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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

They didn't, initially it was face saving from the yanks but once the dust settled the unerring accuracy of the missiles was revealed
Utter inaccuracy and unreliability.
One missile missed by 20 kilometers, one missile missed and didn't explode, 9 others simply missed.
Utter inaccuracy and unreliability.
One missile missed by 20 kilometers, one missile missed and didn't explode, 9 others simply missed.

All of our eyes were on the strikes

I will repeat the U.S tried to downplay the missile strikes with similar excuses you are giving but gradually the revelation that the strikes actually hit home and if not for forewarning could have caused major casualties became clear

Just try ....!

The pages in this section are fulled with his empty threatens and big mouth that is telling How they will destroy Turkey. This guy is just a hot headed balloon who is struggling to defend a coup plotter low level puppet called Sisi who has a similar character with him. IsIs kick them in sinai and this guy came here to accuse Turkey. Ethopia construct a dam in Nile basin and he is openning his mouth for Turkiye. They support a gang coup plotter gang in Libya. When they were defeated against Turkish backed UN recognized government, He cry against Turkiye again. No matter what will happen in future. He will accuse us while he is telling his dreams about How strong and capable force they have. I just prefer to laugh this coup lover fanboy when I saw his next threatens.

Typical Turkish/ Israeli alliance ....:-)

Imperialistic invading mindsets .... support each other ....

But FYI .... just like what we have done to the genuine western puppet ( Isreal ) ...
We can do it against the generic fake western puppet ( Erdo regime of Turkey) :-)
Just try ....!

Typical Turkish/ Israeli alliance ....:-)

Imperialistic invading mindsets .... support each other ....

But FYI .... just like what we have done to the genuine western puppet ( Isreal ) ...
We can do it against the generic fake western puppet ( Erdo regime of Turkey) :-)

Israel has more relations with Egypt than with Turkey. Ever since Sadat signed your treaty with them, they have been stepping over Egyptian sovereignty and using blackmail any chance they have gotten.

Comparing Israel to Turkey is just propaganda, especially when the sponsors of Egyptian military, KSA and UAE, have genuine warm relations with Israel and have backstabbed Palestinians. Egypt also doing great injustice to Gaza.

Iranians will always find some excuse to paint enemies as US or Israeli stooges, nothing new. They do the same with Pakistan too. Learn to read beyond their rhetoric, they don't actually believe half the things they say.
Turkey should help with building that dam faster, economically and diplomatic.:-)

Dry Egypt out....

Egypt has been a force of destruction amongst the Muslim nations.

It's people are not the enemy. It's the corrupt anti-Muslim Sissy government that needs to be taught a lesson.

Hope Ethiopian build that dam!!
Do you have a source for this matter ?

I don't want to go off topic bro, so I'll comment this once. If you want to go into more details, please come to the Iranian missile thread, there is alot more information there.

Regarding the member you quoted, of course he does not have a source bro, he is trolling. The Iranian attack on the US base was not questioned in terms of accuracy.

This is the level of accuracy we are talking about:

Before and after shots:

before and after Iranian hit.png


These are some of targets, other targets were runways etc:

Other targets were hit by mutiple missiles.

Of 22 missiles fired early Wednesday by Iran at coalition bases in Iraq, 17 hit the al-Asad air base, the Iraqi military said in a statement.

The other 5 missiles, hit another base. The Americans did not reveal footage of the other base.

Iran’s attack on Iraq shows how precise missiles have become
It scored a series of bullseyes


Anyone that has an understanding regarding CEP would understand the level of accuracy we saw. To achieve something like this, using inaccurate missiles, one could have had to fire 1000's of missiles.

After this attack on US base, and even the attack on the Saudi oil facilities, the world has woken up to the potency and reality of accurate ballistic missiles.
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I don't want to go off topic bro, so I'll comment this once. If you want to go into more details, please come to the Iranian missile thread, there is alot more information there.

Regarding the member you quoted, of course he does not have a source bro, he is trolling. The Iranian attack on the US base was not questioned in terms of accuracy.

This is the level of accuracy we are talking about:

Before and after shots:

View attachment 641985


These are some of targets, other targets were runways etc:

Other targets were hit by mutiple missiles.


The other 5 missiles, hit another base. The Americans did not reveal footage of the other base.

Iran’s attack on Iraq shows how precise missiles have become
It scored a series of bullseyes


Anyone that has an understanding regarding CEP would understand the level of accuracy we saw. To achieve something like this, using inaccurate missiles, one could have had to fire 1000's of missiles.

After this attack on US base, and even the attack on the Saudi oil facilities, the world has woken up to the potency and reality of accurate ballistic missiles.
wow very nice :tup: as always nice quality technical posts
Anyway this is bound to happen.
No country can deny the legal rights on their share of water. Till now Egypt enjoyed the waters.

Now Ethiopia decided to use its share...

I understand the major loggerhead with this issue is the rate of filling up of dam

While Egypt wants it to be slow, Ethiopia can't wait to see the benefits

If Egypt wants the dam to be filled slowly, they should cover the loss of Ethiopia as dam loses on power generation

Win win for both, no war, no loss of agricultural lands
I don't want to go off topic bro, so I'll comment this once. If you want to go into more details, please come to the Iranian missile thread, there is alot more information there.

Regarding the member you quoted, of course he does not have a source bro, he is trolling. The Iranian attack on the US base was not questioned in terms of accuracy.

This is the level of accuracy we are talking about:

Before and after shots:

View attachment 641985


These are some of targets, other targets were runways etc:

Other targets were hit by mutiple missiles.


The other 5 missiles, hit another base. The Americans did not reveal footage of the other base.

Iran’s attack on Iraq shows how precise missiles have become
It scored a series of bullseyes


Anyone that has an understanding regarding CEP would understand the level of accuracy we saw. To achieve something like this, using inaccurate missiles, one could have had to fire 1000's of missiles.

After this attack on US base, and even the attack on the Saudi oil facilities, the world has woken up to the potency and reality of accurate ballistic missiles.

I followed iranian missles devolopment somewhere else in the 2004-2006 and than it was stated out that iranian missles are acurate some did not belive (due to non existing use of them on battlefield) but today we should say all drone attacks in yemen, cruise missles in saudi arabia and the multible ones in irak should show us iranian missles are aqurate and hit their targets.. so I wouldnt underestimate they have the range and accurance ... today this missles are the only big guarantee that iran has not the fate of iraq or syria..
The potential impacts of the dam have been the source of severe regional controversy.[22] The Government of Egypt, a country which relies heavily on the waters of the Nile, has demanded that Ethiopia cease construction on the dam as a precondition to negotiations, has sought regional support for its position, and some political leaders have discussed methods to sabotage it.[23] Egypt has planned a diplomatic initiative to undermine support for the dam in the region as well as in other countries supporting the project such as China and Italy.[24] However, other nations in the Nile Basin Initiative have expressed support for the dam, including Sudan, the only other nation downstream of the Blue Nile. Sudan has accused Egypt of inflaming the situation.[25]

Ethiopia denies that the dam will have a negative impact on downstream water flows and contends that the dam will, in fact, increase water flows to Egypt by reducing evaporation on Lake Nasser.[26] Ethiopia has accused Egypt of being unreasonable; Egypt is demanding to increase its share of the Nile's water flow from 66% to 90%.[26] In October, 2019, Egypt stated that talks with Sudan and Ethiopia over the operation of a $4 billion hydropower dam that Ethiopia is building on the Nile have reached a deadlock.[27] Beginning in November 2019, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin began facilitating negotiations between the three countries.[28]

Cost and financing[edit]
The Ethiopian government has stated that it intends to fund the entire cost of the dam by itself in order to prevent relying on foreign countries who may be brought under pressure by Egypt to withdraw their support. Ethiopia has issued a bond targeted at Ethiopians in the country and abroad to that end.[16] The turbines and associated electrical equipment of the hydropower plants costing about US$1.8 billion are reportedly financed by Chinese banks. This would leave US$3 billion to be financed by the Ethiopian government through other means.[29] The estimated US$4.8 billion construction cost, apparently excluding the cost of power transmission lines, corresponds to about 5% of Ethiopia's gross domestic product of US$87 billion in 2017.

If Egypt wants the dam to be filled slowly, they should cover the loss of Ethiopia as dam loses on power generation

lets be honest.. if idiots are on work only diarrhea will come out..

I can give you a scenario that would be one of the finest.. there are countries and killers arming egypt with billions of weapon systems egypt is going to be used thats crystal clear.. would these ppl use just half the money into these water issue I firmly belive there would not be trouble.. I also say destroying is easier than building something.. they could all come out with a peacefull soulution but why should people be interested in this? how to make money with peace?
lets be honest.. if idiots are on work only diarrhea will come out..

I can give you a scenario that would be one of the finest.. there are countries and killers arming egypt with billions of weapon systems egypt is going to be used thats crystal clear.. would these ppl use just half the money into these water issue I firmly belive there would not be trouble.. I also say destroying is easier than building something.. they could all come out with a peacefull soulution but why should people be interested in this? how to make money with peace?

Egypt is a should realise the new reality and accept other nations rights over nile. Previously scenario is like nile means Egypt and Egypt means nile...

They seem to have had a feeling of completely owning river Nile...

Situations would be better if Egypt increases its relationship more proactively in African union

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