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Every Muslim minister in Sri Lanka resigns following crackdown

If you think the Muslim countries are so bad why do so many Indians go to the ‘donkey exporting’ Gulf? Best to go back to India right?

Why do you need to be so defensive and attack? You think its any good to promote cow dung cures? So in your country full if cancer hospitals why are elected parliamentarians promoting this?

Cow urine cured my breast cancer: Sadhvi Pragya


Donkey exporting is the niche taken by Pakistan.
Muslims in general, where ever they may be, say for example refugees in Europe are mostly trouble makers. These refugees who should be grateful to their host countries are involved in knife attacks, bombings and rapes.
Where ever their no. rises they demand sharia eg in London.
There are some exceptions to the rule, where the govt is strong minded and keeps checks and balances. Otherwise look at Myanmar, and more recently Sri Lanka. I wonder why Buddhists and christians and Hindus and jews can live together without bombing the shit out of each other but pour some peacefuls in the mix and shit hits the fan.

As for Cow urine etc, you folks just pick one thing and go bonkers over it. Sometimes it feels like even reading the news of some lone wolf articulating his / her belief causes some of the urine to magically manifest in your throats.

Again I really don’t understand this approach, you attempt to dismiss your own extremists by comparing them with Muslim extremists.

Do you really think it is progressive to promote cow and urine as cancer cures, lynch people for eating beef in the 21st century?

We need to all progress, but pretending only the ‘other’ is terrible is not going to do it.

If you look at statistics the actions of the 'other' far outnumber the rest of the world put together. Also, credit wheres due man, christians, atheists (Chinese), hindus can not match either the scale or the mayhem radical muslims create world over.

Sorry, We can't hear it. Chinese land Chinese rules.

I admire you folks for it. Lack of a Chinese 'religion' has its benefits after all.
Donkey exporting is the niche taken by Pakistan.
Muslims in general, where ever they may be, say for example refugees in Europe are mostly trouble makers. These refugees who should be grateful to their host countries are involved in knife attacks, bombings and rapes.
Where ever their no. rises they demand sharia eg in London.
There are some exceptions to the rule, where the govt is strong minded and keeps checks and balances. Otherwise look at Myanmar, and more recently Sri Lanka. I wonder why Buddhists and christians and Hindus and jews can live together without bombing the shit out of each other but pour some peacefuls in the mix and shit hits the fan.

As for Cow urine etc, you folks just pick one thing and go bonkers over it. Sometimes it feels like even reading the news of some lone wolf articulating his / her belief causes some of the urine to magically manifest in your throats.

If you look at statistics the actions of the 'other' far outnumber the rest of the world put together. Also, credit wheres due man, christians, atheists (Chinese), hindus can not match either the scale or the mayhem radical muslims create world over.

Can you give me one single example if Sharia being implemented in London, rather than just repeating widely discredited claims made for many years on the Web?

Plenty if Muslims have been killed and murdered in state sponsored invasions and baseless attacks on Iraq, Libya & now Iran. Funny you don’t count those as real deaths, only ‘terror’ counts.
Isis is real, its leader is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, they had established a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, which has now been defeated.
Isis is a Sunni radical organisation which aims to establish their version of Islam and strictest sharia law possible on Muslim countries first and then all over the world.

Everything can’t be CIA/RAW/MOSSAD conspiracy all the time.

No ISIS was a group created against the Shia atrocities in Iraq, this group was later hijacked by foreign powers. I am not saying only RAW and MOSAD, but Saudis, Emirates, Iranian, CIA they all have their proxies now named ISIS.
Mind your own business.

Islam is too big a concept for you to fathom. Be a woke Hindu atheist liberal and vote for Modi.

Islamophobes will always oppose Islam. It's natural. Hindus and Buddhists -all - suffer from it. They will be judged.

I oppose and mock faiths on a regular basis. Show me the wrath of your god.
ISIS a$$holes got what they wanted.

So every minister was a ISIS follower lol? :lol:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan Things are heating up faster than I expected...if this continues to happen, we might see a Civil War within SL again :D

Everyone grab your popcorn! :partay:

I oppose and mock faiths on a regular basis. Show me the wrath of your god.

Idolatry wiped from the Arabian peninsula following the arrival of Islam. Idolatry wiped from the Levant & Egypt following the coming of Judaism, wiped from Europe too following the coming of Christianity and later Islam. Wiped from the Americas, IndoChina and Australia too.

Wiped from Pakistan and Bangladesh following the coming of Islam.....and the trend is rising and will continue to rise. :D

What can your so called "gods" made of stone and wood do? :rolleyes:
Bans handed to two posters who simply can’t write responsible posts...
Thanks sir.We can have civil discussion but i see people posting impulsive posts full of hate.This is the unbiased version of PDF.

So every minister was a ISIS follower lol? :lol:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan Things are heating up faster than I expected...if this continues to happen, we might see a Civil War within SL again :D

Everyone grab your popcorn! :partay:

Idolatry wiped from the Arabian peninsula following the arrival of Islam. Idolatry wiped from the Levant & Egypt following the coming of Judaism, wiped from Europe too following the coming of Christianity and later Islam. Wiped from the Americas, IndoChina and Australia too.

Wiped from Pakistan and Bangladesh following the coming of Islam.....and the trend is rising and will continue to rise. :D

What can your so called "gods" made of stone and wood do? :rolleyes:
idolatry must be wiped out from every corner of world by people choice and not by force.People should also be free to not believe in anything if they wish.After all the idea of GOD is simple outcome of insecurity and greed.
Thanks sir.We can have civil discussion but i see people posting impulsive posts full of hate.This is the unbiased version of PDF.

idolatry must be wiped out from every corner of world by people choice and not by force.People should also be free to not believe in anything if they wish.After all the idea of GOD is simple outcome of insecurity and greed.
But why should idolatry be wiped out mister?it's people's choice..people always have some sort of image to connect themselves with their god...don't christians pray in front of jesus's image? don't muslims bow in the direction of kaaba(and kiss it during their pilgrimage?)of course both christians and muslims may say whatever they want,at the end of the day ,they too are taking the assistance of some sort of image.
But it seems like majority if Hindus have succumbed to the same imaginary and religious nonsense when that Hindu Priestess who supports cow dung medicine got elected with 70% of the vote.

If some people knows that animals are there for eating only than it is not our fault. Our agriculture based economy is flourishing with use of of cow dung and urine as fertilizers. We are able to fight sever draughts with the use of cow Urine and cow dung. . Cow urine is patented for cancer medicine as well. If those who do not know anything except abusing and mocking says something, we do not mind. Some people use this using cow dung or urine to mock Hindus but we know that they are not civilized and hence they have knot got this traditional knowledge in legacy not they are polite enough to respect the belief of others. So basically we do not care what those people say about us.
But why should idolatry be wiped out mister?it's people's choice..people always have some sort of image to connect themselves with their god...don't christians pray in front of jesus's image? don't muslims bow in the direction of kaaba(and kiss it during their pilgrimage?)of course both christians and muslims may say whatever they want,at the end of the day ,they too are taking the assistance of some sort of image.
My bad if i meant harsh but what i meant is everything should be choice and not inforced.
I oppose and mock faiths on a regular basis. Show me the wrath of your god.
Take a hard look at yourself.

Plus, the mocking you do will grant you 'benefits'. When you receive them is up to Him.

Try to reduce it for your own good. Especially your Islamophobic statements and so on.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan Things are heating up faster than I expected...if this continues to happen, we might see a Civil War within SL again :D

BBS (SL radical Buddhist monk terrorist organization) has been pushing for a long time for persecution of Muslims, and have finally found the perfect impetus to fast-track their fascist agenda with full Indian and Burmese support.

China should wake up at the anti-Muslim (and anti-China) nexus emerging between India, Burma, SL, and BD government.
The spread of Islam in places like Sri Lanka and Kerala was through traders...the locals there didnt have any friction with muslims for hundreds of years as muslims co existed peacefully with people of different religions by assimilating into native cultures...but globalisation and oil money in gulf countries spread a form of islam which is not inclusive or liberal...muslims started dressing in a different way...stopped participating in local festivals....distanced themselves by setting up muslims schools ,colleges etc etc...started behaving intolerantly for every trivial thing..started burning non muslims places of worship and indulged in violence...all this caused a distance between muslims and non muslims even in those countries where islam spread peacefully..in this 21st century you cant have harmony with people around you when you start hating them and looking yourselves as some blessed souls who are the sole people who have right for heaven.

Isnt it ironic Mohammad disliked jews for the very reasons muslims are being hated now?(except that jews didnt kill non jews mercilessly )

You know nothing and your views are just derivative of media disinformation campaign.
You know nothing and your views are just derivative of media disinformation campaign.
Tell us your facts then, about the advent of Islam in Malabar and Ceylon. Counter him with hard historical facts instead of a generalized rant and a desperate wail.
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