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EU fails to blacklist Hezbollah as a terror group

I am dead serious. You may want to look into Hz's history.

Hiding behind women and children? That history? Or history of non stop losses? Or history of claiming victory when the other side achieved it's objective and pulled out? Pick whichever you want, smart man.

Economic and military (UNIFL) interests perhaps
You fail to see the consequences, but then again, you are plain stupid.

What economic interests, tiny land with fractured populace on the brink of civil war since forever. Sounds ideal for opening new factories or expanding markets.
Contribution to UNIFL can be revoked, just like the Croats did.
As for consequences, if Jewish attack (in Lebanon and Syria) didn't provoke anything and they hate them from their birth, this wouldn't either. You're just naive. and talking out of your ass, hoping someone buys your narrative about the mighty fighting force that is Hezbollah.
If anything other then poorly trained and equipped guerillas show, they run into civilian centres lobbing rockets from schoolyards and hospitals. Please, peddle this **** to someone else.
Hiding behind women and children? That history? Or history of non stop losses? Or history of claiming victory when the other side achieved it's objective and pulled out? Pick whichever you want, smart man.

Hiding behind women and children? Don't you guys get tired of keep repeating this nonsense? Yes, claiming victory, while various reports, experts and analysis agreed with that Hezbollah effectively stopped Israeli advance, faced them in open field and managed to scare the sh!t out of IDF-soldiers, who due to fierce resistance even refused to take orders in some cases. Not considering the fact that Israelis didn't even managed to capture a relatively small town like Bint Jbail, one pre-war objective or anything else. It was a political defeat as well.
Who cares about the opinion of an Indian pretending to be Jew?

You're Afraid of our Words ..Indian words Jews words Israel words American words Canadian words French words

Do you Have Any problem if this words said by any other Nation Member ..Nope Just do your Keyboard Typing Job...
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