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Ex-Indian general: Pakistan nuclear weapons prevent India from retaliatory attacks t


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Ex-Indian general: Pakistan nuclear weapons prevent India from retaliatory attacks twice

English_Xinhua 2009-03-09 17:45:49 Print

NEW DELHI, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan's possession of nuclear weapons prevented India from attacking it twice, one after the Mumbai attacks last November and the 2001 terrorist attack on Indian Parliament, the semi-official Press Trust of India quoted a former Indian Army general as saying on Monday.

Former Indian Army chief Gen. Shankar Roychowdhury told a seminar in New Delhi that Pakistan's nuclear weapons deterred India from attacking that country after the Mumbai strikes, according to the report.

He also told the seminar, entitled "Nuclear Risk Reduction and Conflict Resolve" that it was due to Pakistan's possession of nuclear weapons that India stopped short of a military retaliation following the attack on Parliament in 2001, said the report.

The 2001 Indian Parliament attack was a high-profile attack by militants belonging to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed groups against the building housing the Parliament of India in New Delhi.

The attack led to the death of a dozen people, including five terrorists, six Indian policemen and one civilian. It also led to tensions between India and Pakistan and the 2001-2002 India-Pakistan standoff.

India also blames the same militant groups for staging the Mumbai attacks, in which at least 173 people were killed and over 300 wounded.

Not entirely true. Its more of a childish interpretation of Pakistan by those who think, the first bomb pakistan is going to drop is going to be a 100megaton nuclear warhead.

India's enemies are not the people of Pakistan but the terrorists their goverment have been harbouring. A full scale war doesnt fullfill any purpose. The only thing India would have done would be to go in for surgical strikes, couple with artillery barrage or perhaps a covert mission. And if Pakistan would have really declared war then nothing more than a week long skirmish would have taken place

If something like that compels a country go nuclear, then we have some serious food for thought. And why do forget India has nukes too.
What do you think, did Israel ever hesitated to Invade Palestinian Territory when ever they got an Excuse to do what ever they want to do.

Pakistan is a Powerful Nuclear State and any country who would even dream of attacking Pakistan will get Nightmares of the consequences of Pakistan's Retaliation.

India Knows about our capabilities and that's why they are hesitating to Engage us Openly and have opted for Covert operations from Afghanistan.
Not entirely true. Its more of a childish interpretation of Pakistan by those who think, the first bomb pakistan is going to drop is going to be a 100megaton nuclear warhead.

we don't want war, But we know what to do when War is forced on us.

India's enemies are not the people of Pakistan but the terrorists their goverment have been harbouring. A full scale war doesnt fullfill any purpose. The only thing India would have done would be to go in for surgical strikes, couple with artillery barrage or perhaps a covert mission

A full scale war with Pakistan can never Fulfill Indian Objectives for sure and any Surgical Strike will be Answered with Full Force and retaliation will be severe, Regarding Covert Operations....These operations were being carried out even before 26/11 through Afghanistan and India has been directly involved in Terrorism in Pakistan and please don't say that Indian Govt is not against Pakistani people, Indian RAW is involved in Baluchistan and in Tribal Regions of Pakistan.

And if Pakistan would have really declared war then nothing more than a week long skirmish would have taken place

Yeah as you said in 1965 that we will have breakfast in Lahore Tomorrow Morning. Don't forget that it took you guys 62 hours to deal with only 10 Pakistanis during 26/11 who were not Even Professionally Trained and you are talking about Messing with 170 Million Pakistanis.....Think Again.

If something like that compels a country go nuclear, then we have some serious food for thought. And why do forget India has nukes too.

I Pray to God that Nuclear War may NEVER happen between Pakistan and India because it will bring an end to Both Nations and the Nuclear effects will be felt by the Whole region. We know India has Nuclear weapons, May be that's why we said that we will eat grass but we will make an Atomic Bomb. That's the only reason Pakistan is still surviving till Today and we will Continue to do so.
Not entirely true. Its more of a childish interpretation of Pakistan by those who think, the first bomb pakistan is going to drop is going to be a 100megaton nuclear warhead.

India's enemies are not the people of Pakistan but the terrorists their goverment have been harbouring. A full scale war doesnt fullfill any purpose. The only thing India would have done would be to go in for surgical strikes, couple with artillery barrage or perhaps a covert mission. And if Pakistan would have really declared war then nothing more than a week long skirmish would have taken place

If something like that compels a country go nuclear, then we have some serious food for thought. And why do forget India has nukes too.

For us too not Indian people but the Indian States and its funded hardline Hindu organizations are enemies forever.

Indian state policy towards Pakistan have always been the same i.e "break Pakistan".

India could not and can not opt for surgical strikes owing to US bigger intrests.

US can not leave India loose. In the long run India will be bigger concern for US than China.
Yeah as you said in 1965 that we will have breakfast in Lahore Tomorrow Morning. Don't forget that it took you guys 62 hours to deal with only 10 Pakistanis during 26/11 who were not Even Professionally Trained and you are talking about Messing with 170 Million Pakistanis.....Think Again.


I think we all know what happened in Mumbai. I dont want to debate it. Its pretty futile to debate with someone who thinks a terrorist attack is an all out war. Atleast we nailed all the terrorist and earned appreciation from all the guests. Unlike in Lahore where Pakistan coudnt even secure those who were promised fool-proof security and earned much international embarresment.

Cut the crap. All this bold talk should have been there after Kargil defeat.
I think we all know what happened in Mumbai. I dont want to debate it. Its pretty futile to debate with someone who thinks a terrorist attack is an all out war. Atleast we nailed all the terrorist and earned appreciation from all the guests. Unlike in Lahore where Pakistan coudnt even secure those who were promised fool-proof security and earned much international embarresment.

Cut the crap. All this bold talk should have been there after Kargil defeat.

You nailed all the terrorists? when did it happen? I think FIA the Pakistani agency had found the clues and India still failed to answer the 30 questions.

Interpole had appreciated Pakistan for our neutral porbe.

With regard to LAHORE attack. No embarresment because the world knows we are target of much bigger terrorism.

The onlyone who had faced embarresment are those who had planned this attack and who wanted to disrupt good relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
I think the report definitely logical,Nukes are good deterrent to avoid war,But fortunately India did not have a brave leadership to handle the situation.But if India gets some good leadership like Indira Gandhi may be situation would have been different.
I think the report definitely logical,Nukes are good deterrent to avoid war,But fortunately India did not have a brave leadership to handle the situation.But if India gets some good leadership like Indira Gandhi may be situation would have been different.

nothing would have changed even with a leader such as Indra Gandhi. She only took advantage of the situation while engaging Pakistan with terrorism and proxy war and creating a revolt like situation in an area that had no land contact and further was divided by a hostile territory, on the other hand attacked Pakistan. This isn't the case now and your leaders know it, nuclear or no nuclear, Pakistani forces are very capable to respond to any threat and this has been proved on numerous occasions. Most recently when your jets were shown a way home.
Interesting, but who cares what this ex-general has to say, India simply knew that there was absolutely NO option of "striking" inside Pakistan, there was no way, and the talks about it and the political and media hype in India was just to satisfy and excite the Indian masses who already hate Pakistan.
It was a political game, and Indian political leaders used the situation to benefit from it for the upcoming elections, I seriously wonder why our nukes stopped India from doing surgical strikes inside Pakistan? I mean, if we did nuke India because of that, then you could say that our response was quite severe and devestating, so I don't think we would've resorted to nukes, instead, try and deter the Indian attack and push into their mainland.
We would never use nukes to respond for limited violation of our sovereignty.
Also, the big thing is, these surgical strikes wouldn't have been succesful at all, it would have been a complete fiasco from the Indian side, they have never managed to enter our airspace, deal damage, and leave unharmed outside and inside their own borders.
All this talk of only Pakistan's nukes kept us back or else we went to war with them is all big talk of a nation which thinks it's rising, and ofcourse it is, but sometimes, people think they're something BIG, while infact, they're not and they have a long way to go to realize their ideals, it's all tough talk, nothing more and nothing less.
nothing would have changed even with a leader such as Indra Gandhi. She only took advantage of the situation while engaging Pakistan with terrorism and proxy war and creating a revolt like situation in an area that had no land contact and further was divided by a hostile territory, on the other hand attacked Pakistan. This isn't the case now and your leaders know it, nuclear or no nuclear, Pakistani forces are very capable to respond to any threat and this has been proved on numerous occasions. Most recently when your jets were shown a way home.

No When Bangladesh war started Indian military was not in favor of war due to monsoon.It was her decision to go for war, We cannot forget Operation Falcon during her time.I don't think she would have accepted Mumbai attack very easily.

I agree with you Pakistan force is a professional , experienced and well trained defence force with good quality of weapon systems and supported by nukes ,there is no doubt it would fight bravely with India in case of war.In war your strengths or braveness alone will not get victory.
it is naive to think of war in the Indo pak theatre in the light of current strengths and weaknesses of both countries. It is easy to think of surgical strikes, but people must remember that wars have dynamics of their own with consequences which can be guessed but never completely. Whosoever thinks that limited war in the Indo pak theatre will not spiral out into a fullscale nuclear exchange is living in fools paradice.
The general's analysis is true and is in many ways a good thing in that it has atleast prevented unnecessary wars with loss of thousands of lives from happenning. We must move on and think about the prosperity of our people rather than thinking of wars .
I think we all know what happened in Mumbai. I dont want to debate it. Its pretty futile to debate with someone who thinks a terrorist attack is an all out war.

I made a Sarcastic comment and i didn't meant it Literally and we are well aware of "What War Really Means".

Atleast we nailed all the terrorist and earned appreciation from all the guests. Unlike in Lahore where Pakistan coudnt even secure those who were promised fool-proof security and earned much international embarresment.

Yes you Nailed them all in more than 60 hours and lost 180 People in the mean while and Yes your Earned great Appreciation of Foreign Guests Especially Israel (who is your Greatest Friend and Ally now) said that "Indian Commandos are Incompetent" and accused NSG of Killing Israeli Citizens.

But in Lahore Attackers came with Much Heavy Weapons (Including Bazookas as well) and they were more than 12 in Number and on the other side Policemen were less than 20 in 4 Pick ups. The Battle lasted only for 30 mins and it was a FAILED TERRORIST ATTEMPT NO FOREIGNERs WERE KILLED AND PLEASE LISTEN TO THE APPRECIATION OF SRILANKAN CRICKET TEAM AND GOVT.. Our Policemen came in front of the Terrorist Firing and gave few seconds to the driver of the BUS to Escape to Safe Place and these brave Policemen lost their Lives in protecting our Guests. All the terrorists are Under Pakistani Custody NOW for your Kind Information.
Someone forgot to mention lack of ammunition for the Indian army, so they could not have gone to war on the Mumbai incident. What were they going to do, say "band your dead"?

Perhaps it would be a good idea if someone, (country), came along and took all the nuclear weapons from India and Pakistan. Then let both countries slug out their childish petty hatred on each other.
The result will be useful as both nations will be fundamentally crippled, both politically and economically.

Considering it is years past these nations birth dates it is seriously about time both grew up. It is also about time RAW, ISI, Indian and Pakistan Govts faced reality you can not continue to be real nations with such petty hatred and constant interfering in each others countries.

But one day you may both grow up. One day.
Someone forgot to mention lack of ammunition for the Indian army, so they could not have gone to war on the Mumbai incident. What were they going to do, say "band your dead"?

Perhaps it would be a good idea if someone, (country), came along and took all the nuclear weapons from India and Pakistan. Then let both countries slug out their childish petty hatred on each other.
The result will be useful as both nations will be fundamentally crippled, both politically and economically.

Considering it is years past these nations birth dates it is seriously about time both grew up. It is also about time RAW, ISI, Indian and Pakistan Govts faced reality you can not continue to be real nations with such petty hatred and constant interfering in each others countries.

But one day you may both grow up. One day.

You are correct in your assessment , but mate the fact is NO one likes Wars yet they Happen.
No country/Entity is an Exception be it US , USSR , India or Pak . CIA or KGB ....

I happened to see a documentry on 1983 Appocalyspse .. It shook me .
Are Nukes so easy to get fired ? If Nations Like US / USSR can Mistake .. how can India / Pak be an exception ?

But At This point of time , Every country including India and pak need to focus on other real issues like eductaion / poverty and food .. than Preparing for WAR.
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