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Evolution question.

When you study medicine you have to wonder "How the hell is this coincidence"?? Grey matter makes an impulse through a very complicated nervous (Electrical) system to parts of the body and then gets feedback in such an absolutely clever way that is down to the molecular level. How come our bodies use Sodium and Potassium in all the right places in such a perfect manner. If we are constantly evolving does not that mean that there is always something wrong with us that need fixing?? If not then wouldn't we all be deficient in something and that not everything is as perfectly organised in such a way down to the DNA level.

I guess what I am trying to say is the question of all science philosophy and religion are trying to answer. (Why?)
Nice points. You basically threw out the "intelligent design" and "creation" concepts outta the window by arguing that by constantly mutating, humans (or for that matter living organisms) are NOT perfect. Now if God(s) created humans in their own form, why would He/She/They make us imperfect, right? Does that imply that the God(s) are imperfect?
I read about a lot of religions from Shintoism to Mormon Christians. All their interpretations are flawed but Islam's one is the one that makes the most sense for me. Seriously do not look at it from a biased point of view the story of creations and everything may sound like fairy tales in the modern world but it is the one that makes the most sense for me currently.
I can argue the same about Hinduism, about how Hindus looked at the universe and experimented with sciences and how the Hindu views followed today are the result of critical thinking and experimentation by learned people over a millenia! This view of yours is biased.
Nice points. You basically threw out the "intelligent design" and "creation" concepts outta the window by arguing that by constantly mutating, humans (or for that matter living organisms) are NOT perfect. Now if God(s) created humans in their own form, why would He/She/They make us imperfect, right? Does that imply that the God(s) are imperfect?

I can argue the same about Hinduism, about how Hindus looked at the universe and experimented with sciences and how the Hindu views followed today are the result of critical thinking and experimentation by learned people over a millenia! This view of yours is biased.

Actually Islam says "Nothing is made on the Image of God". But he does say that "Crated Humans in the best form" In Arabic the literal meaning does not mean the absolute best however it means in the best living form. Now again re-read what I say with these points in mind also in case you do not see my point is that the Human being IS perfect and that there is no need for mutation.

You see regarding constant mutation. How come all Human DNA evolve together (Assuming that evolution is real) I mean not only does this theory suggest that newborns carry with them a dysfunctional DNA that is to be considered a birth defect but also this theory happens at several of those at a time. Then again you may argue that it happened in such a slow manner that it was not noticeable or considered a danger to life but then I would tell you that then how come we do not see extremely close monkiyal Humanoids close to us still living who have developed enough cerebral cortex to function with instruments since the capability to use instruments is recorded in Chimps our "Closest living relative". But then again maybe we killed them all and buried the evidence and invented religion as a cover up but then we would enter into the conspiracy theory domain.

I agree there is much to still learn about science but until someone give me the exact physiological nature of "Evolution" in cell level through a detailed study of DNA RNA and mRNA function during the process of evolution it still remains a theory that people choose to "Believe" and "Believing" is the corner stone of religion.

Let me raise a very solid point that crossed my mind as well. The human body in the cellular level adopts right? For example the Esophagus when exposed to high level of HCl Acidity from the stomach its surface epithelium will undergo metaplasia right?? Then why is Metaplasia which can be considered an adoptive thus an evolution form is a cancer precursor?? Dysplasia a more powerful type of "Evolution" is so associated with carcinomas that it is always associated with it?? have not our "Ancestors" undergo these things during their evolution?? Or have an entire Evolutionary progress phase suffer from malignant cancers that is why the slow process is leap frogging in "Fossils" dug up?? These are my questions regarding the things I still see wrong in evolution and I have even more questions but I would like to hear your answers regarding those.
In DNA synthesis, there is a protein which synthesizes the DNA molecule. It has what wee biochemists call - proof reading ability, in the sense that it "reads" or rechecks what it just synthesized. If there is a mistake (remember that these proteins are extremely fast in their work but the mistakes they make is something like 1 base in a million in a simple organism like E. coli bacteria!), there are other proteins which promptly jump in to correct the mistake ensuring that the mutation does not get replicated and passed on to the progeny.

That makes the relevant mutations even more improbably since only a mutation in the part of the DNA that makes the proofreaders themselves would be relevant. The vast majority of mutations would be irrelevant since they would be corrected by the proofreaders anyway.

Beautiful plot line. But then again, if you have seen the first 30 mins of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddessy, that is exactly what happens!!

Yes, I suppose so, now that you mention it. My concept, however, relied on purely extra-terrestrial triggers having to do with the sun's galactic orbit. One idea was that the sun passed near a patch of the galaxy more likely to produce supernovae or other high energy events that would trigger the alien device. Another was that the alien owners of the device could only operate it when it came within a certain distance -- kind of like how we only go to Mars or Venus when the relative orbital positions are most favorable.
If I had the talent, I would write a science fiction story about a buried alien artifact in Africa that activated itself every million years or so and triggered the next burst of evolution, creating a superior species that replaced the existing one.

You do realize that 2001, a Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke, was almost exactly what you described? ;)

People who watch the movie leave shaking their heads, not understanding. Reading the book explains it all.

The monoliths are alien artifacts designed to track and monitor mankind's evolution. There were three... one in Africa, one on the moon, and one in orbit near Jupiter. Periodically, they'd test the humans for their capabilites. Remember when the apes picked up tools and began to kill each other?

Then man makes it to the moon. They uncover the moon monolith. Being exposed to sunlight, it screams out, sending a message to the creators. "Mankind has made it to the moon."

The last monolith near Jupiter was the prize. It contained a stargate, a portal, to the galaxy. The astronaut flew through the portal. That odd room was an artificial habitat created by the aliens. The aliens studied him remotely, and then, gave him the gift. He became the star child. In the book, he became a being of pure energy, pure thought, and returned to earth in that form. He could transcend time and space.

Ah well, it's a great story!

Edit: Oops, sorry Gubbi, you already saw that parallel.

Beautiful plot line. But then again, if you have seen the first 30 mins of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddessy, that is exactly what happens!!
With evolution, technically anything is possible in time since evolution occurs mostly by chance (the chance being of extremely low odds, i.e. positive mutation). Based on this, there is no actual way of predicting what would or wouldn't have happened had the asteroid not struck.

The answer to your question is: YES

"How the hell is this coincidence"?? Grey matter makes an impulse through a very complicated nervous (Electrical) system to parts of the body and then gets feedback in such an absolutely clever way that is down to the molecular level. How come our bodies use Sodium and Potassium in all the right places in such a perfect manner.
Or the congruent similarity of an engineered hydroelectric dam to that of the ATP Synthase Complex. Surely, if the former is engineered, the latter cannot be by mere chance.
So basically this is what ive gathered please correct me if im wrong.

Life existed only in the ocean till plants started growing and eventually fish came onto land in the form of amphibians(Synapsids). Small reptiles also started to develop then an extinction event happened because of increased volcanic activity destroying most amphibians.

This lead to smaller reptiles developing into the Dinosaurs which would rule the world for the next 200million years and hold mammals back to small creatures.

Then the asteroid came and struck in the Gulf of Mexico creating a giant shock wave and Tsunami and blocking out the sun killing all large life and so ended the rain of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals who could now grow because the large dinosaurs were killed and eventually evolved into primates who lived in the trees.Grass then grew and primates took to the ground eventually developing the ability to stand on 2 legs eventually becoming the modern human.

The modern human then spread from Africa through Asia to Australia then into Europe.The world then entered an Ice age due to mountain ranges and placed land masses blocking warm water from reaching the north pole.This then connected modern Day Russia and USA/Alaska by land in which humans crossed it into the Americas then humans Finally went into Madagascar at about 500 AD and New zealand was settled by polynesians at about 1400 AD

My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?

Interesting question, would like to hear an answer to that as well.
Interesting question, would like to hear an answer to that as well.
It is not possible to predict alternate futures.

There are many other events (extinction events, ice ages etc) which if they hadn't taken place, life on earth would have evolved very differently.
some small dinosaurs can hunt by cooperation like ancient human. So possibility exists.

My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?

Or simply,

if your mum dad didn't meet, PDF would have not had one of the most intelligent post in its history posted by you.

Interesting question, would like to hear an answer to that as well.

you don't need answer to this question.

you need vodka.

OP is too frustrated to thing.

don't be like him.

It is not possible to predict alternate futures.

you meant alternate "pasts" should not be discussed.


like you can't choose your mum and dad.
So basically this is what ive gathered please correct me if im wrong.

Life existed only in the ocean till plants started growing and eventually fish came onto land in the form of amphibians(Synapsids). Small reptiles also started to develop then an extinction event happened because of increased volcanic activity destroying most amphibians.

This lead to smaller reptiles developing into the Dinosaurs which would rule the world for the next 200million years and hold mammals back to small creatures.

Then the asteroid came and struck in the Gulf of Mexico creating a giant shock wave and Tsunami and blocking out the sun killing all large life and so ended the rain of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals who could now grow because the large dinosaurs were killed and eventually evolved into primates who lived in the trees.Grass then grew and primates took to the ground eventually developing the ability to stand on 2 legs eventually becoming the modern human.

The modern human then spread from Africa through Asia to Australia then into Europe.The world then entered an Ice age due to mountain ranges and placed land masses blocking warm water from reaching the north pole.This then connected modern Day Russia and USA/Alaska by land in which humans crossed it into the Americas then humans Finally went into Madagascar at about 500 AD and New zealand was settled by polynesians at about 1400 AD

My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?
Nobody can answer this accurately. In 4 billion years or Earth's existence, and 14 billion or so of the universe, there are gazillions of incidents that contributed to humans being on earth. What would have happened if one of those incident varied/did not happen etc can be a rhetorical question at best.

I am a man of science I am a doctor who is research minded I splice RNA of viruses at my university as a pass time but I have to say even though evolution is an "Interesting theory" It is still not scientifically proven yet. When you study medicine you have to wonder "How the hell is this coincidence"?? Grey matter makes an impulse through a very complicated nervous (Electrical) system to parts of the body and then gets feedback in such an absolutely clever way that is down to the molecular level. How come our bodies use Sodium and Potassium in all the right places in such a perfect manner. If we are constantly evolving does not that mean that there is always something wrong with us that need fixing?? If not then wouldn't we all be deficient in something and that not everything is as perfectly organised in such a way down to the DNA level.

I guess what I am trying to say is the question of all science philosophy and religion are trying to answer. (Why?)

I read about a lot of religions from Shintoism to Mormon Christians. All their interpretations are flawed but Islam's one is the one that makes the most sense for me. Seriously do not look at it from a biased point of view the story of creations and everything may sound like fairy tales in the modern world but it is the one that makes the most sense for me currently.

Can you tell me a single "theory" that has been "scientifically proven". Do you know the difference between a "theory" and "hypothesis"?

That makes the relevant mutations even more improbably since only a mutation in the part of the DNA that makes the proofreaders themselves would be relevant. The vast majority of mutations would be irrelevant since they would be corrected by the proofreaders anyway.

Yes, I suppose so, now that you mention it. My concept, however, relied on purely extra-terrestrial triggers having to do with the sun's galactic orbit. One idea was that the sun passed near a patch of the galaxy more likely to produce supernovae or other high energy events that would trigger the alien device. Another was that the alien owners of the device could only operate it when it came within a certain distance -- kind of like how we only go to Mars or Venus when the relative orbital positions are most favorable.
Ever considered the probability that proof readers are not 100% effective? That is, they let some "errors" pass through?? Plus, ever heard of "genetic recombination"? that is, a baby has some features of father and some of mother, none of which is a mutation?
So basically this is what ive gathered please correct me if im wrong.

Life existed only in the ocean till plants started growing and eventually fish came onto land in the form of amphibians(Synapsids). Small reptiles also started to develop then an extinction event happened because of increased volcanic activity destroying most amphibians.

This lead to smaller reptiles developing into the Dinosaurs which would rule the world for the next 200million years and hold mammals back to small creatures.

Then the asteroid came and struck in the Gulf of Mexico creating a giant shock wave and Tsunami and blocking out the sun killing all large life and so ended the rain of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals who could now grow because the large dinosaurs were killed and eventually evolved into primates who lived in the trees.Grass then grew and primates took to the ground eventually developing the ability to stand on 2 legs eventually becoming the modern human.

The modern human then spread from Africa through Asia to Australia then into Europe.The world then entered an Ice age due to mountain ranges and placed land masses blocking warm water from reaching the north pole.This then connected modern Day Russia and USA/Alaska by land in which humans crossed it into the Americas then humans Finally went into Madagascar at about 500 AD and New zealand was settled by polynesians at about 1400 AD

My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?

My theory is different , my theory is that earth had water, and then had microbe life, and then we received, asteroid with seeds / spores , which started the plant growth in planet in abundance.

Water was filled with microbes and then plants started to grow

5 Alien Spices visited earth during the plantation Era of earth

1- Fish creatures cold blooded , who left over the spacecraft that was filled with animal samples collected fromvarious solar systems into the oceans of a early age earth , the fish thrived in the waters rich in microbes and plankton. (Laid eggs) , this species left back eggs into the seas of Earth for various fish creatures collected from across milky or other near by galaxies

2- Second Alien race came in and it left over Insect creatures into the planet earth, overtime these insects grew super massive in size, then majority died in meteor crash or ice age (Laid eggs) , do insects look like they came from FISH ???


This did not came from FISH !!!

Then another race came over

3- Reptilian race , which included serpents and slimy salamanders or frogs these lived off the insect mainly They left the examples of their heritage in planet earth

Now why they may have left some of their creatures here because they found many insects on planet which they could feed on , so they left copies of their species life forms that could live on earth and grow , so all these reptiles started to live feeding on insect species

4- Fourth Race landing on Jerusalem or Iraq or Africa and contained the mammal samples collected from galaxies, they also had collected special mammals , called Dolphins and Whales, which they released in the oceans of earth. Warm blooded creatures , but very intelligent. This class also had Monkeys and apes of course.

Did Dolphins evolve from Fish ? Did Whales evolve from Fish ? they have not much in common they give birth to their offspring.

5 - Alien spices came along , they had telepathy and other traits the also were gifted in genetic mutation they lived with mammles and they found the early mammals called Humans very similar to them so they taught them , farming and using tools to get more food. They taught them hunting so they would not go hungry then they left the planet. Genetically modified Humans continued to ask question about self / existance while the non mutated Mammals stayed unaware of their existence.

I started thinking of the possibilities of differences in the classes of life form as there is DIFFERENCES so huge !!!! from Cold blooded animals to warm blooded animals , or the lungs function of fish vs humans ... or reproductive systems of fish vs Humans , that made me wonder what if these "CLASSES" of animals were dropped off during different time periods on earth !!! , by visitors from outside , as means of SEEDING the planet with life

Sorta like a Noah's ark project for Aliens , who would discover a planet and then drop a collection of their spieces found on their planets into Earth and then go .....

Example: Jelly Fish ... do a search on google you will find this mysterious animal now is suddenly high in waters ? .....does this creature looks anything from Planet earth ? Really honestly ask yourself


This creature looks like it came from space , from a WATER planet

So can fish become "SMART" no
Can insect become smart no

Only mammles and specially if they get extra help from outside

Over time , we see that no insect , become a fish , and similary no reptile can become a mammal , the only answer is that these classes of life were brought to our planent from Space by independent promoter of spices

EARTH IS A INTERNATIONAL SANCTUARY , aliens have already discovered us and the latest group is busy understanding the autonomy of creatures on planet and they prefer to fly invisible in air to observe the general masses

Presently a few Alien races have found earth and are conducting research to understand more about Human and , life on earth. The lady in italy before gave birth to a still hybrid

What would humans do if we visited another other ??

1- We would take "plant seeds" and plant trees / and plants
2- We would find water and setup fish sancturaries
3- We would also Move "Animals and release them in wild in the planets"

Is that not what us HUMANS would do ?

So ......why would other species not do same when they find earth

EVOLUTION BETWEEN INNER SPICIES HAPPEN , but spiecies do not just suddenly become NEW SPICIES

Do we have documented proof that a HUMAN became a reptile human on its own ? or Fish Human ?


"Our planet looks like a "ARTIFICIAL AQUARIUM OR ZOO " if you really wana imagine that way , because the number of species living on it , is exceptionally high

Which may point to multiple visitations and "seeding" operation of species by Extra terrestrials , and some of these visitors may have even lived on planet and never decided to leave"

>No religious books we have today - cover the possibility of Dinosaurs
>No religious books cover the meteor strike in their text
>No religious books cover the space , as we have observed it with Hubble telescope

>No religious books cover the UFO / Extra terrestrials , there is mention of Angels
which appear to fly and sometimes they carry the humans into space for tour
>No religious books cover why there are so many planets if we were the special one
why bother with so many Billion of stars and earth ? if earth and humans are special one
why waste so much energy and power ??? what for , for a place we special ones won't
visit anyways ?

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...that our ancestors were stinky monkeys- animals-

Christian Mullahs said it long before you
and they were defeated and shamed.

Quit following medieval Christian Mullahs please

There is no medicine for people who deny basic scientific facts like evolution :)
BTW, what's up bro? haven't heard from you for some long time

Thanks for asking.

Yeah I have to go away to earn enough to come back and waste time on PDF.

Christian Mullahs said it long before you
and they were defeated and shamed.

Quit following medieval Christian Mullahs please

Thanks for asking.

Yeah I have to go away to earn enough to come back and waste time on PDF.


I am seeing you debating with mullahs :lol: Let me know if these type of people understood, or accepted anything beyond their small limited world. :lol:
What I fail to understand is how these people are ready to use airplanes, which are designed based on similar scientific approach, instead of riding donkeys, but they suddenly cannot find science facts legitimate when it is about evolution.
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