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Ex-Mukti Bahini activist says India wants to occupy former princely states.

Which States is he talking about?

I lost my temper and said things I should not have said normally. I am deleting that post, and apologising for the harsh language used. That is without accepting a single particle of what you have stated above, which is the most arrant nonsense. My apology is something that I owe to myself and to the way I was taught to be, as much as I owe to you.

Everyone loses it every now and then. You aren't the Dalai Lama.
Which States is he talking about?

Everyone loses it every now and then. You aren't the Dalai Lama.

I felt terrible.

Perhaps it was my bad physical state. I was lying down but felt compelled to come and correct things. Noblesse oblige.
I felt terrible.

Perhaps it was my bad physical state. I was lying down but felt compelled to come and correct things. Noblesse oblige.
Joe, I retain as much adversarial respect for you as I did before, even if I am almost constantly at loggerheads with you. So I sincerely hope you're not too unwell and back to top form soon. Take it easy.
@Foxtrot Alpha @Slav Defence @Arsalan
@waz @BHarwana @PakSword
@The Eagle @WebMaster

Please keep that TROLL Bengali in his short....
Look what he is accusing against Pakistan army and pulling out the graved coffins....
This starts a shit storm.

listen no one is trolling here. You have ur own version of wat took place in 71. But the Pakistanis were nothing short of genocidal and that’s a fact. There was inhuman racial discrimination against Bengalis. There was trade discrimination against Bengalis tho the whole of Pakistan was dependent on it for various important production lines. The massacre of Bengali intellectuals that crippled our community. We suffer for it till this day. Stop running ur mouth in this thread if u don’t like to face the fact. The whole nation stands to testify these things. Let’s not dig up the past okay? Let’s try to build a friendly BD- Pak relationship. It’s easy to state watever the hell u want wen u are on the other side of the bank. Come over on this side to see if from the perspective of the accusers.
Some users are irked and disgruntled about some dismemberment of some nation that took place 50 years ago and have to make snide remarks over it, but then preach Islamic brotherhood and lecture others about picking up old bones.

Our people will never develop until we can put an end to this, you did this, so I did that mentality. Hypocrisy is a plague in this region.

Reconciliation is a two way street.
Mate, this premise of yours is pure baloney. Most Pakistanis are happy for Bangladesh and glad that the strategic impossibility of protecting east Pakistan is not a concern any
more. Also, I don't think anyone is speaking of Bangladesh Bhai Bhai ummah chummah.

I otherwise agree with your conclusions and overall sentiments. Bangladeshis might also consider visiting Pakistan to also gain an understanding that all is not as straightforward as some elders may make it out to be.
Mate, this premise of yours is pure baloney. Most Pakistanis are happy for Bangladesh and glad that the strategic impossibility of protecting east Pakistan is not a concern any
more. Also, I don't think anyone is speaking of Bangladesh Bhai Bhai ummah chummah.

I otherwise agree with your conclusions and overall sentiments. Bangladeshis might also consider visiting Pakistan to also gain an understanding that all is not as straightforward as some elders may make it out to be.

I'm not painting the entirety of the Pakistani nation with the same brush, I have met enough Pakistanis to know, that good and bad people exist everywhere and this applies to Pakistan as well.

The point I was trying to make and have made in the past, is that this forum is loaded to the brim with people who have extreme views.

Sad fact is that the sensible Pakistanis on here are vastly out numbered by those whose world views are clouded by nationalistic fervour, to a point where is best obnoxious and toxic.

However, this platform is still good, due to the sensible people from all sides on here who make it possible for one to have an actual discussion without offensive discourse.

And we both know that the ummah chummah users exist, you can see them every now and then, spouting some gibberish. Coming to Pakistanis wishing Bangladesh the best, perhaps that may be true but the loudest voices from among the Pakistanis on here are ones that are always entangled with negativity, slave to their own biases and spewing abusive filth in textual form. Case in point the post, I reported earlier.

As for my prior statements being 'baloney', that's understandable, you're entitled to your opinion and I will respect that. What's important is that we are having an exchange of views instead of stooping down to name calling and tirades.
I'm not painting the entirety of the Pakistani nation with the same brush, I have met enough Pakistanis to know, that good and bad people exist everywhere and this applies to Pakistan as well.

The point I was trying to make and have made in the past, is that this forum is loaded to the brim with people who have extreme views.

Sad fact is that the sensible Pakistanis on here are vastly out numbered by those whose world views are clouded by nationalistic fervour, to a point where is best obnoxious and toxic.

However, this platform is still good, due to the sensible people from all sides on here who make it possible for one to have an actual discussion without offensive discourse.

And we both know that the ummah chummah users exist, you can see them every now and then, spouting some gibberish. Coming to Pakistanis wishing Bangladesh the best, perhaps that may be true but the loudest voices from among the Pakistanis on here are ones that are always entangled with negativity, slave to their own biases and spewing abusive filth in textual form. Case in point the post, I reported earlier.

As for my prior statements being 'baloney', that's understandable, you're entitled to your opinion and I will respect that. What's important is that we are having an exchange of views instead of stooping down to name calling and tirades.
Regarding Mukti Bahini or 1971 there are many things you will never understand. Things you don't know & there are things you will never know what happened how it happened & who did it.

Please listen to this video & try to understand what I mean. He is not taking Bangladesh but this is what was done to you.

He take the name Pakistan & India cause at that time you were Pakistan. India is not capable of anything it was Russians who made Bangladesh & we took the revenge by making 1000 pieces of USSR. India don't has the capability of achieving anything. Please listen to whole video it will help you a lot.
listen no one is trolling here. You have ur own version of wat took place in 71. But the Pakistanis were nothing short of genocidal and that’s a fact. There was inhuman racial discrimination against Bengalis. There was trade discrimination against Bengalis tho the whole of Pakistan was dependent on it for various important production lines. The massacre of Bengali intellectuals that crippled our community. We suffer for it till this day. Stop running ur mouth in this thread if u don’t like to face the fact. The whole nation stands to testify these things. Let’s not dig up the past okay? Let’s try to build a friendly BD- Pak relationship. It’s easy to state watever the hell u want wen u are on the other side of the bank. Come over on this side to see if from the perspective of the accusers.
The fact of matter is that Iraq is nearer to us than BD....The reality is so simple that
Pak Army starts operation against the anti national terrorists.... Which presented by bengalis as a genocide....Due to lack of education some traitors filled your mind with the logic that the West Pakistanis are feeding on your agricultural products.... And in return give you nothing.... But as the Time shows after half a century, We are not died by hunger....
And the condition of Bengalis are nearly same as 50 years ago but even I must say worse Cz only the CAA of Indian Government thunderstruck them meanwhile Most of the Paks not even know that there is a thing like CAA bill exists....
As far as the relation r concerned What relations one can form with the people which provided boats to the troops of one's Enemy and welcomed them with flowers....
@BHarwana @waz @Foxtrot Alpha @krash @Horus @Arsalan @Slav Defence

So my factual post is deemed trolling, reported to mods, tagged as 'propaganda' and then deleted but posts like these with insults are allowed to stay and users are never banned.


The class shown by certain users on here, makes sanghis look like well mannered gentlemen.

Always the obsession with Bangalis and their balls.

This some fetish I'm not aware of ?

Just admit the truth. Bangladeshis sided with India against Pakistan

There’s no need to get emotional when there are cold hard facts involved. what happened by declaring treachery as ‘freedom fighting’. Freedom generally constitutes being free, which your country clearly is not. Don’t insult our intelligence.

Could the separation have happened under more amicable circumstances? Sure and personally I would have been in favor of that. But that still doesn’t change the fact that muktis were Indian backed.
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Just admit the truth. Bangladeshis sided with India against Pakistan and are now a satellite state of India.

There’s no need to get emotional when there are cold hard facts involved. I take offense when you pussyfoot around what happened by declaring treachery as ‘freedom fighting’. Freedom generally constitutes being free, which your country clearly is not. Don’t insult our intelligence.

Could the separation have happened under more amicable circumstances? Sure and personally I would have been in favor of that. But that still doesn’t change the fact that muktis were Indian backed terrorists that committed treason.

Here's a tip : Don't lose.

Then you won't have anyone questioning your 'intelligence'.

Now scoot, come back when you can muster a proper response like a grown up and not the adolescence fueled gibberish you have been spewing on here.

Have a good one.

Many an ex Mukti Bahini, mostly hard cores, turned against Mujib, and engaged in insurgency against the BD government! They hated Mujib for his closeness to India!!! So, he killed 40K of them without any judicial procedures whatsoever!!! Guess what? The military ops to eliminate them were done by ex Pak Ordu members, who finished the half done job of their Punjabi/Pushtun colleagues...

What an irony of fate...
Some people take defeat real hard.


People should learn from their mistakes, instead of sulking over them and then eventually imploding.

That's why I say, Education is real important.

Bear in mind folks, reading up propaganda History books doesn't count under education nor does getting indoctrinated at school.

At the end of the day what we get is "I know I'm bad but you're alot worse". Self reflection and learning from ones mistakes really is impossible until you learn to accept your mistakes.

One must first start off my acknowledging their own shortfalls buy hey, ignorance is bliss.

All the better for me, if people want to let their ignorance run them aground.

Pure comedy when the existential crisis strikes and reality bites.
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