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Evangelicals Collbarate with Chinese Government to Convert Chinese

I've seen those falun gong active in europe trying to gain followers. Personally i don't like people trying to convert others into a religion. People should decide that on their own. I've read lots of crazy news of christian or catholic priests sexually abusing kids in USA and Europe. Some even escape punishment or enjoying some protection from the pope.
Evangelical Christianity is the radical, pushy Christianity coming from USA.

Catholicism is associated with largely peaceful, humble countries like Latin America.

In fact, Catholic thought is associated with Marxism! Think Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.
If you are a Catholic then you have a sorry understanding of OUR faith. Catholicism was and still is one of the most evangelical branch of Christianity. We do it at the organizational level while evangelical Protestants do it at the personal or individual level and we are good at it. For example, those who have intellectual resistant to Christianity in general, we have the Jesuits. For the poor, we have the various charities labored by lower levels priests and nuns who staffs the local hospitals, food pantries, and so on.
If you are a Catholic then you have a sorry understanding of OUR faith. Catholicism was and still is one of the most evangelical branch of Christianity. We do it at the organizational level while evangelical Protestants do it at the personal or individual level and we are good at it. For example, those who have intellectual resistant to Christianity in general, we have the Jesuits. For the poor, we have the various charities labored by lower levels priests and nuns who staffs the local hospitals, food pantries, and so on.
Of course Catholics would be willing to share our religion with those who are interested. We are not Jews. But we do it passively, by doing charitable works and setting a good example. We do not brainwash people like the Evangelical Christians do -- I really don't like the Evangelicals, they give Christians a bad name with their pushy salesmanship.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Jesuits were very influential in the imperial court. They greatly respected the Chinese civilization, which was at the time more advanced than the West, and they also shared Western technological advancements with China. Many Jesuits believed Catholicism could adapt itself to indigenous Confucian ancestor worship. Unfortunately, the Pope at the time decided that ancestor worship is incompatible with Catholicism, so the Jesuits were stuck. Today, however, the Vatican considers Confucianism a moral philosophy rather than a religion, so it's completely compatible with Catholicism.


In any case, I am not old enough to remember Catholic practices before the Second Vatican Council. Catholic practices were made significantly more lax and all-embracing after the Second Vatican Council. Today's Catholics are basically united by belief in the core precepts of Christianity (the Apostle's Creed) and the belief that Christianity should still be "one Church" rather than divided into sects, as is Protestantism. The Vatican does not require much more from lay Catholics other than that. The only really touchy issue between Beijing and the Vatican is that the Vatican wants priests who give communion in China to be approved by the Vatican.

George Bush is an Evangelical Christian. Hugo Chavez is a lefty Catholic. See how Chavez makes the sign of the cross and calls Bush the devil -- "el diablo"! :lol:

Just ban all religions.
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc are all the same.
There is vomit on all religions.

CPC better stop these underground religions.

The US is the biggest threat to china.
Those scumbags want to convert every Chinese into a Christian so that they will be loyal to the American empire and it's view point.
They want to spread democracy to control governments.
They want to spread capitalism to control businesses and entire economy.

I consider Americans and South Koreans to be the biggest threat.
South Korea has pretty much been Americanized.
Therefore America is the single biggest threat to china bar none.
They want to completely destroy Chinese culture and values and replace it with vulgar and repulsive American culture and values.
I agree, there's no such thing as real democracy. Also China should be careful of companies like Goldman Sachs. They have already contributed to the downfall of Greece causing trouble to the euro currency.
Every one should have their own decision to chose their religion or be an atheist. But the goverment should ban brainwashing or radical groups. But persononally i think that all religions are kind of brainwash, they take away ur descision and promise false hopes.
Every one should have their own decision to chose their religion or be an atheist. But the goverment should ban brainwashing or radical groups. But persononally i think that all religions are kind of brainwash, they take away ur descision and promise false hopes.

Well the point I agree ban the foreign evangelicals including the Korean evangelicals because they are the worst.
Thanks Sino, I'm muslim we have had similiar problems the saudis try to fund mosques in china my hometown I've stated before if you know anything about saudi funded mosques they are bad news, thankfully the CPC always rejected and funded it themselves. :D
Excuse us for trying to give you a place for worship in Godless China:what:
Excuse us for trying to give you a place for worship in Godless China:what:

Thank Allah you didn't and Godless China Funded the mosques for us and giving us a place to worship otherwise intolerance and radicalism would have come with the Saudi mosques Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and several other countries know of this problem.
Imagine, if Hong Xiuquan won the Taiping Rebellion.

China would have been a Christian country.

NOTE: Hong Xiuquan almost toppled the Ching dynasty. He was able to challenge the Ching dynasty seriously. He claimed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. Ironically, the whites helped the Manchus to crush the Taiping Rebellion. As you can see, the whites were not interested in converting the Chinese to Christians. The whites considered the Chinese/Japanese as heathens. Sadly, about 20 million people died from this rebellion (mostly civilians).
Its a great development. I myself am a Syrian Christian. I don't agree with catholocism in principle due to the excessive priority to various other deities and saints. But who am i to judge anyway ?
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