggies' will full fill. UVLS modules which can carry cruise, Ballistic, torpedo & air defense missiles will come to PN provided that everything goes as per plans.

And 20 Major ships (destroyers + frigates) and 30 smaller ships (corvettes + OPVs + FACM) is very sensible target.

Any further expansion, if needed, (and is needed) will take place after 2030. It's worth noting we are not becoming a Blue Water Navy. We are just preparing ourselves for future threats which can endanger Pakistan and Sino-Pak shared interests in the region.

@Rafi Chief didn't disclose deals involving additional subs of four different types. Two are pre 2030 and two are post 2030 programs. Looks like he still don't want to show his underwater cards. The best surprise is the one which enemy never expects coming.
Ideological Domain, thats a big statement...

Being a muslim state, it means justice for all. Force projection to go to areas where the call of injustice is there and PN along with Marines are deployed to help the persecuted.... That is what i gather with it.
Ideological Domain, thats a big statement...

Being a muslim state, it means justice for all. Force projection to go to areas where the call of injustice is there and PN along with Marines are deployed to help the persecuted.... That is what i gather with it.

We do not have the equipment nor plan to make Pak Marines a expiditionary force. They are going nowhere apart from marshes.
Pakistan Navy will probably go for Type 052 Destroyer

Type 054 Visited Karachi and participated in Naval exercise with Pakistan Navy they evaluated the capabilities of it and ordered 4 ships

Type 052 Destroyer visited Karachi and participated in Naval exercise with Pakistan Navy and probably they evaluated the capabilities and will order 6 ships

Just my wild guess he mentioned type 054 MILGEM Jinnah class etc but mentioned 6 heavier tonnage ships which gives indication to destroyers

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We do not have the equipment nor plan to make Pak Marines a expiditionary force. They are going nowhere apart from marshes.

i do know pakistan doesnt, its a 30 year vision for Pakistan, and its a possible. otherwise this last mission statement doesnt hold true. I strongly believe thats what PN is striving for.
i do know pakistan doesnt, its a 30 year vision for Pakistan, and its a possible. otherwise this last mission statement doesnt hold true. I strongly believe thats what PN is striving for.

I do not understand, where was the mission statement that we needed an amphibious infantry capability to be deployed? This makes no sense whatsoever. We have a large hostile border with the world's second largest army only a few miles away. Why would spend money and men on delevloping a capability to send them hundreds of miles away????
Larger vessels are coming, only finances are a hindrance. The navy is going through a metamorphosis.
Looks like PN modernisation is part of Chinese investment in Gwadar CPEC. It depends how far China is willing to go to secure CPEC routes. PN will deploy a complete TF at Gwadar, could be smaller contingent than the TF to be deployed in Karachi against IN, but nonetheless it will be a potent force with this modernisation plan.
Everything makes sense except for the Marines Division, which is expeditionary by definition!! Where will Pak land her expeditionary forces?!?!
Creeks area for sure and Im guessing wherever CPEC routes are threatened although the main task has always been to provide security to Gwadar and other Naval ports.
Do share once you are cleared to do so
Pakistan navy will be transferred has from small submarine navy to full fledge one of the largest navies of the world
This is amazing
PN's adversary has always been Indian Navy, the threat sphere has grown due to CPEC Gwadar project. Either Chinese deploy their own assets or give assets to Pakistan to defend the sea routes. Looks like for now Chinese have chosen the latter.
I do not understand, where was the mission statement that we needed an amphibious infantry capability to be deployed? This makes no sense whatsoever. We have a large hostile border with the world's second largest army only a few miles away. Why would spend money and men on delevloping a capability to send them hundreds of miles away????
Read again what he said, "Maritime Economy" he summarized into it what does it hold which he discussed afterwards by explaining PN Vision based on 3 pillars "Combat Readiness, Jump Starting Maritime Economy and Reinforcing Ideological Domain".

I am dissecting this statement of ideological domain. is it ideological domain of territorial integrity, or islamic principles of power projection when injustice is wide spread, to help warfare capability beyond land, to take forces across where injustice might be taking place.... i am questioning the depth of this pillar....

we will spend money deploy forces lets just say of Serbia was happening we had the capability, we wouldve dropped forces to protect mass execution of muslims... or if rohingya was happening, drop forces to protect the persecution of women and children.

Get it ???
Pakistan will have a blue water navy, everyone keeps forgetting that Pakistan is the 5th largest country in the world with 227 million and projected to be 400 million, same size as America. That matters.
A strong PN to corner Indian Navy from the west, while PLAN can press on its domination in the eastern seas. It would be interesting to see what Naval assets IN will deploy against PN permanently and which ones will IN send off towards seas where PLAN ships patrol.
Everything makes sense except for the Marines Division, which is expeditionary by definition!! Where will Pak land her expeditionary forces?!?!
I believe Marines are being enlarged to strengthen our marshlands border security. Our borders with India and Iran along the coastline are marshlands, and require different kind of warfare, more infantry than armour, marines are a specialist infantry force.

That's why the Marine training headquarters has been shifted to Gwadar, getting more of our assets away from the east, plus they have the required landscape to be able to practice their warfare. Sonmiani is the third marshland region along the coastline, bay of Kalmat I think is less marshy.
Read again what he said, "Maritime Economy" he summarized into it what does it hold which he discussed afterwards by explaining PN Vision based on 3 pillars "Combat Readiness, Jump Starting Maritime Economy and Reinforcing Ideological Domain".

I am dissecting this statement of ideological domain. is it ideological domain of territorial integrity, or islamic principles of power projection when injustice is wide spread, to help warfare capability beyond land, to take forces across where injustice might be taking place.... i am questioning the depth of this pillar....

we will spend money deploy forces lets just say of Serbia was happening we had the capability, we wouldve dropped forces to protect mass execution of muslims... or if rohingya was happening, drop forces to protect the persecution of women and children.

Get it ???

I can read thanks. I am also aware that power projection does not nessacarily require a off shore marine capability it could mean many things. Nowhere does the vision suggest we need this capability. Russia, France and Japan can project maritime power without needs a large number of deployable marines.

Also try and base your posts in some sort of reality. The US Marines has 3 Divisions, 400 aircraft, 500 helicopters, 11 amphib assault ships. Even though could not fight an enemy without massive US Army and Navy help.
I can read thanks. I am also aware that power projection does not nessacarily require a off shore marine capability it could mean many things. Nowhere does the vision suggest we need this capability. Russia, France and Japan can project maritime power without needs a large number of deployable marines.

Also try and base your posts in some sort of reality. The US Marines has 3 Divisions, 400 aircraft, 500 helicopters, 11 amphib assault ships. Even though could not fight an enemy without massive US Army and Navy help.

Pakistan has Marines, i fully see them expanding based on the last pillar to have amphious capability of a atleast a brigade size in a decade or two.

Agree with the last statement, only Marines wont be able to project power, triade needs to be developed.

Vision is a vision and its not a plan or an exeuction. you build on the vision. So you wont see in vision "reinforcing ideological domain" what it means, thats what i am questioning and dissecting, and you are going bonkers as to what my conclusions are... lol
Pakistan has Marines, i fully see them expanding based on the last pillar to have amphious capability of a atleast a brigade size in a decade or two.

Agree with the last statement, only Marines wont be able to project power, triade needs to be developed.

Vision is a vision and its not a plan or an exeuction. you build on the vision. So you wont see in vision "reinforcing ideological domain" what it means, thats what i am questioning and dissecting, and you are going bonkers as to what my conclusions are... lol

No, you are simply making things up in your head. You are jumping to conclusions that do not exist. Have a look and study of UK's Royal Marine's Commando Brigade, and everything it requires and it's roles. Even 3 Commando Brigade cannot operate without NATO support, but in your head you seem to think in 10 years Pakistan has the need and the resources to create such a unit and send it to certain death to perform a role that actually detracts from Pakistan Armed Forces main job of holding back India. Do you know how insane you are starting to sound here?

Essentially now you have made a sweeping statement publicly, realised how irrelevant it is, but pride is stopping you from admitting it, and forcing you to carry on posting, this getting deeper and deeper into supporting an argument you simply cannot sustain....
A strong PN to corner Indian Navy from the west, while PLAN can press on its domination in the eastern seas. It would be interesting to see what Naval assets IN will deploy against PN permanently and which ones will IN send off towards seas where PLAN ships patrol.
I think we shall soon see a new shopping list from the Indian navy, their biggest worry is our new fleet of submarines, i must admit I'm impressed by their new smart anti submarine weapon test, if it actually is as claimed, but I'm sure we'll have something similar in few years, technically it isn't too hard, but it's good thinking.

No matter what Indian navy does, it's quiet clear that we have adopted a clear rational approach.

So far it had been defence of the coastline and port areas, enough to avoid a blockade.

Now, our defence line is the EEZ, the Indian navy should not be able to challenge us in that space, it seems logical that the next step will be the Arabian sea, that would give our merchant shipping greater secure lines of trade into the red sea than the open ocean.

Then we should be at the level of peer competitor navy.

In all this excitement about new ships, everyone has missed an awesome news, he mentioned a detailed survey of our EEZ for oil and gas resources.
And, according to him, it seems we may have the fourth largest gas reserves in the world. The next survey is to identify suitable drilling locations.
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