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EU warns against ban on Geo

We don't want Geo, we are happy with the consequences, End of Story!!!

Yeah you probably don't cause just like the other Pakistanis here you were most probably born with a silver spoon. Its the people whose livelihood depend on the exports who will not very happy with the consequences.
Yeah exactly, after a lot of intensive lobbying Pakistan was able to secure the status. And here we have people willing to throw it away cause poor ISI's ego got hurt :woot:
Not coz ISI ego got hurt...but it was a series of events that led to it and the ISI was the last push..

We don't want Geo, we are happy with the consequences, End of Story!!!
Eu keray na keray, Indians wont end anything that has to do with spoiling Pakistan :coffee:
Yeah you probably don't cause just like the other Pakistanis here you were most probably born with a silver spoon. Its the people whose livelihood depend on the exports who will not very happy with the consequences.
Hey Im from a very poor background, I'm currently in PK and believe me the GSP, GDP etc. are not helping here at all, people are already in misery but the people here are willing to starve to death in the name of Faith!
Not coz ISI ego got hurt...but it was a series of events that led to it and the ISI was the last push..

Eu keray na keray, Indians wont end anything that has to do with spoiling Pakistan :coffee:

The thing is that you have a right to ban any media - but then don't go and sign clauses that you will uphold freedom of expression, then they have a right to do what they want.


That's the best you can do keyboard warrior when your leaders sign docs to become EU's bitch. :lol:
Well it was bound to happen even without UN Intervention as Government is already hell bent to protecting its propaganda tool.
The thing is that you have a right to ban any media - but then don't go and sign clauses that you will uphold freedom of expression, then they have a right to do what they want.
Well, we have express news, PTV news so stating that just coz GEO is ban is endangering freedom of any form is really a far cry!
Some of the products of Pakistan’s interest were already duty free either under MFN or
standard GSP
i.e. surgical instruments, basmati rice, guar gum, spices, onyx, fans etc, while 75
tariff lines also benefited from the Special Autonomous Trade Preference Scheme for Pakistan.

But now under the GSP Plus regime all of the products of Pakistan’s export interest would be
entitled to duty free treatment
which includes all Textiles, Textiles made ups, bed linen,
garments, leather products, footwear, plastics, ethanol, agriculture products and processed
food etc.

GSP Plus scheme would be the Textiles
and Garments sector; our trade analysts have estimated an overall growth of almost 15%

Can the GSP Plus status be withdrawn by EU? If so, How?
Firstly it needs to be clearly understood that the GSP Plus scheme is a ‘Special Incentive
Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance’.
As the name suggests, the
scheme has been conceived by the European Union as an incentive to inculcate good
governance and sustainable development practices in the developing countries
, in order to help
them in achieving best practices and moving up the ladder of development
. Therefore; the
additional tariff preferences provided under the special incentive arrangement for sustainable
development and good governance would be granted to those developing countries which; due
to a lack of diversification and insufficient integration within the international trading system,
are vulnerable .i.e. 3

Exports of that country should not exceed 2% of EU’s global GSP imports.
Seven largest sectors of products contribute more than 75% of its exports to EU.
 It is not a high or upper middle income country, and;
 Has signed, ratified and implemented 27 core International Conventions pertaining to;
Human Rights, Labor Rights, Environment, Narcotics Control and Corruption
While the vulnerability criteria pertaining to lack of diversification, low income, low share in EU
GSP imports and signing/ratification of the core Conventions are a prequalification for a GSP
Plus beneficiary country (which Pakistan fulfills), the implementation of these conventions is
the core issue which would ensure Pakistan’s continuity in the GSP plus regime.
In this regard the EU has devised a monitoring mechanism and it is expected of the beneficiary
countries to fully cooperate in providing information, whereby the EU would gauge the
satisfactory implementation of these Conventions, failing which, the country could face
withdrawal of GSP Plus status.

Dont see freedom of speech in the clause we signed :coffee: Pakistan needs good lawyers to blow this back in EU face!


Lawyers read between the lines and find holes! Biggest black hole here is they didnt specify what they are trying to push "freedom of speech"

It is a trade agreement bitch. EU would get our quality products. All this freedom of speech is BS. Our guys in EU would make a way out despite banning geo. That is what diplomacy is for!!!
Democracy is a myth EU paints everything they do under and counter the world with it when it suits them!
Well, we have express news, PTV news so stating that just coz GEO is ban is endangering freedom of any form is really a far cry!

Buddy I am neutral - I know you lot are all charged up, but when it comes to hampering the media's freedom - the west takes a very critical view of it, besides, it sets a precedence of towing a government line or be banned.
on top of it all i seriously doubt EU would remove the status. In srilanka it was due to human rights voilations. This is banning a news channel in a country which has multiple news channel. The case against Geo is bcz of blasphemy event and treason. If Pemra says that such a channel is spreading lies and is doing treason then it can revoke the channels license. EU has no say in this.
After all i am pretty sure if someone says Anti uk stuff or Anti EU stuff or Anti american stuff then they would be punished under treason laws and if those countries have blasphemy laws too then they would be punished according to them also as laws are there to stop such events.

EU has no authority to stop us or tell us anything on this matter. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as its not against ones religion,culture,race or country.
Yeah you probably don't cause just like the other Pakistanis here you were most probably born with a silver spoon. Its the people whose livelihood depend on the exports who will not very happy with the consequences.
Which one? Just coz we behave well and do our homework doesnt mean we were born with silver and gold spoons!

Buddy I am neutral - I know you lot are all charged up, but when it comes to hampering the media's freedom - the west takes a very critical view of it, besides, it sets a precedence of towing a government line or be banned.
I know EU takes it critical when others do it...But I am yet to see Italy being kicked out of EU for engulfing all of their media freedom...99% of their channels show their corrupt leader and not a word from EU...

I am yet to see EU slam France for putting bullets in freedom of religion when they banned even the headscarf in universities! And just to look cute France banned wearing religious symbols...like wearing a headscarf is a symbol

I am yet to see them cough up all the corruption they sweep under the carpet for Greece, Spain and Portugal...and well dont even talk about west Europe...dont know where to start there!
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