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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

Maybe you want to look like this again.. but with with Sisi's picture instead of Sadat..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Are those Israeli soldiers?
Are you forgetting we took 8000 Egyptian POW in 1973?

Maybe you want to look like this again.. but with with Sisi's picture instead of Sadat..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The Ethiopia and Egypt Nile water dispute is increasing regional tensions
  • 21 HOURS AGO

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is considered crucial to securing Addis Ababa’s energy needs while Cairo and Khartoum believe it will reduce water flows downstream.
A senior Ethiopian official has warned Egypt about the possibility of an ongoing dispute over Nile waters turning into war.

General Birhanu Jula accused Egyptian leaders of ‘distorting’ the narrative on Ethiopia’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project.

The project, which will cost nearly $5 billion, will help Ethiopia establish energy dependency using waters from the Blue Nile, one of the River Nile’s main tributaries.

However, Egypt believes the hydroelectric dam will reduce downriver flows leaving their populations vulnerable to drought and water scarcity.

“Egyptians and the rest of the world know too well how we conduct war whenever it comes,” the military official, who serves as Ethiopia’s deputy army chief, said.

The comments stand in stark contrast to Ethiopian Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Abiy Ahmed’s assertion that his country does not “want to hurt anyone else” in its pursuit of energy security.

Nevertheless they show the stakes at play in what could become one of the world’s first explicitly water-related conflicts.

A US and World Bank mediated deal, which would stagger the rate at which the dam is filled and ensure safeguard mechanisms to reduce retention during periods of drought has been agreed to in principle by all parties but only signed by Egypt.

‘Buying time’

Egypt says Ethiopia is buying time so that it can start filling the dam as early as next month, while Ethiopia says it has taken the agreement back for consultations.

Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan, had agreed to reach a final deal by early 2020 but that timeframe will now have to be reworked.

A 1929 treaty gives Egypt the right to monitor the use of the Nile’s waters by countries upstream, as well as veto any projects that would present a risk to its water security but that agreement is seen as invalid and unfair by Nile basin countries, as it was drawn up under the auspices of British colonialists. Countries, such as Ethiopia, never put their names to the agreement.

The 1959 Nile Waters Agreement also unilaterally consolidated Egyptian and Sudanese control of the river’s waters.

Egypt maintains that any reduction in water flow to its portion of the Nile poses an existential risk to its ability to provide for its peoples. An Ethiopian dam of 74 billion cubic metres could potentially present such a threat.

Around 96 percent of Egypt’s territory is in uninhabitable desert with the vast majority of its population of 100 million people living along the banks of the Nile or in the Delta region that leads into the Mediterranean. The country is reliant on the Nile for 90 percent of its water needs.

Due to a mixture of factors, including urbanisation and climate change, the country is losing arable land needed to feed its population.

It’s estimated that a further loss of a billion kilolitres of Nile flow would lead to the loss of 200,000 acres and directly affect 2.5 million people reliant on the agricultural industry.

Sudan factor

Until the 2013 military coup that overthrew Egypt’s only democratically elected leader, Mohamed Morsi, Khartoum had sided with Cairo on the issue of the dam.

Sudan has shifted its position towards Ethiopia’s as the energy created by the hydroelectric dam is also likely to benefit it.

Ethiopia expects a surplus that will allow it to become a net exporter of hydroelectric energy to neighbouring African states.

The reluctance on the part of Sudan to take a harder stance on Ethiopia means Egypt’s military options against Ethiopia are limited.

Despite this, the country has been building ties with Ethiopia’s rival and neighbour Eritrea, with some mooting the possibility of a military base in the country.

That will be a big ask, however, as Ethiopia has recently patched up its relations with Eritrea, ending years of war.

This lack of viable options has led to Egyptian officials accusing Ethiopia of holding it “hostage”.

Turkey should:

1. Help Ethiopia train a few new divisions
2. Sell them weapons on special credit terms
3. Station soldiers for "friendly training purposes" symbolically.

They don't need to

Any join Sudan-Egypt attack on Ethiopia will lead to massive international condemnation and you will likely see Ethiopia be supported economically and militarily by many countries.

Even Israel and Russia (despite being friendly with Egypt for political reasons) would probably change their tune and support Ethiopia instead for religious and cultural reasons.

You see these Khaleeji nations do not understand that Arabs are despised throughout the world. Nobody likes them. The only reason the West bothers putting up with them is Oil Money and Real estate investment in London, Paris, New York etc...

after the deals are done the white man then starts laughing at them.

Egypt and Sudan are states with a great history. It's a shame that their leaders are coward puppets of the Khaleej (biggest hypocrites and shame to the muslim world)
Egypt should have long ago been building irrigation pipes and planting trees. Then today 90% of their country would not have been a desert. How stupid and idiotic we Muslims are, no matter what country you look at. Sadly today Muslim = Stupid .
But FYI .... just like what we have done to the genuine western puppet ( Isreal ) ...
We can do it against the generic fake western puppet ( Erdo regime of Turkey) :-)
Loose territory and make peace treaty? :D

JK, but you are spitting big words tho, shiny toys alone dont win wars, your allies in Libya learned it the hard way. ;)
Go cry somewhere else.. how many pictures of Usraeli prisoners do you want to see ?
Bro, over 8,000 Egyptians were captured in 1973, less than 300 Israelis were captured in turn.
Your pictures don't disprove the numbers
Bro, over 8,000 Egyptians were captured in 1973, less than 300 Israelis were captured in turn.
Your pictures don't disprove the numbers
Yes like 26000 Egyptian soldiers killed and just 1200 Usraeli soldiers were killed.. That is funny when you know the truth.. that Egypt lost about 15 000 soldiers against 12 000 Usraelis.. go spit on your media..
Yes like 26000 Egyptian soldiers killed and just 1200 Usraeli soldiers were killed.. That is funny when you know the truth.. that Egypt lost about 15 000 soldiers against 12 000 Usraelis.. go spit on your media..
12,000 Israeli soldiers dead?
According to who? Israel never hides casualties, you expect me to believe we hid 10,000 dead?
poor turk :no: .. you should focus on the gas war ( you already lost it btw )
turkey cant arm ethiopia ... why ? because we will do the same with kurds
Are you going to borrow your rafales to dear hewals?? Last time I checked you don’t have lethal domestic weapons Hahahahah
UAE is already funding pkk yet the result from 2016-present was Turkey’s expansion in northern Syria they can throw money as much as they can the final result would be the map of historical Turkey 1920 :turkey: ;)
In the worst case scenario arabs will destroy two weak arab states(Syria and Iraq) before inflicting any real damage on Turkey(&Iran) that would be strategic own goal by arab geniuses
In Iran it costs you 10 bn Rial to build a missile like this, with 2500 KM Range.

Which is equal to almost 500k dollar. With 40 bn dollar that Egypt spent on acquiring Foreign fighter, Egypt could produce 80,000 units of this Solid fueled missile which catches 14 mach speed when its warhead reaches the target on the Ground. Iran rarely uses this specific missile due to its high price tag. Instead Iran bombed American bases in Iraq with a liquid fueled missile. Which costs 1/5th that of Solid fueled Sejjil2 missile. Which means Egypt could have 400,000 units of Qiam missile with a warhead weighing nearly 1 ton TNT which could easily defeat American air Defense systems.

No fighter jet in the World can offer such capability for an Army. Not to mention the cost of maintanance of these fighter could cripple Egyptian economy in the Long run.

Arabs mentality of acquiring shiny toys usually cracks me up @Amun. I hope you have figured out that how would you pay for Sukhoi-Rafale-Migs-Falcons maintanance attthe same time and their Flight costs. Not to mention the cost of every missile that are deployed on these various types of fighter jets. 4 companies means 4 separate problems. As an Iranian, i assure you our economy can not tolerate this amount of costs while having free oil and gas.
what if in 10 years they produce a deffence system(rail gun or laser) to counter these missiles? Egypt will loose all its deterrence?
idont understand why we should involve to this? it is like Egypt support pkk-pky stituation for us..so i support Egypt in this matter..
Well egyptian government actually support pkk though they are irrelevant backer in the eyes of Turkey because they have extremely limited power projection beyond Egypt’s borders

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