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Ex-army chief VK Singh tried to topple J&K government: Report

[Bregs];4790806 said:
No Honourable Exit for V.K.Singh,SC Nails Army Chief

The Supreme Court of India has nailed and called the Chief of Army Staff,General V.K.Singh a liar and politely called him so and indirectly asked him to quit,though the language it used is not indicative of this.

Having been advised thus, Singh faces the Hobson’s choice; if he does not quit it means he has no self respect; if he does he admits having been a liar.

Why can’t the Supreme Court haul him for providing false information and punish him?

By the way, what is Honorable the Supreme Court has found in him?

SC not in favour of entertaining Gen Singh’s petition, gives him option to withdraw it.

Recognition of Gen Singh’s date of birth as May 10, 1950 by Army does not suffer from perversity and is not grossly erroneous: SC

Gen Singh has to abide by his commitment and honour his letters of 2008 and 2009 accepting the date of birth as May 10, 1950: SC

No prejudice was done to Gen Singh and government has full faith in him: SC

Singh’s writ petition was not for determination of date of birth but for recognition of date of birth in official records: SC

Apex court says looking into constraint of judicial review, the decision of government on his date of birth will continue to be there: SC

We want to ensure that Gen Singh continues to work as Army Chief as he has been doing: SC.

Having given his commitment and assurance of abiding by the government decision, he cannot resile: SC to Gen Singh.

Source: Age row: Army chief General Singh withdraws plea against govt : North, News - India Today

No Honourable Exit for V.K.Singh,SC Nails Army Chief. | Ramani's blog

BJP/RSS Workers will snoop to any length, will call courts biased too because they are specially blessed by God wit a stamp "Fenku supporters"
mate don't you feel ashamed of maligning your own ex-COAS in an international defense forum!you do like to malign India at the slightest pretext(i have seen that in the past).a couple of days back(if i have correctly remembered it)you were the one who liked a post in which a pakistani member abused BJP without re4ading the entire post as the poster had also abused India in the same post.so i guess that make you a traitor,but then again i am not qualified enough to judge you for your mistakes,in a similar way you are not qualified enough to criticise our ex-COAS because there exists a hell and a heaven difference between the two of you in the matter of qualification!
this probe is report given by army itself so it needs to be investigated further.sharing stage before 3 days is just a coincident, probe report can't be made in 3 days time.

It is certainly not a coincidence because a preliminary report relating to the highly sensitive area of Secret funds will never be other wise put into public hands at such an early stage.
For BJP Supporters : I am not carrying out these threads without a source and these are not my personal views but when congress misdeeds are being glorified then its natural to see how much different other party is or is it same

i will reply to all sensible quotes to me not to any abusive Fenku fan
how much are modi bots paid ... for running propaganda... :D
so anybody who doesn't like to be fed on the congi propaganda is a supporter of modi according to you!well that makes around 25-30% of India's population as modi bots:omghaha:
Can you give me something in the support of that ???
AFAIK or my understanding of the law , armed forces officers are not prosecuted for the deeds they did on the duty after they are retire. I am open to correction.

And why did you NOT reply to the rest of the post ??????

Because everything else is more of a rant like an opposition party, but for your query each bussiness house, political leaders irrespective of party has swiss account so why you modi fans single out a select party for it

Popularity of any party is seen in democracy by number of seats it wins in elections but fenku supporters are not reasy to wait till may 2014, they want to sworn in him right now
so anybody who doesn't like to be fed on the congi propaganda is a supporter of modi according to you!well that makes around 25-30% of India's population as modi bots:omghaha:

anybody who does not believe in modi bots must have been either fed on congi propaganda or paid by congress...
little bit MODIfied logic.. :D
[Bregs];4792036 said:
Because everything else is more of a rant like an opposition party, but for your query each bussiness house, political leaders irrespective of party has swiss account so why you modi fans single out a select party for it

And I am a Modi fan !!!!
Ok. Whatever you want to lable me.

Read my post again. I said if you agree to do it on every issue .... Or did i just cherry pick issues.
I dont care who had the accounts in swiss bank - congress/bjp/bsp or anybody or busniess tyoons. I want the govt to relase the list on which they are sitting for 2 and half years now. Those thieves are hiding indian money I want that back in India and my own govt isnt releasing the list !!! Cause they promise some other govt !!!! BTW that list came by two sources. Second scours didnt put any condition.
So its true that they can keep a secret for sure and they are leaking only things that they want.

Popularity of any party is seen in democracy by number of seats it wins in elections but fenku supporters are not reasy to wait till may 2014, they want to sworn in him right now
and what it has to do with anything that I write :undecided:

Try to answer full post don't just answer half. Post
Govt mulls CBI probe into functioning of secret unit by V.K. Singh

Govt mulls CBI probe into functioning of secret unit by V.K. Singh - The Hindu

And I am a Modi fan !!!!
Ok. Whatever you want to lable me.

Read my post again. I said if you agree to do it on every issue .... Or did i just cherry pick issues.
I dont care who had the accounts in swiss bank - congress/bjp/bsp or anybody or busniess tyoons. I want the govt to relase the list on which they are sitting for 2 and half years now. Those thieves are hiding indian money I want that back in India and my own govt isnt releasing the list !!! Cause they promise some other govt !!!! BTW that list came by two sources. Second scours didnt put any condition.
So its true that they can keep a secret for sure and they are leaking only things that they want.

and what it has to do with anything that I write :undecided:

Try to answer full post don't just answer half. Post

The questions you are asking now were asked from 1998-2004 too for 6 years of NDA rule n nothing changed, for me i do not see any deffrence in corruption in BJP n Cong. In fact all parties are same
It is certainly not a coincidence because a preliminary report relating to the highly sensitive area of Secret funds will never be other wise put into public hands at such an early stage.

the report going to media may or may not be political but that doesn't change the fact that probe was started much before and army has submitted the report and it says the former chief misused his office.
Army should always refrain from interfere democracy matters. Either we will be next "Pakistan'
[Bregs];4792093 said:
The questions you are asking now were asked from 1998-2004 too for 6 years of NDA rule n nothing changed, for me i do not see any deffrence in corruption in BJP n Cong. In fact all parties are same

Its excatly 2.5 years since the GOI has the details of accounts and the names. Before that it was just guess. I am not connecting that issue to any party. Hell I dont care its congress or BJP. My point is my my government - GOI. Isnt doing that ???
I dont care if that list shows the names of all indian politicians. But the list isnt coming out !!! Are we protecting criminals ??? Then why not protect all criminals ??? Why leak crimes of one criminal ???

AFAIK breaking official secrete law is as good as treason so that thing can happen but not list ???
the report going to media may or may not be political but that doesn't change the fact that probe was started much before and army has submitted the report and it says the former chief misused his office.

Of course MMS has been gunning for V K singh as he was proving an impediment in Bikram Singh's elevation, and also for revelations on Tatra etc. All senior officials will have a dossier on them with juicy stories - some true, mostly false. The point is that the Army and MOD would otherwise never share a sensitive report, that too preliminary, with the press. Its vendetta politics - pure and simple.
Its excatly 2.5 years since the GOI has the details of accounts and the names. Before that it was just guess. I am not connecting that issue to any party. Hell I dont care its congress or BJP. My point is my my government - GOI. Isnt doing that ???
I dont care if that list shows the names of all indian politicians. But the list isnt coming out !!! Are we protecting criminals ??? Then why not protect all criminals ??? Why leak crimes of one criminal ???

AFAIK breaking official secrete law is as good as treason so that thing can happen but not list ???

Lets see if NDA came to power will release it or not
[Bregs];4792141 said:
Lets see if NDA came to power will release it or not

Ok. But you wont accept at our GOI is at fault ??? Yu are saying all sort of things for one criminal (VK)then why spare other(GOI) ???

And I dont think any part will come to power on its own.
[Bregs];4792022 said:
For BJP Supporters : I am not carrying out these threads without a source and these are not my personal views but when congress misdeeds are being glorified then its natural to see how much different other party is or is it same

i will reply to all sensible quotes to me not to any abusive Fenku fan

One of your sources calling the COAS a liar is a blog. Enough said.

I can give 100 instances calling Pappu pappu. So does that make him a pappu? It does by your logic.
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