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Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

No body is talking about this but r we getting 1 sub for free..?

Anyone has info on yaun class subs ?
It seems heavier then s20 one
Not getting but already got as per CNS speech. A free sub as a training platform. It's yuan class and not exactly same as hangoor class but it is 'similar'. A training sub mainly required to familiarize crews with chinese design submarines because PN has no prior experience of this. We have been operating only french subs for many decades.
Regarding Spec Ops troops, you need a lot of support staff to maintain Ops, so alot of that increase will be in that area.

Much of the programme is highly classified, I was actually surprised that the PNS, divulged the info, range is classified, until it is revealed, even then it might be inaccurate to keep the enemy guessing.

The missile will be able to be fired from multiple platforms (similar to Babur), ie ground based coastal batteries, ships, and submarines.

It will give the PN a huge standoff capability and will confine the enemy to port or make him stay hundreds of km away to keep his platforms out of range.

To build and enforce such a capability, wouldn't a radar of commensurate range also be required for ground-based coastal batteries?
Thanks for providing input on Marine assault tying it in PN capabilities. not sure if you can answer it for other folks on the forum, why would Egyptians go for Mistral amphibious assault vehicles and how their doctrine makes it a sense for them to have it?

Does LD75 or Wasp can sense with dedicated airarm along with destroyers for air cover?

Egypt's requirements are distinct, and very different from Pakistan's. Each platform, an asset or doctrine has to be in sync with your realities.

Egypt's primary concerns are Israel, Turkey, Libya, Sudan and Ethiopia.

Israel has a smaller landmass so if a conflict ever arose, Egypt would be in a position to use the Mistrals, because it's supply lines are short, whether it would be effective is another matter, theoretically it makes sense and it could be effective.

It has no direct conflict with Turkey and hasn't got a chance in hell of landing on Turkish soil, but in the Mediterranean sea, if there are Turkish platforms such as oil or gas wells etc, then it could use these for an effective assault.

It can use these to effectively support any forces from the sea in Libya, that's also where it's interests collide with Turkey, it could even use these to assist in the blockade of Libyan coastline.

The Mistral give an added option to land troops behind the front lines in Sudan, fighting on the border, plus a beach head slightly deeper on Sudanese soil.

Regarding Ethiopia, it has no border, as it is on the other side of Sudan, so combined with fighter jets, airborne troops and the Mistral, it gives Egypt an offensive capability, how effective it might be is another matter, but with those, its words carry weight so even without a war, with the mistral Egypt can threaten with an actual capability.

Pakistan is in a different situation altogether, with a larger enemy that has an effective navy, and much longer supply lines, put simply it makes no sense to establish a beachhead on Indian soil. @Signalian has explained it beautifully, just take his thinking a step further and one can see it would be suicidal to make any such attempt.
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To build and enforce such a capability, wouldn't a radar of commensurate range also be required for ground-based coastal batteries?

Wish I could say,.............nuff said.
Any idea what could be the range of P 282 Ballistic Missile. Also personally I think Submarine launched Babur range also should be increased to 1500 KM and develop a Ship based version of Babur with 1500 KM range also.

@Ark_Angel @Thorough Pro @Path-Finder

Range is classified, also our public missile range is in the ballpark and keeps the enemy guessing.
Egyptian purchase of Mistral was biggest white elephant in defence history for years. Basically ships were meant for Russia, France changed it's mind and was actually going to scrap them. Egypt bought them along with Russian attack helicopters (come say deal financed by Saudis), so everyone was happy. These ships have no use for Egypt other than as a floating helipad.

They dont even have marines to put in the ships.....
France hold that due to crimea crisis
In sum, externally sourced as well as indigenous.
But majority of such plans fall in 2028-2040 time bracket.
In fact it is also the time-line for the MilDen: 2040...

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey has launched the country’s first indigenous submarine program, known as MILDEN, a Turkish acronym for “national submarine."
Under the plan, local defense contractors will design, develop and produce the R-class submarines at domestic shipyards by using the technology they earned from an ongoing submarine program.

Rear Adm. Mehmet Sari, deputy general director for the Defence Ministry’s shipyards department, said now that specialist teams have been assigned to the submarine program, the next phase is construction planning.

Delivery of the first sub to the Turkish Navy is expected by 2040.

The air-independent propulsion submarines will feature silent cruising, advanced heavy torpedoes and guided missiles. Several local contractors, from electronics specialists to missile makers, are to join the consortium that will build the submarines. The vessels will be constructed at the Gölcük naval shipyards.

“The program will be a copy of the German contract,” a naval specialist in Ankara told Defense News.

Any idea what could be the range of P 282 Ballistic Missile. Also personally I think Submarine launched Babur range also should be increased to 1500 KM and develop a Ship based version of Babur with 1500 KM range also.

@Ark_Angel @Thorough Pro @Path-Finder
Technically Harba is a refined form of Babur.
Ranges are Classified can’t be disclosed. What they claim on paper and the real range is mostly understated.
P-282 size....Can’t disclose on on open source platform.
Alhamdolillah. Finally. PN is getting what it deserved since long.

I have written extensively on Indian Ocean, Naval Aviation Trends etc. when i was associated with a think tank back in 2010-12. It is good sign that now we are finally moving from a Brown Water navy to a Green water navy. (Blue water is still far away and in new strategic alignment that must not be our goal either). My only concern is once all 13 LRMPA became part of PN, how PN is going to escort them in offensive missions? Certainly, we will see fighter squadrons becoming part of Air Arm of PN. On Surface fleet, I think once current planned acquisitions completed, Destroyers will be next logical thing especially equipped with ballistic/guided missiles.

Lastly, I have read too many times on this forum that money is a problem for PN or PAF. After what Ex-ACM Aman and Ex-CNS Abbasi achieved, we must understand the simple fact, vision is more important then anything else. Like PAF. PN will counter/deter all the capabilities possessed by our enemy (read India) InshaAllah. This also shows, that current government is supportive to all modernization programs be it army, air force or navy.
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