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Every One of India’s Nishant Drones Has Crashed

Shut up fag

Which one in your family taught you that word? Did they call you a fag or do they address each other as fag? What has your word fag got to do in a thread about drones? If you want to confess about the horrors of your childhood when you saw the man and woman calling each other a fag then open a separate help or seek psychiatric evaluation of your mind. Don't troll here.
Which one in your family taught you that word? Did they call you a fag or do they address each other as fag? What has your word fag got to do in a thread about drones? If you want to confess about the horrors of your childhood when you saw the man and woman calling each other a fag then open a separate help or seek psychiatric evaluation of your mind. Don't troll here.

Meh...Get a life,false flag
As for Buraq---it is not only chinese-----the innards are a copy of the american drones that fell in pakistan----couple of those drones----they survived the fall with minor surface damage----.
source of your claim and pls provide the official specification of Buraq
Hafizzz on the high
let the hyper active false flaggers and those who are making fun of india and DRDO a good fake orgasm through mental masturbation thing is nishant was obsolete tech and israeli UAVs are since adecade bieng used for that work its a question of have nots mocking the haves deu to there inferiorty complex and frustation to see there mortal enemy getting more powerfull each passing day :sarcastic:
People need to understand that the DRDO scientists have families to feed and raise as well----kids need new shoes and toys---and spouses need new saris as well----so can't blame them for their progressive management life styles----.

DRDO is an organisation of low life losers.
The total order for Nishant UAV was 4 + 8. DRDO supplied 4 uav to army, and all 4 have crashed since then, and the news which is the base of this thread, is the 4th accident. With the event of the Israeli and other international UAV available, the IA finds other UAV more beneficial for its doctrine and requirement, so IA have cancelled the 8 UAV order, and looking to other supplier. This is what a healthy competition is and it will force DRDO to come up with the better product if she wants to get the order. There is nothing ashamed of. Nishant however provides DRDO the critical tech line communication, onboard and ground system, which will be used in future UAV program like MALE and HALE Rustam and Aura UAV program.

Good to know DRDO will learn something from Nishant project, nevertheless, the project is a failure. Building a small-median size tactic UAV with pure reconnaissance purpose is not a high-tech business anymore, and as a tier-one national defense organization, DRDO should have easily managed it.

Here is the Chinese comparable UAV ASN-206, manufactured by an university's spin-off:

Good to know DRDO will learn something from Nishant project, nevertheless, the project is a failure. Building a small-median size tactic UAV with pure reconnaissance purpose is not a high-tech business anymore, and as a tier-one national defense organization, DRDO should have easily managed it.

Here is the Chinese comparable UAV ASN-206, manufactured by an university's spin-off:


DRDO will learn nothing. They are an organisation of losers and it is proven by their pathetic record.

They cannot make a simple recce drone in 21st century and they are making claims of building stealth UCAVs.

Good to know DRDO will learn something from Nishant project, nevertheless, the project is a failure. Building a small-median size tactic UAV with pure reconnaissance purpose is not a high-tech business anymore, and as a tier-one national defense organization, DRDO should have easily managed it.

Here is the Chinese comparable UAV ASN-206, manufactured by an university's spin-off:

There is a powerful imprt lobby in Indian defence department, who would like to have an export variant. Nishant was never full hearted supported by IA. First they want fuel efficient Wankel engine and wanted loterring time of 10 hours from 4 hour present. Check this out the total r&d budget alloted to drdo is 1500 crore for Rustam -H (HALE UAV) development with engine + 20 rustam-2 Male UAV but buyed 10 HERON uav from israeil for 3000 crore rs.

DRDO have better UAV program namely Rustam -1, Rustam -2(MALE) and Rustam-H(HALE) and Stealth AURA UAV, so for recee and artillery correction small UAV, Nishant dosen't fit the IA Doctrine and requirement, which was Rail launch. Its wheeled version Panchi is still there. Nishant program is not scrapped, but IA have cancelled the order, however it could be ordered from paramilitary forces like BSF. CRPF, ITBP, and state police.

Check how the crashes occur

2 Nishant UAV crashes in Jaiselmer due to change in wind direction and tecnical snag during IA trial. Before that 30 trials were sucessful, the Nishant was parachute recoverable, it donot crash landed but parachute landed, but the villagers broke it to get some stuff to sell in market.
It appears that DRDO is to learn the drone technology from RC air craft models made by school students of western countries and they fly successfully RC models with video camera mounted on it. DRDO has come out a shame for India.
It appears that DRDO is to learn the drone technology from RC air craft models made by school students of western countries and they fly successfully RC models with video camera mounted on it. DRDO has come out a shame for India.

Thanks for your 'display of ignorance'

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