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Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligence Agency RAMA Is ‘to destabilize P

Such an intellectually profound observation. You are absolutely correct. So what if Afghanistan intelligence is actually called RAM which is the acronym for Riyasat-e-Amniyat-e-Milli, and a 'A' was added to make it sound like that dude.

Why should we be bothered by facts.


And look at even this phrase Riyasat-e-Amniyat-e-Milli, A persian one instead of Pashto.
And also check the Link of The Hindu.

And why an additional A has been added in the first place when the real acronym for Riyasat-e-Amniyat-e-Milli, is
"RAM" again the Hindu connection.

the US wanted to "reach out to the Central Asian oilfields" and "open the door there", which "was a requirement of corporate America, because the Taliban had not complied with their desire to allow an oil and gas pipeline to pass through Afghanistan. UNOCAL is a case in point. They wanted to keep the Chinese out. They wanted to give a wider security shield to the state of Israel, and they wanted to include this region into that shield. And that's why they were talking at that time very hotly about 'greater Middle East'. They were redrawing the map."

Second, the war "was to undo the Taliban regime because they had enforced Shariah", or Islamic law, which, "in the spirit of that system, if it is implemented anywhere, would mean an alternative socio-monetary system. And that they would never approve."

Third, it was "to go for Pakistan's nuclear capability", something that used to be talked about "under their lip", "but now they are openly talking about". This was the reason the US "signed this strategic deal with India, and this was brokered by Israel. So there is a nexus now between Washington, Tel Aviv, and New Delhi

Very Well Said .
Returning to the drug trade, General Gul named the brother of President Karzai, Abdul Wali Karzai. “Abdul Wali Karzai is the biggest drug baron of Afghanistan,” he stated bluntly. He added that the drug lords are also involved in arms trafficking, which is “a flourishing trade” in Afghanistan. .

A Western intelligence official told Elizabeth Rubin of the New York Times magazine: “The Karzai family has opium and blood on their hands. They systematically install low-level officials up to provincial governors to make sure that, from the farm gate, the opium is moved unfettered. When history analyses this period and looks at this family, it will uncover a litany of extensive corruption that was tolerated because the West tolerated this family.”

This is the man who has been presented internationally as the symbol of the “democracy” being forged by the US and NATO in Afghanistan.

In recent months, US and NATO politicians, analysts and military commanders have voiced concerns that the corrupt character of the Kabul government has become a major factor in the growth of the Taliban-led insurgency. Millions of Afghans correctly view Karzai as a puppet of the imperialist powers that are attempting to impose neo-colonial rule over the country."

But what is most disturbing from my point of view is that the military aircraft, American military aircraft are also being used. You said very rightly that the drug routes are northward through the Central Asia republics and through some of the Russian territory, and then into Europe and beyond. But some of it is going directly
That is by the military aircraft
. I have so many times in my interviews said, ‘Please listen to this information, because I am an aware person.’ We have Afghans still in Pakistan, and they sometimes contact and pass on the stories to me. And some of them are very authentic. I can judge that. So they are saying that the American military aircraft are being used for this purpose. So, if that is true, it is very, very disturbing indeed.”

IT is a known fact that CIA had been funding worldwise operations through drug money and US military aircraft had been used in transporting drugs in the past too.
IT is a known fact that CIA had been funding worldwise operations through drug money and US military aircraft had been used in transporting drugs in the past too.

They have been using them mostly for black ops, especially to keep the govt completely out of it and keep the hand behind the money untraceable.
IT is a known fact that CIA had been funding worldwise operations through drug money and US military aircraft had been used in transporting drugs in the past too.

They have been using them mostly for black ops, especially to keep the govt completely out of it and keep the hand behind the money untraceable.

Yes secret operation but they use military aircrafts for transportation of drugs means their military is also a partner in this crime.
Ok, if someone is bringing in the Hindu thingy in this thread, what's wrong with it? i mean let's keep the religion aside but the ideology stays!

Connecting the Ram thing with the secret agency under discussion only implies that it would definitely have a hand from the eastern side, what's the big deal in this? The fact remains a fact, only the way it is expressed is varied, sometimes in a bitter way and sometimes we glamorize it!
IT is a known fact that CIA had been funding worldwise operations through drug money and US military aircraft had been used in transporting drugs in the past too.

They used this kind of tactics in veitname too. Heroin carried away inside the dead bodies of US soldiers.
More ever the Opium and Oil are the wepons of WAR. You may win a battle with red hot wepons but to win a war you surely need these(OIL and Drug Money) .
Because Indian Muslim, Christians, Sikhs, etc. are also as evil as Hindus when it comes to Pakistan.

You missed the most important part of my post, let me remind you, it was Hindu actually.

Now please dont rant about bringing religion in everything, if the terrorist talk everywhere can bring in Islam, conspiracy and hypocrisy would automatically bring in Hinduism.
Ok, if someone is bringing in the Hindu thingy in this thread, what's wrong with it? i mean let's keep the religion aside but the ideology stays!

Connecting the Ram thing with the secret agency under discussion only implies that it would definitely have a hand from the eastern side, what's the big deal in this? The fact remains a fact, only the way it is expressed is varied, sometimes in a bitter way and sometimes we glamorize it!

What facts are you talking about? Is the Pak-Fa a Pakistani program? is this a fact in your book?

The problem with bringing in the 'HINDU THINGY' (lol, think tank?) is that this is a baseless, nonsensical, bordering on paranoia, pointless, self righteous, and a rather stupid assertion.

Perhaps you should focus less on the name and conspiracy theory and ask real, important questions like, why is this agency against us? Why do Afghans dislike us? what can we do to change the equation in our favor? How should Pakistan position itself in this evolving security environment? (in short, THINK)

After years of meddling in Afghan affairs and backing the most violent and backward organization in recent times, are you really surprised that Afghanistan isn't particularly found of Pakistan?

Maybe you should start focusing on the real thingy. Far too much time is spent on conspiracy theories and bashing an old adversary instead of introspecting and changing your perspective 'thingy'.

Maybe you need to address your insecurity 'thingy' instead of dumping all of your own failures on India. (Of course India will always be around to capitalize on your mistakes)

Sorry for sounding rude, but this is exactly what you are doing, and aside from being counter productive to the debate its also pretty annoying.

And what do you know about Hindu ideology anyway?
Now please dont rant about bringing religion in everything, if the terrorist talk everywhere can bring in Islam, conspiracy and hypocrisy would automatically bring in Hinduism.

Nice of you to set an example !! :cheers:
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