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Euronews: How China's Ukraine stance may be final straw for eastern EU countries

That's right. Americans supply weapons to Taiwanese traitors to slaughter Chinese people. Why should Chinese people be friends with Americans?

You are trying to make it look like Taiwanese were planning to invade mainland China. Who would those US made weapons "slaughter" if there was a war.... PLA soldiers or average Chinese citizens? I think we know the answer.

It's like blaming Ukrainians for defending their country against Russian invaders... "they are slaughtering Russians".
You are trying to make it look like Taiwanese were planning to invade mainland China. Who would those US made weapons "slaughter" if there was a war.... PLA soldiers or average Chinese citizens? I think we know the answer.

It's like blaming Ukrainians for defending their country against Russian invaders... "they are slaughtering Russians".
Hey,you are so sympathy with those countries got invaded? Did you support that israel should have helped iraq,vietnam and other countries that got invaded by USA? Have israel supported those countries? Nobody buy your hypocrisy here,this is a defence forum after all.
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Oh no! A nobody does not recognice Europe.

Im afraid to tell you... that you or your opinion cant change reality.

Btw i recognice Taiwan and Tibet as Independent Nations.

And you know what? As European i can travel Taiwan without Visa. 😅👍
He’s Indian posing as a Chinese
Hey,you are so sympathy with those countries got invaded? Did you support that israel should have helped iraq,vietnam and other countries that got invaded by USA? Did israel supported those countries? Nobody buy your hypocrisy here,this is a defence forum after all.

According to China every countrys independence and borders should be respected but China doesn't condemn Russian actions in Ukraine. Curious.
According to China every countrys independence and borders should be respected but China doesn't condemn Russian actions in Ukraine. Curious.
Yeah, we won't condemn arabian countries when they decide to take israel back too. We condemn whom we want,not whom you want to condemn.
You are trying to make it look like Taiwanese were planning to invade mainland China. Who would those US made weapons "slaughter" if there was a war.... PLA soldiers or average Chinese citizens? I think we know the answer.

It's like blaming Ukrainians for defending their country against Russian invaders... "they are slaughtering Russians".

Taiwan is a serious threat to China. If the opportunity arises, Taiwan invade China with arms supply from Japan, the US, India, Australia.

According to China every countrys independence and borders should be respected but China doesn't condemn Russian actions in Ukraine. Curious.

China understands the US caused Ukraine civil war. Without Euro Maidan in 2013 there be no civil war in Ukraine.
Today, when the United States sees China as its main competitor. China knows what it should do. Unlike Europe, Europe has been played by Britain and later the United States for centuries.
In the eyes of Britain, nothing is more stupid than Europe:
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs
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Europe is not really an unit since there is no unity in Europe. Europe appears as one unit because of US, whose protective power glues European countries together. That is the main function of NATO, which is to keep Russians OUT, Germans DOWN and Americans IN. Without US, European countries would soon get on each other's throat.

So, if you want an Europe, you pay Americans for the protection money, follow American cues and be grateful.
According to China every countrys independence and borders should be respected but China doesn't condemn Russian actions in Ukraine. Curious.
Both Russia and the EU are losers. My personal guess is that after Russia fails, it will disintegrate again. Since Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons, the situation will be very, very dangerous. The only winner is the United States, which will reap the great wealth of Europe and Russia. Now that European money is flowing into the United States, Europeans should see the situation clearly. After Russia is over, the United States will dismantle the European Union.
Both Russia and the EU are losers. My personal guess is that after Russia fails, it will disintegrate again. Since Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons, the situation will be very, very dangerous. The only winner is the United States, which will reap the great wealth of Europe and Russia. Now that European money is flowing into the United States, Europeans should see the situation clearly. After Russia is over, the United States will dismantle the European Union.

Russia has 150 million population. Sure it's small for Asia standards, it's still the most populous country whose capital is in Europe. Russians are pretty hard core nationalists. No way Russia would break up.
Russia has 150 million population. Sure it's small for Asia standards, it's still the most populous country whose capital is in Europe. Russians are pretty hard core nationalists. No way Russia would break up.
In the next decade, Russia, Central Asia, will have a turbulent decade, there will be all kinds of ethnic wars, just like after 1991。The United States would force the surviving Russian regime to denuclearize, The United States will build the most powerful empire. the United States will become the only real superpower, and it will beat whoever it wants. no one can balance usa, usa Maybe will annex Canada.
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Dream on. Whites are only 55% of US population by now. US is becoming the next Mexico or Brazil. It will not be powerful.
I'm not American, I don't have any affection for the American Empire, I'm just speaking my judgment.
In the next decade, Russia, Central Asia, will have a turbulent decade, there will be all kinds of ethnic wars, just like after 1991, The United States would force the surviving Russian regime to denuclearize. The United States will build the most powerful empire. the United States will become the only real superpower, and it will beat whoever it wants. no one can balance usa, usa Maybe will annex Canada.
This is impossible. Russians are actually becoming more nationalistic, less ethnic based. War on Ukraine brought European Russians, Central Asians, Chechens together.

There is also no ethnic nationalist or liberal movement in Russia. Only civil nationalist (Putin, United Russia, Just Russia) and socialist (CPRF).

So it is more likely for Russia to become big North Korea and keep antagonizing the west than to fall.
in china we mocked the leaders of Chechnya is Kalushan, and I predict that Chechnya must be in chaos again. In Russia, only Putin can command little Kadyrov. Putin is 70 years old. According to the average life expectancy of Russians, his time is really Not much, now the BBC says he has cancer, which may be true.
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