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Ex-Mukti Bahini activist says India wants to occupy former princely states.

what truth do u speak of? Which country in the world deserves any respect for gunning down intellectual civilians as soon as they realised u were about to surrender? The night of 14 th of December? You rolled in the streets of Dhaka with ur tanks and fired heavy artillery. You didn’t care about hundreds of thousands of ur soldiers raping women. These are documented crimes. There are pictures of intellectual civilians laying on a bed of bricks after being seized from their homes. You fired on students of Dhaka University imposing curfew on them killing 4 of them. Your politicians and military hierarchy considered Bengalis to be of low caste. The atrocities are well documented. Keep trolling and they will all come out . We wish the Pakistanis well and I support them in their endeavour against fascist India. I hope Pakistan progresses and become a beacon of The Defense of Muslims. Let’s not dig up the past. Let’s build up good relationships.

I don’t agree with what Bhutto did and he was wrong. But to say Bangladesh is now free is like spitting on your own face.
I don’t agree with what Bhutto did and he was wrong. But to say Bangladesh is now free is like spitting on your own face.

No it is far from being free. And we are right now our own enemy. I never refused to admit that. And for the sake of all of us moving on nd taking our nations forward against those who want to see us destroyed , I deleted the posts. Let’s just build the bridges. Hopefully the two countries will start building a good relationship
Just admit the truth. Bangladeshis sided with India against Pakistan

There’s no need to get emotional when there are cold hard facts involved. what happened by declaring treachery as ‘freedom fighting’. Freedom generally constitutes being free, which your country clearly is not. Don’t insult our intelligence.

Could the separation have happened under more amicable circumstances? Sure and personally I would have been in favor of that. But that still doesn’t change the fact that muktis were Indian backed.
After the creation of BD, 100% of her Muslims understood they got duped big time:
  • BD governments, the more corrupt the better, have to be stooges under India to allow BD to be plundered by India as much as she wishes; no other choices whatsoever
  • 2m BD folks died of famine in 1974 caused by the Indians controlling the supply chain of almost all stuffs
  • The major rivers are blocked by India and water get diverted during the dry seasons. Hence, rivers have got dried up raising their beds. During the rainy season water is allowed to cause floods of the Biblical proportions
  • Even the ex Mukti folks turned into insurgency against Mujib for his subordination to Indian interests. So, he killed 40K of them with an order to kill them wherever they're found
  • When ZAB visited Dacca in 1974, in connection to the OIC meeting, the government had to use militia to disperse folks who thronged en masse to greet him
  • When Mujib got eliminated, by the ex Mukti and ex Pak Ordu members, in the most brutal manner not a single folk protested it. All BD Muslims got overwhelmed with joy
  • BD Muslims whole heatedly supported President Ziaur Rehman, an ex Mukti and ex Pak intelligence/infantry officer, when he changed her course by adopting measures which would have made a mini Pak out of BD
  • In 1981, President Ziaur Rehman was assassinated via a conspiracy hatched by RAW
  • The rest is history...
BD Muslims hate India 10X more than the Paks for they're 10X more in the receiving end with "ZERO" opportunity to pay back...
I meet many bangladeshi friends and despite being cozy and chummy with india they all are afraid of indian political clout and india actually taking control over their country.
What kind of friend is afraid of takeover by its friend and who live in fear of a friend?
That’s disputed territory not freedom fighting.
As expected you don't call it freedom fighting and FYI freedom fighting can only happen in disputed territory and what your mukhtis did in East Pakistan was total terrorism because east Pakistan was not disputed territory and mukhti terrorists were against state.
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Indian politicians have been engineering consent for invading Bangladesh for good 5 years.
Indian politicians have been engineering consent for invading Bangladesh for good 5 years.

Yeh khana-ki baat nahi, Hazam karney ka baat hai.

India may try to invade and occupy Bangladesh - but can they keep it that way?

They know - and that's why they did not, even in 1971. It's a question of strategy and getting maybe more than you bargained for.

When the Sheikh asked, they withdrew their troops. That was one of the major beefs India had with the Sheikh.
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You will find it in the official court records of the accused in the recent trials of the leaders of these monsters.

Nothing happened before 25th March other than the revolt of the East Bengal Rifles the border guards, and the East Pakistan Regiment. Whatever 'massacres' you are referring to happened long afterwards, after Liberation. No side was clean in that civil war. I will not go further, because I do not want to light any fires.

I seem to have been tagged here for some reason, the tag is missing now though.

Take it easy Joe. Those in the know + reasonable, know best.... not much reason to go too hard with those unknowing and unreasonable (in interests of your time, worthiness, effort, health etc).

I just got a two week cooler send for similar....too much of a large baying mob gathered I suppose....and my supposedly weighty voice needs making an example of increasingly it seems.

I would say likewise to @DalalErMaNodi , play the game selectively and concisely. Don't waste too much effort.....prioritise according to the worthiness of the recipient as much as you can. But if you got spare time for fun etc, then go for more of course.

Fascinatingly consistent display of obsession with Bangladesh by Bekub ve Bakkol. Never seen someone compose such long fictitious essays on BD sourced right out of the "dark".
Yeh khana-ka baat nahi hai, Hazam karney ka baat hai.

India may try to invade and occupy Bangladesh - but can they keep it that way?

They know - and that's why they did not, even in 1971. It's a question of strategy and getting more than you bargained for.

When the Sheikh asked, they withdrew their troops. That was one of the major beefs India had with the Sheikh.
The actual reason behind that is Sheikh sb want sth to Show the World and the Muslim Ummah.
The actual reason behind that is Sheikh sb want sth to Show the World and the Muslim Ummah.
It is because of Mujib's pro-Pakistan allegience that we lost so much blood. Bengali servicemen already saw the March massacre coming and were ready to revolt and isolate East Pakistan to minimise bloodshed. It is Mujib's insistance to negotiate with a pos like Yahya that allowed PA reinforcements time to land. We would not have required to drag India in had Mujib declared rebellion in time.
Pakistan Army's endless blunders only make India stronger.
It is because of Mujib's pro-Pakistan allegience that we lost so much blood. Bengali servicemen already saw the March massacre coming and were ready to revolt and isolate East Pakistan to minimise bloodshed. It is Mujib's insistance to negotiate with a pos like Yahya that allowed PA reinforcements time to land. We would not have required to drag India in had Mujib declared rebellion in time.
Pakistan Army's endless blunders only make India stronger.
What a load of crap....
Pardon me but Consider for a moment that there is only Pakistan and BD.... let aside the UN and Muslim ummah....
You can't stand against 1 million soldiers,1500 modren mbts 75 F-16s and 150 JF-17, not forget to mention the world's 4th biggest nuclear warheads stock....it is a piece of cake for us....You will surrender within hours otherwise there will be more than WW2 replay and then you will certainly surrender....You don't have any air force....Even Myanmar air force can form air superiority on the whole bangladesh.

Thats your reality
But it is also a reality that in the future, we rather prefer Aliens on other planets than Bangladeshis.
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What a load of crap....
Pardon me but Consider for a moment that there is only Pakistan and BD.... let aside the UN and Muslim ummah....
You can't stand against 1 million soldiers,1500 modren mbts 75 F-16s and 150 JF-17, not forget to mention the world's 4th biggest nuclear warheads stock....it is a piece of cake for us....You will surrender within hours otherwise there will be more than WW2 replay and then you will certainly surrender....You don't have any air force....Even Myanmar air force can form air superiority on the whole bangladesh.

Thats your reality
But it is also a reality that in the future, we rather prefer Aliens on other planets than Bangladeshis.
What on Earth are you talking about? Good luck ferrying all that equipment to BD without perishing in the sea. Why on Earth would BD fight Pakistan anyway?

And please, don't you worry about our "reality". Pakistan has enough "reality" to deal with in your lifetime. Maybe start by retrieving territory you claim to be yours from foreign occupation?
Okay can Pakistanis and Bangaldeshis please stop fighting all the time? Why are we carrying forward Yahya, Mujib and Bhutto's legacies forward?

Those power hungry fools and bastardos (in Bhutto's case) did what they did. Why are we fighting with each other on their behalf? Remember the common Pakistani and Bangladeshi had no gripes with each other even then, it was the ruling elite. Let us not fall in their trap.

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