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Evolution question.


Oct 8, 2010
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So basically this is what ive gathered please correct me if im wrong.

Life existed only in the ocean till plants started growing and eventually fish came onto land in the form of amphibians(Synapsids). Small reptiles also started to develop then an extinction event happened because of increased volcanic activity destroying most amphibians.

This lead to smaller reptiles developing into the Dinosaurs which would rule the world for the next 200million years and hold mammals back to small creatures.

Then the asteroid came and struck in the Gulf of Mexico creating a giant shock wave and Tsunami and blocking out the sun killing all large life and so ended the rain of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals who could now grow because the large dinosaurs were killed and eventually evolved into primates who lived in the trees.Grass then grew and primates took to the ground eventually developing the ability to stand on 2 legs eventually becoming the modern human.

The modern human then spread from Africa through Asia to Australia then into Europe.The world then entered an Ice age due to mountain ranges and placed land masses blocking warm water from reaching the north pole.This then connected modern Day Russia and USA/Alaska by land in which humans crossed it into the Americas then humans Finally went into Madagascar at about 500 AD and New zealand was settled by polynesians at about 1400 AD

My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?
there are 5 major Phyla of life, Bacteria, protists, fungus, Plants, and Animals (not scientific names). so first we have the bacteria, which is the least complex of all life, some of them then evolved into protists, and the protists then became multicelluar organisms like fungi, Plants, and Animals. the history of life is over 2 billion years old. and over that time life has increased and decreased time and again. The last major extinction was that asteroid killed off the dinosaurs.

As for your question, I would say no because dinosaurs did not have the brain matter to support cognitive brain activity. and also Birds are the product of dinosaurs and we can see how smart they are.
My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?

The true answer in terms of science today is NO, but think of it this way, that statistically Asteroid not hitting Earth or any other planets would have be harder to prove.........
Author Harry Harrison wrote a book on exactly what the OP asked - no asteroid strike... what would happen?

In his world, a species of mosasaur evolved into a bipedal tool-using dominant species. Yet mankind still also evolved, because mankind could tolerate harsher climates than the lizard people. Of course they were in eternal conflict. It sounds goofy, but is well written and a good story.

I don't see any reason why this couldn't happen. I also don't see any reason why evolution and faith have to be irreconcilable. Cannot God use evolution as a tool or a mechanism in His creation?
Author Harry Harrison wrote a book on exactly what the OP asked - no asteroid strike... what would happen?

In his world, a species of mosasaur evolved into a bipedal tool-using dominant species. Yet mankind still also evolved, because mankind could tolerate harsher climates than the lizard people. Of course they were in eternal conflict. It sounds goofy, but is well written and a good story.

I don't see any reason why this couldn't happen. I also don't see any reason why evolution and faith have to be irreconcilable. Cannot God use evolution as a tool or a mechanism in His creation?

Asimov also had a story about dinosaurs killing each other off for sport -- first the herbivores, then their own species until extinction.

However, the question is impossible to answer because, despite the hoopla, our understanding of evolution has no explanation forwhy things happen. Everything is ex post facto rationalization.

Look at it this way: dinosaurs were the dominant species for 150 million years but they never evolved on the tools scale. Modern primates have been around 5-10 million years, but we have already touched the moon. Even chimps use rudimentary tools and language. Is it all a fluke, or is there something fundamentally different in the primate line that makes it different?
You make good points. I've often wondered why a stegosaur from 150 million years ago looks exactly the same as one from 100 million years ago. 50 million years of ZERO progress. Yet the evidence behind evolution is overwhelming. We just don't understand the mechanism. Perhaps there are short time periods of great change?
With regards to the primate group i think its also worth noting that apart from modern humans there was also Neanderthals which sprung up in europe and Asia whats there evolution line as far as im aware there were no earlier primates in Europe or the Middle east?Modern Humans came from Africa.

Also we had the Homo floresiensis and some others at around the same time.

Strange that so many of our "cousins" popped up all over the world.
look mate don't hurt religious sentiments due to your ignorance. Christianity ,Islam . and Judaism all believe in the fact we are direct descendent's from Adam and eve. (scientifically you can argue otherwise ) but don't ever hurt religious sentiments.

Why is it not okay to discuss or criticize religion? If it is so superior, then it should be no problem to defend. The problem is religion totally abandoned logic and reason and falls apart when being looked at critically.
My question is this if the asteroid didnt hit earth and nothing else happened could reptiles/dinosaurs of developed into life comparable to the human?

Nope or very low chances or very long 5 or 10x or even more long long time required

because these animals choose/selected path of strength instead on intelligence,increasing probability of these creatures evolution was to keep increasing strength and ability to survive.
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