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EU stops southstream oil pipeline project with russia

Also, i'm not sure but as far as i know Russia is selling over-priced gas for us. Azeri and Turkmen gas is going to be cheaper.
Azerbaijan is selling its gas under the market price to Turkey, i dont think Russians can top this.
doesnt make much difference since existing pipelines already feed much of the EU countries, this would be a more symbolic thing

kind of like TAPI pipeline which ADB and the West want Pakistan to become a part of - as it bypasses Iran :laugh:
Mate, did you saw previous posts... Europeans dissing each other like in ME threads. :rofl:
Well, they also have sects like Catholics and Orthodox, its like Shia and Sunni, everywhere the same, religion is the biggest motivation for a conflict.
You invited us in, remember? Alternatively, you can always kick us and other "beggars" out and see how things play out from there.

It's also funny how you forget that if it wasn't for the Americans you would now speak Russian, or be dead.
I would love to have seen your rhetoric at work with the W Pact tanks if the Americans disengaged from Europe in the '50ths...the way I see it, you have been given the biggest handout by the USA, ever, on account that you're still breathing

Yes, we invited you in, because we thought that you would strengthen the house that is Europe, but instead you have become a mole and even has the cheek to ask us to leave the house.

Didn't know that former East Germans all speak Russian and forgot their mothertongue. Just had lunch with a colleague this afternoon who is from the former DDR. He is very much alive and speak s German.

The US got all our high tech and patents as repayment and the money they lent us for rebuilding have been repaid including interests.

May I ask you what the US has given Romania that you love to lick their boots? Since your country has received so much from the biggest donor of the EU, what have you done for us except being a US mole?
May I ask you what the US has given Romania that you love to lick their boots? Since your country has received so much from the biggest donor of the EU, what have you done for us except being a US mole?

Security. Something that Germany can't guarantee..and trying to reach deals with the Russians doesn't help.

You should remember that Germany isn't in the EU for altruist reasons and had huge to profit from the Euro (and even from those beggar countries) .EU is in everyones interest, and more so for Germany..

NATO (read the USA) kept the Russians from W Germany and maintained a status quo with the WP.Things would have looked a lot different if the Soviets had free, undisputed, reign in Europe. Russification galore..
We should know, my country and the rest of E Europe was wrecked after 50 years of Soviet influence... .

@flamer84 Cacaciosul asta tremura acum 20 de ani ca da un tanc peste el daca pleaca americanii si acum se joaca de a geopolitica si face schimburi "natiuni-pe-gaz ieftin"
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Yes, we invited you in, because we thought that you would strengthen the house that is Europe, but instead you have become a mole and even has the cheek to ask us to leave the house.

Didn't know that former East Germans all speak Russian and forgot their mothertongue. Just had lunch with a colleague this afternoon who is from the former DDR. He is very much alive and speak s German.

The US got all our high tech and patents as repayment and the money they lent us for rebuilding have been repaid including interests.

May I ask you what the US has given Romania that you love to lick their boots? Since your country has received so much from the biggest donor of the EU, what have you done for us except being a US mole?

Kick us out :coffee:

If you think that we will just let millions of Romanians to be enslaved back to Russia's new gulag (the Eurasian Union) just because you want cheap gas,you're in for a surprise.

At the moment the US is our best ally and none of your whining will change that.Don't know if the US has done much for us but i know Russia did,and it ain't pretty.

Spare me your rants to,almost entire Eastern Europe (Poland,The Baltics,Romania) has sided with the US on this issue because,unlike you,they have the guts to stand up to the bear,and,as i've said we're not going back to the WP just so you would have cheap gas.

Show us the door and be sure will leave.

Well, they also have sects like Catholics and Orthodox, its like Shia and Sunni, everywhere the same, religion is the biggest motivation for a conflict.

No,it's about money.People like @Götterdämmerung would like Eastern Euros to ling themselves up and march to the gulags so he can have cheap gas .Sry,i got better plans with my life.

@flamer84 Cacaciosul asta tremura acum 20 de ani ca da un tanc peste el daca pleaca americanii si acum se joaca de a geopolitica si face schimburi "natiuni-pe-gaz ieftin"

Ca multi vestici de altfel,mai un gaz ieftin,mai o nava militara vanduta pe niste ruble bune si la cacat cu Romanii,Polonezii.N-or fi americanii ingeri dar pt. situatia noastra geo politica sunt cel mai bun pariu,asa ca UE sa se duca unde-o vedea cu ochii daca nu vor sa traga la aceeasi caruta si ne vad doar ca niste carne de tun pt. foloasele lor economice.

Sa nu ne mai aducem aminte ca acum 50 de ani nemtoaicele fugeau in partea de ocupatie americana sa scape de violurile sovietice.Acum,dupa 50 ani de protectie fac pe independentii.
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Kick us out :coffee:

If you think that we will just let millions of Romanians to be enslaved back to Russia's new gulag (the Eurasian Union) just because you want cheap gas,you're in for a surprise.

At the moment the US is our best ally and none of your whining will change that.Don't know if the US has done much for us but i know Russia did,and it ain't pretty.

Spare me your rants to,almost entire Eastern Europe (Poland,The Baltics,Romania) has sided with the US on this issue because,unlike you,they have the guts to stand up to the bear,and,as i've said we're not going back to the WP just so you would have cheap gas.

Show us the door and be sure will leave.

No,it's about money.People like @Götterdämmerung would like Eastern Euros to ling themselves up and march to the gulags so he can have cheap gas .Sry,i got better plans with my life.

Eurasian union is just economic union. As of now ,I only see scope in Russia,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Tajikstan,Krgyzstan ,Armenia,east ukraine entering the union. Nor there is gulag camps in Russia.Maybe transitria and gagauzia also,but seeing the complex ethnic relations ,I think it will be via referendum.Bessarabia will go for EU/romania surely.
Ca multi vestici de altfel,mai un gaz ieftin,mai o nava militara vanduta pe niste ruble bune si la cacat cu Romanii,Polonezii.N-or fi americanii ingeri dar pt. situatia noastra geo politica sunt cel mai bun pariu,asa ca UE sa se duca unde-o vedea cu ochii daca nu vor sa traga la aceeasi caruta si ne vad doar ca niste carne de tun pt. foloasele lor economice.

Nimic nou sub soare, daca stai sa te gandesti...daca ar fi dupa unii din vest am fi iar moneda de schimb. Noroc cu Americanii ca-i mai tin in frau..chestia e ca trebuie sa facem si noi ceva, ne trebuie armata si ne trebuie o cooperare mai stransa cu polonezii, si eventual cu turcii, pe langa Americani.

Da' trebuie neaparat sa ne trezim dracu' odata...
Eurasian union is just economic union. As of now ,I only see scope in Russia,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Tajikstan,Krgyzstan ,Armenia,east ukraine entering the union. Nor there is gulag camps in Russia.Maybe transitria and gagauzia also,but seeing the complex ethnic relations ,I think it will be via referendum.

Read a little bit of Dughin,it's natural for him to want Romania in this and as the WP taught us something i don't think we would be given a choice in the "right circumstances".

Nimic nou sub soare, daca stai sa te gandesti...daca ar fi dupa unii din vest am fi iar moneda de schimb. Noroc cu Americanii ca-i mai tin in frau..chestia e ca trebuie sa facem si noi ceva, ne trebuie armata si ne trebuie o cooperare mai stransa cu polonezii, si eventual cu turcii, pe langa Americani.

Da' trebuie neaparat sa ne trezim dracu' odata...

Si eu cred ca situatia Ucrainei ne-a trezit,chiar daca nu pe noi,pe americani sigur.Intotdeauna mizeaza pe aliati puternici la granite,vezi Koreea de Sud,Turcia,etc.Ne modernizeaza astia cu sila,vezi si desantul american din ultimele saptamani.
That's what i'm telling. you have already %40 share, there is no way we are going to rise your share and became to depended on Russia alone.

Also, i'm not sure but as far as i know Russia is selling over-priced gas for us. Azeri and Turkmen gas is going to be cheaper.

EU should give support for Azeri and Turkmen Gas.
Read a little bit of Dughin,it's natural for him to want Romania in this and as the WP taught us something i don't think we would be given a choice in the "right circumstances".

Si eu cred ca situatia Ucrainei ne-a trezit,chiar daca nu pe noi,pe americani sigur.Intotdeauna mizeaza pe aliati puternici la granite,vezi Koreea de Sud,Turcia,etc.Ne modernizeaza astia cu sila,vezi si desantul american din ultimele saptamani.

Dughin? or is it the theorist Dugin?
Dughin? or is it the theorist Dugin?

Theorist or not,he has Putin's confidence and he's close to the power circles in Moscow and from what i've read he always sees Romania as part of the Eurasian Union as a "natural orthodox brother".

No thanks.
In April 1964, the Romanian leadership issued a declaration in which it first expressed public dissatisfaction with the Warsaw Pact. Georghiu Dej, and after 1965 his successor Nicolae Ceausescu, increasingly distanced themselves from the Pact and Moscow's leadership, although without challenging the Soviet Union. Romania ceased to participate actively in the military command of the Warsaw Pact after 1969. All of this small slice of history has, of course, been well known. It has not been known why Romania launched itself on that path at that particular time. Above all, it has not heretofore been known that even earlier Romania essentially repudiated its allegiance obligations in a secret approach to the United States government in October 1963, promising neutrality in case of the outbreak of war. This was a stunning, unilateral breach of the central obligation of Warsaw Pact alliance membership, which Romania nominally maintained until the very end, when the Pact dissolved in 1991.

What precisely happened, and why? The precipitating event was the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. The tensions generated by that crisis had reverberations throughout Europe. No country wanted to be brought into a war over the issue of Soviet missiles in Cuba. But while members of NATO and the Warsaw Pact dutifully gave public support to the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively, some did so with considerable trepidation. And in Bucharest, the leadership decided after that crisis that it would seek to disengage itself from any automatic involvement if their superpower alliance leader, the Soviet Union, again assumed such risks.

When and Why Romania Distanced Itself from the Warsaw

In April 1964, the Romanian leadership issued a declaration in which it first expressed public dissatisfaction with the Warsaw Pact. Georghiu Dej, and after 1965 his successor Nicolae Ceausescu, increasingly distanced themselves from the Pact and Moscow's leadership, although without challenging the Soviet Union. Romania ceased to participate actively in the military command of the Warsaw Pact after 1969. All of this small slice of history has, of course, been well known. It has not been known why Romania launched itself on that path at that particular time. Above all, it has not heretofore been known that even earlier Romania essentially repudiated its allegiance obligations in a secret approach to the United States government in October 1963, promising neutrality in case of the outbreak of war. This was a stunning, unilateral breach of the central obligation of Warsaw Pact alliance membership, which Romania nominally maintained until the very end, when the Pact dissolved in 1991.

What precisely happened, and why? The precipitating event was the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. The tensions generated by that crisis had reverberations throughout Europe. No country wanted to be brought into a war over the issue of Soviet missiles in Cuba. But while members of NATO and the Warsaw Pact dutifully gave public support to the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively, some did so with considerable trepidation. And in Bucharest, the leadership decided after that crisis that it would seek to disengage itself from any automatic involvement if their superpower alliance leader, the Soviet Union, again assumed such risks.

When and Why Romania Distanced Itself from the Warsaw


I allready knew this but that doesn't give back 45 wasted years of Soviet imposed communism.While we had elites shot and marched into forced labour,private enterprises destroyed the Westerners had American protection.Now,some of them dare to flaunt their nose at us for being close to the US and getting in their way of the economical interests.Cry me a river.

As i've said,kick us out,kill the EU if everything is for their interests and at least we will know where we stand.

Btw,no Soviet imposed communiism=no way a crazy illiterate shoe maker like Ceausescu comes to power in the Kingdom of Romania.

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