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Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems

Episode 6:US Citizens, Don't Try To Hold Your Government Accountable?美国政府负责吗?
Excellent question but laughable coming from communists? The irony of it all...lol.
Locking up millions of muslims is obviously the epitome of human rights.

China has to castigated rightly and often and it needs to pay for tanking the global economy with 3rd pandemic started by them in 20 years.
You have no idea what's millions of people. Do you math first.

US locked 2 millions of prisoners in a whole country, and US government complains not enough resource to build and maintain the prison.

Blatant lies.
The thing is US elites robbed their own people as well. US workers salary stagnate for 40 years. How can they call their government legitimate?
You have no idea what's millions of people. Do you math first.

US locked 2 millions of prisoners in a whole country, and US government complains not enough resource to build and maintain the prison.

Blatant lies.

They are criminals sentenced to prisons.

What due process did you follow with the entire Uighur population.

You are drawing false equivalence....that kind of nonsense might work with your brainwashed population but its comical to the rest of us.
The three ‘genetic defects’ of the Western model
What a load of crap,he only talks about the US model.
The real Western model is the Western European model
As if the Chinese model is working.

The three genetic defects of the Chinese model,

Loss of culture(me society).
Robotism(Not allowed to think,just do as told).
Total controll(Big brother is really watching you).
Racism(against all foreigners,specially brown and blacks).
Annexing countries(Tibet,East Türkistan).
Concentration camps(More then 1 million Uyghurs detained).
Claiming a whole Sea(SCS) which is not theirs.
Debt trap( lending money to poor countries at
Usurious interest),so that those countries can never pay off debts.
Claiming innocence when guilty(Wuhan virus origin).

Oops,more then three.

Whatever propaganda you use,its not and will never work.
But you should keep on trying.
Ill end with Martin Luther King,

I have a dream that one day China will be ……...

Dream on.
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What a load of crap,he only talks about the US model.
The real Western model is the Western European model
As if the Chinese model is working.

The three genetic defects of the Chinese model,

Loss of culture(me society).
Robotism(Not allowed to think,just do as told).
Total controll(Big brother is really watching you).
Racism(against all foreigners,specially brown and blacks).
Annexing countries.
Concentration camps(More then 1 million Uyghurs detained).
Claiming a whole Sea(SCS) which is not theirs.
Debt trap( lending money to poor countries at
Usurious interest),so that those countries can never pay off debts.
Claiming innocence when guilty(Wuhan virus origin).

Oops,more then three.

Whatever propaganda you use,its not and will never work.
But you should keep on trying.
Ill end with Martin Luther King,

I have a dream that one China will be ……...

Dream on.
Western model will fail. Neoliberalism will fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a load of crap,he only talks about the US model.
The real Western model is the Western European model
As if the Chinese model is working.

The three genetic defects of the Chinese model,

Loss of culture(me society).
Robotism(Not allowed to think,just do as told).
Total controll(Big brother is really watching you).
Racism(against all foreigners,specially brown and blacks).
Annexing countries(Tibet,East Türkistan).
Concentration camps(More then 1 million Uyghurs detained).
Claiming a whole Sea(SCS) which is not theirs.
Debt trap( lending money to poor countries at
Usurious interest),so that those countries can never pay off debts.
Claiming innocence when guilty(Wuhan virus origin).

Oops,more then three.

Whatever propaganda you use,its not and will never work.
But you should keep on trying.
Ill end with Martin Luther King,

I have a dream that one day China will be ……...

Dream on.
How come China rises so fast with so many defects then?
What a load of crap,he only talks about the US model.
The real Western model is the Western European model
As if the Chinese model is working.

The three genetic defects of the Chinese model,

Loss of culture(me society).
Robotism(Not allowed to think,just do as told).
Total controll(Big brother is really watching you).
Racism(against all foreigners,specially brown and blacks).
Annexing countries(Tibet,East Türkistan).
Concentration camps(More then 1 million Uyghurs detained).
Claiming a whole Sea(SCS) which is not theirs.
Debt trap( lending money to poor countries at
Usurious interest),so that those countries can never pay off debts.
Claiming innocence when guilty(Wuhan virus origin).

Oops,more then three.

Whatever propaganda you use,its not and will never work.
But you should keep on trying.
Ill end with Martin Luther King,

I have a dream that one day China will be ……...

Dream on.

You are allowed to think but you have no head.
What a load of crap,he only talks about the US model.
The real Western model is the Western European model
As if the Chinese model is working.

The three genetic defects of the Chinese model,

Loss of culture(me society).
Robotism(Not allowed to think,just do as told).
Total controll(Big brother is really watching you).
Racism(against all foreigners,specially brown and blacks).
Annexing countries(Tibet,East Türkistan).
Concentration camps(More then 1 million Uyghurs detained).
Claiming a whole Sea(SCS) which is not theirs.
Debt trap( lending money to poor countries at
Usurious interest),so that those countries can never pay off debts.
Claiming innocence when guilty(Wuhan virus origin).

Oops,more then three.

Whatever propaganda you use,its not and will never work.
But you should keep on trying.
Ill end with Martin Luther King,

I have a dream that one day China will be ……...

Dream on.

Unfortunately the typical Chinese person thinks everything outside of China and west of the Middle East is one homogenized system mimicking the US point for point.
I really dont care what they think,all they do is embarrass themselves to the world community.

Well remember the CCP has drilled into people's heads from an early age that the whole "Western world" is out to "get them". So they lump everybody into the same pile.

Don't you remember those 15 minute classes in school that were set aside for people to ponder new ways of "keeping China down".
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