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Ex-Mukti Bahini activist says India wants to occupy former princely states.

I agree that India under Modi has an expansionist agenda. If not by physically occupying neighbouring countries, then at least politically subjugating them, like they have done to a couple of states already.

Well, they also want to occupy parts of Pakistan, so at least Pakistan should never trust any Indian government until they accept that the historical state of Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed region and not an internal matter of India.
You are just straying all over with your frustration. You know that right? You also seem really depressed for some reason.

Hope you get well:)

I'm pretty damn happy but you know what will make me even happier? Bashing some Indians. I would say more but I would get banned. The Mughals should have come down harder on you heathens. And also your monkeys and elephants (no I'm not talking about the animals)
That’s freedom fighting with uprising against occupying force which is not same as terrorism.

Kashmir is illegali occupied. East pak was not occupied because it was Pakistan by itself.
Yes, reflecting on that shows us all your tigerish action and energetic activity; how many keyboards have you 'actioned' so far?
Ohhh but of course, I'm the one who's all bluster and false bravado!?.... ....rich words coming from the "bhakt-nudger" in chief around here. Honestly, you must think Pakistanis were born yesterday.

You keep on nudging those sanghees forwards, it'll only delay the inevitable for the snakes lurking behind them.
Kashmir is illegali occupied. East pak was not occupied because it was Pakistan by itself.

When Pakistani army from 25th March night and onward started to kill innocent civilians, police, ansar, border guards of East Bengal origin with intention to not handover power to the elected representative it turned into a occupying power.
Ohhh but of course, I'm the one who's all bluster and false bravado!?

But what else? Let's go by the evidence. What have you done for either country? Ever? I, I have paid my dues. I have nothing to reproach myself with. What about you? :undecided:

.... ....rich words coming from the "bhakt-nudger" in chief around here. Honestly, you must think Pakistanis were born yesterday.


A public convenience for all of you that have no reasonable argument to put up, and resort to the cheapest innuendo. But then again, what else? Expensive innuendo?

You keep on nudging those sanghees forwards, it'll only delay the inevitable for the snakes lurking behind them.

Sounds quite literary, but effectively, on examination, means nothing. What sanghee (whatever that is)? And what snakes? Another cuttlefish episode, and it is tempting to point out, but what else?
funny because Muslims bore the brunt for initially
Overall stats and accounts suggest otherwise, but many of you did stand up for your ethnic brothers, perhaps this puzzled the West Pakistanis, that how could a group that spearheaded the Partition movement on the basis of religion support those who were considered as subhumans and kuffars.
A public convenience for all of you that have no reasonable argument to put up, and resort to the cheapest innuendo.
So I'm indulging in imaginary cheap shot accusations am I? Ok, let's consider the evidence for your "moderate" credentials shall we?

Do kashmiris deserve a plebiscite according to you? NO

Should Indian state apparatus acknowledge its role and culpability in funding or supporting armed separatist groups and/or terrorists in neighbouring countries (SL, China and Pakistan that are confirmed) according to you? Again, NO. The other day you said to me India only gave Mukhti Bahini gun training - as if this obviates or precludes the definition of Indian state support for a separatist/terrorist group acting against the sovereign nation of Pakistan.

You're not a moderate in the slightest. You quietly nudge overt bhakts to do your dirty work. Your occasional diatribes against your own operatives sustains (poorly) the camouflage from within which you subtly operate. This "nudging" is not obvious at first, but in time...

The mistake you've made Mr Shearer - that is hard to now undo - is that instead of cautiously cultivating your false personality and creating believability for others, you chose to accept and believe your own propaganda as flawless. You honestly think people can't see through this transparent layer of skin itching to be shed and discarded in the undergrowth.

I have been brought up in the west. I know what genuine liberals or genuine moderates look like. You're not one of them. You're just another bhakt in disguise.

I shall end my surgical strike here and permit you to reverse out if you so choose, as believe it or not, I very much respect you as a worthy opponent.
No, they had fatwah from 5 dollar mullah.
Bengalis are KAFIR and their women are 'ghanimah'/gonimot er mal aka war booty.
Provide credible evidence for this blatant accusation.

When Pakistani army from 25th March night and onward started to kill innocent civilians, police, ansar, border guards of East Bengal origin with intention to not handover power to the elected representative it turned into a occupying power.
Mukti started killings a few days earlier. Killings by PA were child's play compared to massacres committed by Muktos. Your side wasn't clean either.
So I'm indulging in imaginary cheap shot accusations am I? Ok, let's consider the evidence for your "moderate" credentials shall we?

Do kashmiris deserve a plebiscite according to you? NO

Should Indian state apparatus acknowledge its role and culpability in funding or supporting armed separatist groups and/or terrorists in neighbouring countries (SL, China and Pakistan that are confirmed) according to you? Again, NO.

The other day you said to me India only gave Mukhti Bahini gun training - as if this obviates or precludes the definition of Indian state support for a separatist/terrorist group acting against the sovereign nation of Pakistan.

You're not a moderate in the slightest.

You quietly nudge overt bhakts to do your dirty work. Your occasional diatribes against your own operatives sustains (poorly) the camouflage from within which you subtly operate. This "nudging" is not obvious at first, but in time...

The mistake you've made Mr Shearer - that is hard to now undo - is that instead of cautiously cultivating your false personality and creating believability for others, you chose to accept and believe your own propaganda as flawless. You honestly think people can't see through this transparent layer of skin itching to be shed and discarded in the undergrowth.

I have been brought up in the west. I know what genuine liberals or genuine moderates look like. You're not one of them. You're just another bhakt in disguise.

I shall end my surgical strike here and permit you to reverse out if you so choose, as believe it or not, I very much respect you as a worthy opponent.

Provide credible evidence for this blatant accusation.

You will find it in the official court records of the accused in the recent trials of the leaders of these monsters.

Mukti started killings a few days earlier. Killings by PA were child's play compared to massacres committed by Muktos. Your side wasn't clean either.

Nothing happened before 25th March other than the revolt of the East Bengal Rifles the border guards, and the East Pakistan Regiment. Whatever 'massacres' you are referring to happened long afterwards, after Liberation. No side was clean in that civil war. I will not go further, because I do not want to light any fires.
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This is pathetic; I DO NOT claim to be a moderate. That is a straw man built by you and others like you to strike down and prove a dubious point.

I do claim to be a pacifist; there is a difference. I do not want war between our two nations, but until that point, my nation's long-standing policies - NOT those concocted by the present bunch of mountebanks - have my full support. If it comes to that, we have had war thrust upon us four times and we have had to fight back, and there is nothing moderate or extremist in any loyal Indian stating that.

Absolutely, NO. How does that make me a moderate or an extremist?

YES, when established. Not based on vague, fanboy accusations.

It does. That was a situation when Pakistan refused, not once but on numerous occasions, to take steps to calm things down, and to stop massacring its own citizens.

Pakistan at that point had completely lost its moral authority in East Pakistan.

I am not, and have never claimed to be. It is you and your kind who have tried to stick all kinds of labels on, in order to win a cheap victory proving them, of your own originating, spurious. I am, and continue to be, one who hopes for peace between our two nations, but not at any cost; not at the cost of sacrificing our entire stand, not at the cost of succumbing entirely to the entire dhobi-list of demands from the other side.


Take out your frustrations elsewhere.

There is nothing to see through.

The benefits of having been brought up in the west are far from visible in your case. It has made no difference.

Try to understand this that follows: it will be difficult, and will give you a headache, but persist, because I will say it only once.

I am a liberal as far as my country's politics is concerned. I do not see where liberalism spills over into foreign policy, or into the stand that my country has taken, outside the belligerence and bigotry of the present generation of bhakts. As far as my being a bhakt is concerned, it is apparent from your diatribe that you wouldn't recognise one if you were kicked in - the elbow, shall we say? - by one. There are obnoxious bhakts in plenty on PDF; it is better that you ask them. Do not trust your own judgement; it does not exist.

Surgical strike? Reminds me of something, but I can't seem to recall exactly.

Part of my fury against you, and against another almost like you, whom I have put on my ignore list out of sheer frustration, is that you have an abundance of talent but have chosen to put it to perverted use. I can stand the unreconstructed peasants who spout venom against another country, in season and out of season; I cannot stand it when an obviously educated and - irrespective of what I say to diminish your arguments - a well-rounded person of some social standing behaves in this utterly insufferable manner. And you may pass on my compliments to @El Sidd as well, the other character who completely enfuriates me. For the rest, for the gutter-tongues, I have only affectionate disdain, with the two vying for primacy depending on the thread.

You notice that I leave out the dozens of very respectable Pakistanis who mirror my feelings almost exactly, with polite, old-worldly courtesy towards me personally overlaying an inflexible loyalty to the national objectives of Pakistan. I count them among my friends; they are officers and gentlemen, whether they serve or not, they belong to that class, and however deeply I might oppose them, it is an opposition to their positions on various matters of interest to our nations. Not to them personally. I wish you had somewhere abandoned your trashy, shallow posturing and instead opted for their sentiments, for their devout loyalty to the state of Pakistan coupled with regard to the opponent who will uphold his country's interests to the utmost. Not one of them - not one! - has insulted my nation as a nation, or my people as a people, and it is inconceivable that they will. That is not the way we were brought up.

Take this away if you wish - I am NOT a moderate. I am a loyal Indian who will listen to another point of view, and will give it its due respect, and a liberal in the politics of my country, who hates the bhakts, despises the corruption of the Congress, and has seen the blood spilt by the Communists, and wishes to stand aloof from all of that pack. And I have never, ever, taken a sly delight in the excesses of the bhakts; there are some other Indians of my sort who do not dissemble but blurt out what they think, not because they are bhakts, but because they will not patiently sit and hammer out the exact, precise that they wish to convey, and hence get misunderstood by fanboys. I have thanked @Jackdaws; he is not a bhakt. I have thanked @BL33D; he is mischievous and far too prone to stirring up trouble to watch the fun that ensues, but he is not a bhakt. I have thanked @Nilgiri; he and I are of opposite views on Indian politics - he is a conservative (not a bhakt) and I am a liberal - and I will not permit him to ride roughshod over the feelings of my Bangladeshi brethren, but we respect each other.

You will find it in the official court records of the accused in the recent trials of the leaders of these monsters.

Nothing happened before 25th March other than the revolt of the East Bengal Rifles the border guards, and the East Pakistan Regiment. Whatever 'massacres' you are referring to happened long afterwards, after Liberation. No side was clean in that civil war. I will not go further, because I do not want to light any fires.
So be it. So clearly this has degenerated into an attempt at character assassination. Firstly, the thing you don't get is that I have no problem if you are infuriated by me or angered by me, or even disappointed in me. You're the most patronising old git around here, not to mention the most self-obsessed. That other Pakistanis or Indians facilitate this persona of yours is their business. Perhaps they get a thrill out of it. I should follow suit instead of doing you a favour by holding the mirror up for you.

Secondly, whether you define yourself as moderate or liberal or centrist or pacifist, your intentions with regards to India and Pakistan are exposed routinely these days.

Fair play mate. You've served your country and obviously have expertise but let's not kid ourselves - you align seamlessly with the bhakts barking their agenda around these parts. This is fine by the way - no problem at all - carry on in fact. We love every minute of the ongoing downward spiral.

India doesn't want peace with Pakistan. India views Pakistan as an illegitimate creation that India has every right to rectify. Nationalism in India is expansionist and aggressive. One cannot plead innocence by declaring oneself a nationalist in India, when the very concept of Indian nationalism demands deconstruction and interference in other nations and aggressive manipulation to this end. It's the same criticism I have for Indians who declare their nation to be democratic or secular. It's a simple fraud. These frauds of innocent nationalism, democracy and secularism lie exposed, and it was actually non-bhakts who paved the way for it, starting with the resistance to Pakistan and the desperate Nehru land grab in 1947. Bhakts in India are actually on the same continuum and are a natural evolution of people like you.

Take it as you wish - it's free advice, unsolicited but honest. I shouldn't really be telling you to be honest.

Have a good day for now and look after yourself.
Yeah, right.

My post was deemed to be propaganda.

Nevermind the state sponsored propaganda on here.


My lord Goebbels, art thou proud of thy son ?
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So be it. So clearly this has degenerated into an attempt at character assassination. Firstly, the thing you don't get is that I have no problem if you are infuriated by me or angered by me, or even disappointed in me. You're the most patronising old git around here, not to mention the most self-obsessed. That other Pakistanis or Indians facilitate this persona of yours is their business. Perhaps they get a thrill out of it. I should follow suit instead of doing you a favour by holding the mirror up for you.

Secondly, whether you define yourself as moderate or liberal or centrist or pacifist, your intentions with regards to India and Pakistan are exposed routinely these days.

Fair play mate. You've served your country and obviously have expertise but let's not kid ourselves - you align seamlessly with the bhakts barking their agenda around these parts. This is fine by the way - no problem at all - carry on in fact. We love every minute of the ongoing downward spiral.

India doesn't want peace with Pakistan. India views Pakistan as an illegitimate creation that India has every right to rectify. Nationalism in India is expansionist and aggressive. One cannot plead innocence by declaring oneself a nationalist in India, when the very concept of Indian nationalism demands deconstruction and interference in other nations and aggressive manipulation to this end. It's the same criticism I have for Indians who declare their nation to be democratic or secular. It's a simple fraud. These frauds of innocent nationalism, democracy and secularism lie exposed, and it was actually non-bhakts who paved the way for it, starting with the resistance to Pakistan and the desperate Nehru land grab in 1947. Bhakts in India are actually on the same continuum and are a natural evolution of people like you.

Take it as you wish - it's free advice, unsolicited but honest. I shouldn't really be telling you to be honest.

Have a good day for now and look after yourself.

I lost my temper and said things I should not have said normally. I am deleting that post, and apologising for the harsh language used. That is without accepting a single particle of what you have stated above, which is the most arrant nonsense. My apology is something that I owe to myself and to the way I was taught to be, as much as I owe to you.
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