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EU stops southstream oil pipeline project with russia

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always knew their puppets!

No, Japan acts logical. What would Japan gain from Russia? The two nations have virtually no trade and still no peace agreement since WW II. On the other side EU and USA are Japans main trade partners. So of course they stand on our side.
Listen here pakistani troll, where are the sources for your claims. Your trolls posts are not sufficient.

Wrong, China pays less. 20% under the market price that the EU paid. Japan is also banning russian gas since it follows USA.

What would they gain? Cheap energy resources to fuel their economy? Do you even know japans energy situation or are you talking out of your asian arse as usual?

No, Japan acts logical. What would Japan gain from Russia? The two nations have virtually no trade and still no peace agreement since WW II. On the other side EU and USA are Japans main trade partners. So of course they stand on our side.
Listen here pakistani troll, where are the sources for your claims. Your trolls posts are not sufficient.

What would they gain? Cheap energy resources to fuel their economy? Do you even know japans energy situation or are you talking out of your asian arse as usual?

You need no energy when you have no markets left that buy your goods. Japan is on our side and they know who is their friend. As you saw they joined our sanctions. :)
this is good move, since Russia isnt a reliable oil supplier anymore. so any reduction in european dependence on it is welcomed.
As @senheiser would put it..."Good news!"

Sometimes I'm wondering the sanity of some people. Countries and regions that could have delivered us badly needed gas and oil are being destabilised or cut off, e.g. Libya is just across the sea and now a Arabian Spring nightmare without end, Syria is a gateway for Iraq/ Iran oil and gas, now another Arabian Spring nightmare with no end in sight, due to US pressure the Northstream bypassing Ukraine is to be utilised at 60% capacity, now the Southstream is halted shortly after the visit of some US politicians. The Ukraine, the most cost efficient route for our need gas, is in the hand of US controlled and financed Nazi puppets. We are being cut from all sides with the help of our great friend the US, the one who spies on all of us, great friend indeed.

And there are people within the EU who scream hooray.

I ask: cui bono?
Sometimes I'm wondering the sanity of some people. Countries and regions that could have delivered us badly needed gas and oil are being destabilised or cut off, e.g. Libya is just across the sea and now a Arabian Spring nightmare without end, Syria is a gateway for Iraq/ Iran oil and gas, now another Arabian Spring nightmare with no end in sight, due to US pressure the Northstream bypassing Ukraine is to be utilised at 60% capacity, now the Southstream is halted shortly after the visit of some US politicians. The Ukraine, the most cost efficient route for our need gas, is in the hand of US controlled and financed Nazi puppets. We are being cut from all sides with the help of our great friend the US, the one who spies on all of us, great friend indeed.

And there are people within the EU who scream hooray.

I ask: cui bono?
thank god we completed north stream so germany isnt cut off yet
Yeap, it's government that whom decided it and i'm informing you.

TANAP – Trans Anadolu Doğal Gaz Boru Hattı Projesi | 2 Devlet, Tek Millet!
Shah Deniz | Operations and projects | BP Caspian
Shah Deniz Stage 2 | Operations and projects | BP Caspian


Turkey emerges as option for new Russian pipeline | ACTURCA

Turkey express interest in Russia’s South Stream pipeline project | Euro Asia News
Wrong, China pays less. 20% under the market price that the EU paid. Japan is also banning russian gas since it follows USA.

china got 38 bcm or what every it was called. It can be increased to 60 with a second contract, so russia will probably demand a higher price next time

Japan is also banning russian gas since it follows USA.

Japanese Lawmakers to Lobby Abe for Russian Gas Pipeline - Bloomberg

Those are not about increasing purchase of Russian gas but showing interest for being a transit country for Russian gas.

but it can be increased if pipelines are built. Also turkmen and azeri gas is more expensive than russia gas.
thank god we completed north stream so germany isnt cut off yet

Well, all that thanks to Schröder who is patriotic enough to go against the right wing mainstream, even within his own party.

I would also like to add that the countries and regions I have mentioned, most if not all of them were willing to sell their resources for an alternative currency including the Euro. Now we are forced by the US to continue using the US$ instead of having the same ability as the US to print money and get stuffs cheaply. But the Euro in so far would have been more attractive because we, particularly Germany, still has a massive physical production of attractive goods for the Euro. An endless cycle of oil for Euro, Euro for our products that backs our currency ...

The EU politicians have shot in their feet (in fact, in our feet) and still trying to keep up appearances.

Are our politicians all being blackmailed with their little skeletons in the closet or are they just criminal (I wouldn't wonder)? The NSA certainly has for all relevant politicians a personal file. But looking at their past records, e.g. what they did in Kosovo, I would think its both, they are criminal and therefore open to blackmail.

I ask you: cui bono?
but it can be increased if pipelines are built. Also turkmen and azeri gas is more expensive than russia gas.

That's what i'm telling. you have already %40 share, there is no way we are going to rise your share and became to depended on Russia alone.

Also, i'm not sure but as far as i know Russia is selling over-priced gas for us. Azeri and Turkmen gas is going to be cheaper.

Sometimes I'm wondering the sanity of some people. Countries and regions that could have delivered us badly needed gas and oil are being destabilised or cut off, e.g. Libya is just across the sea and now a Arabian Spring nightmare without end, Syria is a gateway for Iraq/ Iran oil and gas, now another Arabian Spring nightmare with no end in sight, due to US pressure the Northstream bypassing Ukraine is to be utilised at 60% capacity, now the Southstream is halted shortly after the visit of some US politicians. The Ukraine, the most cost efficient route for our need gas, is in the hand of US controlled and financed Nazi puppets. We are being cut from all sides with the help of our great friend the US, the one who spies on all of us, great friend indeed.
And there are people within the EU who scream hooray.
I ask: cui bono?

EU should give support for Azeri and Turkmen Gas.
It is a fairy tale to believe nato can do without russian energy imports. But they need to put a brave face in front of their stupid populous. Either way, Russia is looking eastward. India China and Japan all need Russian gas. And they pay more and dont kill ethnic russians. Slava Rossiya.

lol in what world do you live in that you think countries like China and India can pay more for gas than Europeans, they obviously pay less and alot of the infrastructure is also weak, its a lose lose situation for Russia, the west will just buy it elsewhere at the same inflated prices the Russians gave and then the Russians have to setup new infrastructure and sell for a cheaper price. Rosatom also look likely to lose a planned venture on building new reactors in the UK who will probably just end up turning to the French instead. Stupid populous? haha, it was my mistake to think that we had some of the best places of learning in the world and world renowned companies in Tech, dont really hear people saying that want to go study in Moscow very often do you.
Well, all that thanks to Schröder who is patriotic enough to go against the right wing mainstream, even within his own party.

I would also like to add that the countries and regions I have mentioned, most if not all of them were willing to sell their resources for an alternative currency including the Euro. Now we are forced by the US to continue using the US$ instead of having the same ability as the US to print money and get stuffs cheaply. But the Euro in so far would have been more attractive because we, particularly Germany, still has a massive physical production of attractive goods for the Euro. An endless cycle of oil for Euro, Euro for our products that backs our currency ...

The EU politicians have shot in their feet (in fact, in our feet) and still trying to keep up appearances.

Are our politicians all being blackmailed with their little skeletons in the closet or are they just criminal (I wouldn't wonder)? The NSA certainly has for all relevant politicians a personal file. But looking at their past records, e.g. what they did in Kosovo, I would think its both, they are criminal and therefore open to blackmail.

I ask you: cui bono?

Read this : Exclusive: As bank fines soar, U.S. threatened $16 billion BNP penalty | Reuters , BNP is trying to lower the fine to 10 billion $ through a settlement ....and they will pay every cent of it. USA owns the world financial system and that won;t change in our generation.

If you don't like it you can get stronger than the USA and then challenge them. Alternatively, you can exit the EU and forge your own alliance with Russia.
Ofcourse, non would benefit Germany. Forget Russia, it's a thing of the past, focus on the EU and it's growth.
Read this : Exclusive: As bank fines soar, U.S. threatened $16 billion BNP penalty | Reuters , BNP is trying to lower the fine to 10 billion $ through a settlement ....and they will pay every cent of it. USA owns the world financial system and that won;t change in our generation.

If you don't like it you can get stronger than the USA and then challenge them. Alternatively, you can exit the EU and forge your own alliance with Russia.

Now that's quite funny, the beggar asks the biggest donor to leave the house, not only that we were one of the founders of this house and we let you in to sit at the lavish table that we have laid the cloth. :lol:

How about you leave the EU? We certainly won't miss you since you have nothing to give us anyway, beggar. What a spineless bunch of leeches. Eat from our hands and tell us to bend over backward to the US. Haha ... Why don't you become a US state and ask them to give you some handouts?
Now that's quite funny, the beggar asks the biggest donor to leave the house, not only that we were one of the founders of this house and we let you in to sit at the lavish table that we have laid the cloth. :lol:

How about you leave the EU? We certainly won't miss you since you have nothing to give us anyway, beggar. What a spineless bunch of leeches. Eat from our hands and tell us to bend over backward to the US. Haha ... Why don't you become a US state and ask them to give you some handouts?

You invited us in, remember? Alternatively, you can always kick us and other "beggars" out and see how things play out from there.

It's also funny how you forget that if it wasn't for the Americans you would now speak Russian, or be dead.
I would love to have seen your rhetoric at work with the W Pact tanks if the Americans disengaged from Europe in the '50ths...the way I see it, you have been given the biggest handout by the USA, ever, on account that you're still breathing
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