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EU stops southstream oil pipeline project with russia

Theorist or not,he has Putin's confidence and he's close to the power circles in Moscow and from what i've read he always sees Romania as part of the Eurasian Union as a "natural orthodox brother".

No thanks.

He is not that close to putin from what I know. Putin has more influence of Igor Sechin,sergei Ivanov,Lavrov,Medvedvev and there focus is on belarus,kazakhstan,armenia and ukraine.

To be frank,romanians have no like for russia. Like that jews don't have like for Russia. Jewish scientists gave several secrets like on mig-31 radar ,engines,ICBM's ,lasers to nato etc. I doubt putin will try to integrate people who have strong dislike for Russia as they can be enemy sympathizers. And if Putin was listening to Dugin he would have intervened in ukraine by now. Dugin's a proper imperialist type. Putin has no moods for imperial ventures. Rather he wants to like Russia a first world nation. He restored russia to second world and has goal of making it first.

I allready knew this but that doesn't give back 45 wasted years of Soviet imposed communism.While we had elites shot and marched into forced labour,private enterprises destroyed the Westerners had American protection.Now,some of them dare to flaunt their nose at us for being close to the US and getting in their way of the economical interests.Cry me a river.

As i've said,kick us out,kill the EU if everything is for their interests and at least we will know where we stand.

Btw,no Soviet imposed communiism=no way a crazy illiterate shoe maker like Ceausescu comes to power in the Kingdom of Romania.

Communism was created by wall street and sustained by it. So either way you have been screwed by USA . Our nation ,was a province in the global wall street empire.
He is not that close to putin from what I know. Putin has more influence of Igor Sechin,sergei Ivanov,Lavrov,Medvedvev and there focus is on belarus,kazakhstan,armenia and ukraine.

To be frank,romanians have no like for russia. Like that jews don't have like for Russia. Jewish scientists gave several secrets like on mig-31 radar ,engines,ICBM's ,lasers etc. I doubt putin will try to integrate people who have strong dislike for Russia as they can be enemy sympathizers. And if Putin was listening to Dugin he would have intervened in ukraine by now. Dugin's a proper imperialist type. Putin has no moods for imperial ventures. Rather he wants to like Russia a first world nation. He restored russia to second world and has goal of making it first.

If that were true Moldova would have been left alone or let to join Romania a long time ago,especially in the early 90's.In fact,that is our only problem with Russia,we could even forget the past,the 93 tons of gold owed to us from WW1 when we trusted Russia,etc.We are not a vengeafull nation,we are small and we only want to be left alone in our lands.
If that were true Moldova would have been left alone or let to join Romania a long time ago,especially in the early 90's.In fact,that is our only problem with Russia,we could even forget the past,the 93 tons of gold owed to us from WW1 when we trusted Russia,etc.We are not a vengeafull nation,we are small and we only want to be left alone in our lands.

We were ruled by jewish oiligarchs in 90's also. So I think the moldavia menace.But then I think it will be sorted out by referendums in bessarabia,gagauzia,transitria.

the 93 tons of gold owed to us from WW1 when we trusted Russia

Trotsky handed over your and our russian tsarist gold to wall street(reference:wall street and the bolshevik revolution by Anthony Sutton) as a payment for weapons provided by standard oil and Schiff kohn and loeb bank

We are not a vengeafull nation,we are small and we only want to be left alone in our lands

But ,still it you are under the thumb of wall street. Whether wall street capitalism or wall street communism.
Trotsky handed over your and our russian tsarist gold to wall street(reference:wall street and the bolshevik revolution by Anthony Sutton) as a payment for weapons provided by standard oil and Schiff kohn and loeb bank

The problem is we didn't give it to Trotsky for safe keeping but to the current then legitimate Russian goverment.

But ,still it you are under the thumb of wall street. Whether wall street capitalism or wall street communism.

It may be so,but is our path to choose.

We were ruled by jewish oiligarchs in 90's also. So I think the moldavia menace.But then I think it will be sorted out by referendums in bessarabia,gagauzia,transitria.

Transnistria,Moldova yes.Gagauzia ? Why should some 100.000 colonists brought 100-150 years ago get to decide to secede from Romanian lands? Every small town will get ideeas..Transnistria was never ours so i'm fair there.
Security. Something that Germany can't guarantee..and trying to reach deals with the Russians doesn't help.

You should remember that Germany isn't in the EU for altruist reasons and had huge to profit from the Euro (and even from those beggar countries) .EU is in everyones interest, and more so for Germany..

NATO (read the USA) kept the Russians from W Germany and maintained a status quo with the WP.Things would have looked a lot different if the Soviets had free, undisputed, reign in Europe. Russification galore..
We should know, my country and the rest of E Europe was wrecked after 50 years of Soviet influence... .

@flamer84 Cacaciosul asta tremura acum 20 de ani ca da un tanc peste el daca pleaca americanii si acum se joaca de a geopolitica si face schimburi "natiuni-pe-gaz ieftin"

The EU spends more than twice the amount than Russia on military, we have two atomic powers that pose enough deterrence to anyone. The only time Russia crossed the western shore of the Neisse was when the Nazis attacked them while West European powers have crossed that line at least three times as an invasion.

We did not "get into" the EU, we are founders of the EU. Sure, it has positive effects for us, but don't tell me that you accepted our invitation as sign of altruism? don't make me laugh! You wanted our money, no less!

FYI, Russia is just part of the former USSR and there is no more USSR and the Cold War ended more than 20 years ago. Whatever griefs you had with the USSR, remember there is no more USSR, deal with it.

Calling me little shitter doesn't help your stance amongst the people in the old EU countries. If you don't need cheap gas from Russia, you are free to import them from the US, just don't ask us to help you when you are short of money.

Kick us out :coffee:

If you think that we will just let millions of Romanians to be enslaved back to Russia's new gulag (the Eurasian Union) just because you want cheap gas,you're in for a surprise.

At the moment the US is our best ally and none of your whining will change that.Don't know if the US has done much for us but i know Russia did,and it ain't pretty.

Spare me your rants to,almost entire Eastern Europe (Poland,The Baltics,Romania) has sided with the US on this issue because,unlike you,they have the guts to stand up to the bear,and,as i've said we're not going back to the WP just so you would have cheap gas.

Show us the door and be sure will leave.

No,it's about money.People like @Götterdämmerung would like Eastern Euros to ling themselves up and march to the gulags so he can have cheap gas .Sry,i got better plans with my life.

Spare me with your Russia paranoia. If you want to side with the US, than leave the EU and joint the US. The rest, just read my reply to Declein.
As @senheiser would put it..."Good news!"


This energy crisis in EU combined with global warming and the fact that most energy producing countries are in a clusterfuck or supporting terrorism gives me hope that very soon new innovative energy sources will come online. Either Fusion reactors, first of which is supposed to go online in 2020 or Thorium reactors.

It would solve our energy problem also as India is rich in every resource except energy resource ( and our suppliers hate us for historical/religious/political reason).
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This energy crisis in EU combined with global warming and the fact that most energy producing countries are in a clusterfuck or supporting terrorism gives me hope that very soon new innovative energy sources will come online. Either Fusion reactors, first of which is supposed to go online in 2020 or Thorium reactors.

It would solve our energy problem also as India is rich in every resource except energy resource ( and our suppliers hate us for historical/religious/political reason).

Totally agree :tup:

BTW when you say fusion reactors which go online in 2020 do you mean ITER?
Totally agree :tup:

BTW when you say fusion reactors which go online in 2020 do you mean ITER?


And Demo reactor is planned after that which would be a working reactor directly plugged to grid. How fast it would be constructed depends on how much funding it would get.If funded adequately, Fusion reactors could replace each and every power source by 2040-45. Till then thorium reactors and Shale gas and oil could fill the gap.

If this world if freed of it's dependence on Oil, 90% of World's problems would vanish.
Once we India and Russia move ahead with the pipeline deal, we would be one of your major buyers. :D

That would be difficult on logistical grounds.

The pipeline that is proposed by Russia passes through one of the most inhospitable terrain in the world, is too long to ever become economical, and the biggest drawback of this pipeline being location of Russian Gas fields. Majority of Russian gas fields are located Around Caspian, Urals , Siberia and Sakhalin. Out of these Ural and Siberian gas fields could never become economical for India by any permutation. Sakhalin, due to it's coastal location probably would have less transport cost via LNG route than via what probably would be world's longest pipeline and Caspian reserves may be better delivered via Iran, if Russia is willing.

I see no future for this pipeline.

Also pricing would be an issue. India already has stakes in Sakhalin gas fields but could not transport gas due to exorbitant transport costs.
That would be difficult on logistical grounds.

The pipeline that is proposed by Russia passes through one of the most inhospitable terrain in the world, is too long to ever become economical, and the biggest drawback of this pipeline being location of Russian Gas fields. Majority of Russian gas fields are located Around Caspian, Urals , Siberia and Sakhalin. Out of these Ural and Siberian gas fields could never become economical for India by any permutation. Sakhalin, due to it's coastal location probably would have less transport cost via LNG route than via what probably would be world's longest pipeline and Caspian reserves may be better delivered via Iran, if Russia is willing.

I see no future for this pipeline.

Also pricing would be an issue. India already has stakes in Sakhalin gas fields but could not transport gas due to exorbitant transport costs.
The pipeline along with undersea pipeline from iran would prove useful for us, untill we get our thorium reactors and move towards green energy.
The problem is we didn't give it to Trotsky for safe keeping but to the current then legitimate Russian goverment.

It may be so,but is our path to choose.

Transnistria,Moldova yes.Gagauzia ? Why should some 100.000 colonists brought 100-150 years ago get to decide to secede from Romanian lands? Every small town will get ideeas..Transnistria was never ours so i'm fair there.

I think Gaguazia was nogai horde brought under turks who converted to orthodoxy. Likely any other ideas like force by romanian/moldavian army ,it will lead to civil war . to be frank I think transferred of any romanian majority area from transnistria should be fine to suffice the loss of gagauzia or transfer of some of ukrainian and russian populations from Bessarabia to Voronzeh,Southern Russia,Altai,Eastern Russia(voluntary offers of agricultural land by Rusian govt) and the repatriated land could be alloted to moldavians who fled stalin's invasion .

But if bessarabia

The problem is we didn't give it to Trotsky for safe keeping but to the current then legitimate Russian goverment.

the problem is that legal holder was destroyed(russian empire) in a conspiracy by wall street and soviet empire not russian empire not Russian federation.

So stop blaming us for problems imposed on Russia from outside. If I was part of Russian govt ,I would have payments for the gold that trotsky gave in form of oil/gas or technology ,whichever acceptable to Romania. But then Russian federation was not the heir of the Russian empire.

It may be so,but is our path to choose.

I will say this ,the wall street will keep you deindustrialized. Putin is trying to exit the dollar system of wall street. Best thing ever.

Every small town will get ideeas

Means even more direct democracy. If towns in Transnistria with romanian majority have their ideas to leave I am fine with it.Likewise it is the same for gaguazia. I prefer to respect will of people normally. Provided people don't start ethnic cleansing and mass murdeer against each other.
Cheap energy is most important for production especially for the cost effectiveness of the final product.
For that reason agreement between China and Russia was so important because will provide competitiveness of Chinese products .
Is very probably that gas will go to India because that is resource who will increase economics and boost trade between China and India.
I don't think we will buy more gas from Russia.

Russia supplies %40 of our gas and Iran supplies another %40... we are trying to differentiate the sources and trying to lower both Russia and Iran's gas share. We are currently trying to Introduce Azeri and Turkmen gas. Also there is a possibilty that we can buy Israeli gas.

Also we trying to build Nuclear plants which will decrease the usage of natural gas in our energy production.

its not you who will decide
Right. We should all immediately get off of PDF because what we say doesn't matter. :)

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