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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

theory and military discussions aside, Egypt really can not do anything against Ethiopia. politically it would be a disaster.
Thats right. Even International laws Allow Ethiopia to build a dam on its soil.

You wish again
Hey dont forget that Orange baboon wont be around forever. Tik tok
The pages in this section are fulled with his empty threatens and big mouth that is telling How they will destroy Turkey. This guy is just a hot headed balloon who is struggling to defend a coup plotter low level puppet called Sisi who has a similar character with him. IsIs kick them in sinai and this guy came here to accuse Turkey. Ethopia construct a dam in Nile basin and he is openning his mouth for Turkiye. They support a gang coup plotter gang in Libya. When they were defeated against Turkish backed UN recognized government, He cry against Turkiye again. No matter what will happen in future. He will accuse us while he is telling his dreams about How strong and capable force they have. I just prefer to laugh this coup lover fanboy when I saw his next threatens.

They are being drilled sisi and mbz propaganda left and right, their failures are being propagated as wins, I observed this already when they wrote that they have won the 2nd war against Israel when in fact Israel again bodied them heavily but simply followed a de-escalating policy with them.
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Nothing further to add. This summary is good. I think Egypt best option is to negotiate/salvage a good/fair water treaty it can with Ethiopia. Ethiopia also is a "long term" country with good potential, its best not to create too much adversity now with them...but smoothen things out and set stage responsibly for a better relationship in future. World is too full of countries vice-locked in bitterness now (with complete different generations of people now) because of upstream irresponsible clumsy action.

On a complete unrelated note, I just this moment found a very likely underlying (RAM buffer, given I am randomly using an older comp tonite) reason to a vbulletin glitch here at PDF (where reply inserts into the quoted text instead of outside it, and I found this plaguing a few replies here and there over the years here) by hitting reply to your tag just now. Will chat in GHQ with webby about it later....I don't think its fixable though.

This is the only rational approach. Egypt has no choice but to reconcalition with Ethiopia. After decades, now Ethiopia is in geopolitically advantageous position. Egypt's military intervention results in the overthrow of the junta administration.
In Iran it costs you 10 bn Rial to build a missile like this, with 2500 KM Range.

Which is equal to almost 500k dollar. With 40 bn dollar that Egypt spent on acquiring Foreign fighter, Egypt could produce 80,000 units of this Solid fueled missile which catches 14 mach speed when its warhead reaches the target on the Ground. Iran rarely uses this specific missile due to its high price tag. Instead Iran bombed American bases in Iraq with a liquid fueled missile. Which costs 1/5th that of Solid fueled Sejjil2 missile. Which means Egypt could have 400,000 units of Qiam missile with a warhead weighing nearly 1 ton TNT which could easily defeat American air Defense systems.

No fighter jet in the World can offer such capability for an Army. Not to mention the cost of maintanance of these fighter could cripple Egyptian economy in the Long run.

Arabs mentality of acquiring shiny toys usually cracks me up @Amun. I hope you have figured out that how would you pay for Sukhoi-Rafale-Migs-Falcons maintanance attthe same time and their Flight costs. Not to mention the cost of every missile that are deployed on these various types of fighter jets. 4 companies means 4 separate problems. As an Iranian, i assure you our economy can not tolerate this amount of costs while having free oil and gas.
Having a complex and effective missile infrastructure is much more difficult than foreign maintained fighter jets
The latter is more easy for egypt and their economy. Also the issue of missiles is due to being capable of carrying nuke warhead it is discouraged by the americans. Not every country has the capability of having advanced missile tech and resisting american pressure.

But perhaps Egyptians can buy from Iran
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia’s deputy army chief on Friday said his country will strongly defend itself and will not negotiate its sovereignty over the disputed $4.6 billion Nile dam that has caused tensions with Egypt.

“Egyptians and the rest of the world know too well how we conduct war whenever it comes,” Gen. Birhanu Jula said in an interview with the state-owned Addis Zemen newspaper, adding that Egyptian leaders’ “distorted narrative” on Africa’s largest hydroelectric dam is attracting enemies.

He accused Egypt of using its weapons to “threaten and tell other countries not to touch the shared water” and said “the way forward should be cooperation in a fair manner.”


Ethiopian don't have any chance against mighty Egyptian military power . as a army chief he is just trying to boost moral of his people nothing else.
Comon bro. Here, Iranian attack on American base

There are plenty ways for increasing their accuracy. LPS for positioning systems and drones to give you accurate coordimation. Irans Recently launched military Satellite called Noor will provide accurate coordination beside high Resolution images. So we are ready to target hostile enemies thousands of kilometers away.
Out of 17, 11 missiles missed.
Regarding Sudan , I know you are feeling sorry because your role model Turks have lost their .... that puppet Elbashir ... who promised them of a military base .... then things changed in Sudan and he is in prison now .... and Sudan is fully with Egypt now ..... because of 2 things :
- now they are a free country that is not affected by the Turkish invaders and the dam is harmful to Sudan .

- Ethiopian attacks on Sudani land and killing of Sudanes soldiers...just a few days ago ..

it seems like you are not updated ...!

Yes I did not follow the aftermath of Sudan after removal of Al Bashir. If Sudan and Egypt are united as you say and Sudan switched back to Egypt, how come Ethiopia can continue with the dam project?
This is a very serious and interesting development. We get constantly lost in the childish squabbles between India-Pakistan and India-China that we loose sight of major Geo-Political Tensions brewing throughout the World.

While Egypt certainly has a much superior military over Ethiopia on paper, it lacks the legs/logistics to effectively project power and knock the Dam out. Egypt would have to traverse through Sudan(Neutral Country) and maintain its supply line. It appears, the distance would be atleast 4000km(back and forth) making an aerial strike almost impossible for Egypt.

Egypt would have to knock out the dam before the reservoir is filled. Even a minor breach could cause an uncontrollable collapse which would send the entire reservoir down devastating Egypt. You don't mess with a full dam as the power of the reservoir water is immense. That means, Egypt has a very limited window to act.

Time to bring in the cavalry. Thoughts @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @Nilgiri @dbc @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM

What Missiles? The distance is 2000kms, the only missiles i see the Egyptians have are the Scuds.

There are 4 hots spots all in Asia and Africa that has the potential to end in a conflict.
It is a slippery slope when nations along the path of a major river decide to build dams to the detriment of other nations that depend on these rivers to sustain life. Even more concerning when nations decide to play God and divert the course of major rivers.

As a eight year old, I remember dinners hosted by my parents in our terraced apartment overlooking the Nile. The conversation often revolved around the majestic Nile and its role in the very origin of Egypt. I still remember being traumatized upon hearing stories of virgins sacrificed to the Gods by the Pharaohs of old.

The Nile must flow through Egypt, water terrorism by all nations such as China, Ethiopia and India must end.


Turkey should:

1. Help Ethiopia train a few new divisions
2. Sell them weapons on special credit terms
3. Station soldiers for "friendly training purposes" symbolically.

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