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Eurofighter Typhoon to Oman in $4.1b deal

I mean unjustified , waste of money

4.1 Billion Dollars ...

4.1 Billion could have bought them 160 JF17 thunders with no weapons

Or 100 JF17 thunders with Missiles Package from China that are with in 5-10 % performance equal to Typhoons

With 100% engineering training and Pilot Training from China

Very Shameful purchase , and waste of money

I agree but do you know what is going to be covered under this deal? Do you think Oman is stupid to throw such sum of cash into nowhere. until now there are no details related to this deal so we dont need to jump into conclusion so quick. Just like what Saudi Arabia did when first singed the typhoon deal paid a lot of money but at the end full ToT of the eurofighter.


To save Palestinian- retarded Arabs brotherhood? Should GCC protect their brothers or no?

You are doing favor on enemies.

GCC countries are to serve and protect their people not others. we have tested arabs brotherhood in many occasions. Al7amduallah we dont need anyone except God. we offer our help to the limit we could.
12 Planes 4.1 Billion dollars

2 Hot dogs two popcorn and Movies Tickets included

1000s of British and french jobs +1 G C C puppets saved Price less

For every One else their is Arab spring

haters gonna hate while GCC are prospering. Thank God for the health and the wealth............

Nop sorry not until we break the Shia crescent completely. after Syria there comes Lebanon then Iraq. emotion not allowed.:azn:

12 typhoons , is a bit low is it not 120

MAY BE ITS A "TYPHO"........ on

They sure picked a great name for this bird lol should have called it

Collosal waste of Arab money

Arab Pays Money , UK builds its own planes makes 80-90 planes and then gives 2 planes to arabs with Arab money ...

They did this trick before too .. I think they charged Ottomans money to build them frigates and then used the money to build their own Army and then confiscated vessels for Turkish

I remember reading about this story (fact really) ..

Very interesting story , back then British and French hated each other , and some how there was some issue with alliance , and poor Ottomans , formed alliance with british or something like that
so british promised to make ships for their "friends" and later they backstabbed and sunk all Ottoman ships and the new ones they kept these for themselves ...

All the "Ships" use to pay taxes to Muslim Navies for Using their Territorial waters... all changed thanks to British selling "ships to Turkish" ...

Story repeats .. again ... this time ... the victim are Arabs

I thought so but i said to myself lets give it a shot he might worth it.
Nop sorry not until we break the Shia crescent completely. after Syria there comes Lebanon then Iraq. emotion not allowed.:azn:

I thought so but i said to myself lets give it a shot he might worth it.

What you wanna destroy Lebanon and do this to them?

Did you hypocrite say the GCC doesn't care about anyone else but for their people... then why you intervening in others nations and killing their people... and you forgot Palestine??
how did you come up with this conclusion ! on what basis exactly...?

On the basis that A complete up to date modern F-16 Block 52+ weapons/system and everything associated costs $160M-$167M over the life time costs IF we put single Typhoon at $220M [actual 190M-205M] that makes 220X12=$2.64B now add 8 BAE Hawk MK132 $35M each includes life time costs that makes a total of $2.880B.

This is exactly termed rip off earning $1.22B...
On the basis that A complete up to date modern F-16 Block 52+ weapons/system and everything associated costs $160M-$167M over the life time costs IF we put single Typhoon at $220M [actual 190M-205M] that makes 220X12=$2.64B now add 8 BAE Hawk MK132 $35M each includes life time costs that makes a total of $2.880B.

This is exactly termed rip off earning $1.22B...

As I said we don't need to jump into conclusion with no details yet. lets wait.
As I said we don't need to jump into conclusion with no details yet. lets wait.

Hi, Typhoon is a great Aircraft and glad Oman has chosen Typhoon, but we know most major Arms deal includes kickbacks and corruption. BAE-UK is making $1B-$B1.22 profit out of this deal.

We should have no problem whatever and from whomever Oman buy Weapons it is their money if they can afford it who cares...what we all are pointing at is BAE is cheating, this is called price fixation which is illegal.

Someone pointed out 126 indian Rafales at $15B this should be alarming $4.1B should be the cost of 40 Typhoons. If this is not rip off then what is rip off called.

I hope Oman replaces Jaguars with F-16V Block 52+ with AESA that are offered to Singapore Air Force there is absolutely no need to go for more Typhoons F-16 infrastructure is in place.
Hi, Typhoon is a great Aircraft and glad Oman has chosen Typhoon, but we know most major Arms deal includes kickbacks and corruption. BAE-UK is making $1B-$B1.22 profit out of this deal.

We should have no problem whatever and from whomever Oman buy Weapons it is their money if they can afford it who cares...what we all are pointing at is BAE is cheating, this is called price fixation which is illegal.

Someone pointed out 126 indian Rafales at $15B this should be alarming $4.1B should be the cost of 40 Typhoons. If this is not rip off then what is rip off called.

I hope Oman replaces Jaguars with F-16V Block 52+ with AESA that are offered to Singapore Air Force there is absolutely no need to go for more Typhoons F-16 infrastructure is in place.

If you ask me what is the definition of corruption My answer would say BAE but the are selling us very sophisticated and far advanced military equip even the US went into odd with them regarding ToT of the pavway to saudi arabia.
If you ask me what is the definition of corruption My answer would say BAE but the are selling us very sophisticated and far advanced military equip even the US went into odd with them regarding ToT of the pavway to saudi arabia.

Legend, RSAF deal is a different one it is a huge deal certain degree of TOT and 4 squadrons with option to procure 4 more squadrons, great Aircraft great potential second to F-35s. In such a deal a little more sum goes towards pocket is fine but this is Oman a small country with no danger US-UK and other allies will always protect Oman, if it were 200M profit that would have been fine but it is potential $1.2B pocketing.

Myself I'm glad RSAF went for Typhoons because previously US rejected 100 or so F-16s sales to RSAF during clinton administration right move by Kingdom to divert next buy but my personal objection to F-15SA should have been either Typhoons or F-35A because saudis hold the money and certain degree of leverage on US. Well we'll discuss more on appropriate Thread.
LOL what a ripoff. These same people were ready to sell 126 Typhoons to India for around 15-20 billion dollars , but the bid was rejected because Rafale beat it in terms of life cycle costs and was more preferred by the air force. BTW , the Indian deal does include missiles , Transfer of Technology , spare parts etc.

I agree you people are loaded with oil cash , but having loads of cash simply doesn't give you the right to be an idiot.
you are one sick person... that's it..

It's ok , leave the saudi alone. He probably masturbates to dead bodies of Non Sunnis. You don't have anything to be worried about. You have the support of Iran and Russia. Once you have Russia's support , there's not much one can do to you. The number of soviet era weapons stacked up in bunkers and ware houses in Russia is probably 1 million times larger than the number of weapons that these primitive saudis could ever hope to afford.
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