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Evict Muslims from Hindu areas: Pravin Togadia

Also a while back Tarek Fateh tweeted that Dr. Togadia told him personally he will kill all muslims of India. It was a while before Dr. Togadia got to know about the lies Mr. Fateh was spreading about him and refuted him. In the meanwhile all the secular fools in India were ready to lynch Dr. Togadia for it.
Though I dont support him, but I am happy that at least he is not conducting any bomb blasts.

But the verbal diarrhoea is much damaging than a bomb blast. He doesn't deserve an inch of space on this planet including that nutcase Giriraj singh.

Togadia is not a political leader neither his org VHP is a registered as a political party so election commission can't do anything in this case such matters are taken care of by Judiciary

Yeah, but Toggy and Owayy can be put in dungeon and let them lynch each other
Togadia has denied the statement and RSS has denied the statement.

Now its for the seculars and the TOI to prove he made those statements. :coffee: ............else its much ado over nothing.

Another victory for the news Traders.

Strange is it not, @SarthakGanguly claims VHP is not associated with RSS and Dr. Togadia is not welcome in RSS, but RSS comes to his defense when newspapers lie about him.
You know very well that RSS has serious problem with him. This was highlighted in the recent Nagpur State sabha as well. His defense is being done because it is necessary. Simple.

What do you mean necessary? VHP is part of Sangh Parivar. He is the president of this organization, not some lallu panju. RSS has never distanced themselves from VHP. Dr. Togadia is filing defamation case against TOI for the lies it spreads. Tomorrow you may as well say RSS has problem with Mohan Bhagwat himself.
What do you mean necessary? VHP is part of Sangh Parivar. He is the president of this organization, not some lallu panju. RSS has never distanced themselves from VHP. Dr. Togadia is filing defamation case against TOI for the lies it spreads. Tomorrow you may as well say RSS has problem with Mohan Bhagwat himself.
"VHP is part of Sangh Parivar." - That's is why it's called necessary. In any case - whether you like it or not - does not matter. People have recently called RSS pu$$ies as well. We could care less.
"VHP is part of Sangh Parivar." - That's is why it's called necessary. In any case - whether you like it or not - does not matter. People have recently called RSS pu$$ies as well. We could care less.

Yeah right it is part of Sangh Parivar and he is the president of that part and yet you claim RSS is against him. Superb logic.
Strange is it not, @SarthakGanguly claims VHP is not associated with RSS and Dr. Togadia is not welcome in RSS, but RSS comes to his defense when newspapers lie about him.

Togadia has been part of RSS earlier though not sure about his status now. This being election time expect a lot of such muck to be thrown about.
Togadia has been part of RSS earlier though not sure about his status now. This being election time expect a lot of such muck to be thrown about.

Yes he was RSS before he moved on to VHP. I do expect the muck to be thrown about. What is surprising is instead of challenging such falsehoods, the so called RSS members here are doing the muck raking to earn some sympathy from the seculars.

VHP definitely is not shy of flexing its muscles on issues it believes in, but that was the entire objective of the organization when it was set up.
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The Muslims of india need to protect themselves

move to areas with big muslim populations soin case of riots or war you have the nnumbers to fight back

arm yourselves, in Pakistan we can buy weapons, if you cant buy guns then get other weapons and know where you're people are

it will get worse and in the end you will have to fight for a partioning of india so you can have your own country
This guy deserves a permanant room in some central jail with only a small ventilator at top ..

He's not going to central jail. He's got the political power he lacked till now. He will do what he says.
Does not matter. We are evil. Period. Anyone fearing Hindus have two countries to go to. No more negotiations :P

its not up for you to negotiate, no one is asking

it is an inevitable outcome of the situation in India, Kashmir will go with Pakistan and other areas of india will need to divided in ordrr to provide a safe homeland for Muslim's
its not up for you to negotiate, no one is asking

it is an inevitable outcome of the situation in India, Kashmir will go with Pakistan and other areas of india will need to divided in ordrr to provide a safe homeland for Muslim's
Who cares? We are going to hell anyway :D
Yes he was RSS before he moved on to VHP. I do expect the muck to be thrown about. What is surprising is instead of challenging such falsehoods, the so called RSS members here are doing the muck raking to earn some sympathy from the seculars.

VHP definitely is not shy of flexing its muscles on issues it believes in, but that was the entire objective of the organization when it was set up.

Not many are immune to peer pressure :angel:. The need to feel "accepted" makes the best of them "secular" and makes them dance to the secular tunes.
Is it my eyes, or does that really look like Togadia's face?

I met this idiot once. I wanted to tell him to keep control over his speech but he was not interested to listen to me. So I left for my home.

He is kejrival of hindus. VHP could have done a lot for Hindus but ended up being a group of bluffers who is good for nothing but Bluffing. Rather they should have worked on bringing renaissance in Hindus and educate hindu hindus in knowing their true History.
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