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Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems

That's the tragedy of human history. Historian will write one man one vote as dark age of human history.

Politics system is not determining factor, east asia countries such as China, S.Koria, Japan have different politics system but all modernized. I don't think Chinese system will work in other developing countries.
Politics system is not determining factor, east asia countries such as China, S.Koria, Japan have different politics system but all modernized. I don't think Chinese system will work in other developing countries.
No one can copy and paste. It's up their history, society, traditions, international environments.
Politics system is not determining factor, east asia countries such as China, S.Koria, Japan have different politics system but all modernized. I don't think Chinese system will work in other developing countries.

In many ways, Chinas system is how the competitive private sector worlwide operates, you graduate, you apply to an institution/company position, if you pass you are put in a testing period, if you are good you are moved to a more permenant position, you keep gaining experience and if you perform consistently well you are more likely to get promoted up the ladder... etc

Even at the level of public institutions, secondary school students compete for the best universities and for particular professions through nation wide tests, we even added IQ tests and all parents accept this with no issues.

From that we can see that the concept of meritocracy is not foreign to any culture or region at all, it is infact the default in all competitive fields except governance, a field that regulates all the others and decides upon the future of the nation.

So I disagree that Meritocracy wouldnt work, for sure 1 person 1 vote is easy to comprehend but understanding why governance cannot be measured by the sole merit of showmanship is not hard to comprehend either as people have already accepted it in all other fields... why not governance ?

The reason its hard to implement is not the people or culture, but established powers, native or foreign, that feast on the shortcomings of democracy, you would need considerable power to make such a change.
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Well,even the USSR communists had a change of mind when they encountered the so called enemy,the Western World.
So,the Chinese are blind?

Yeah,i remember.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
A good one.
You guys should be open to critism and keep improving. There is no need to put down another to have confidence in your own system. US was never a true democracy, it was a system developed for the land owning elites of the 1800s. Universal suffrage did not happen until the 1960s. Decolonization only happened because Soviet Union was Attracting allies a cross the colonised World. They were the real heroes to force the West to give up the colonies. Mind you I don't agree with Communism but I also don't believe in Western democracy. Why do you think the majority in the West had a chance to get more populist benefits? It was because the threat of Communism, the elites had to give up power. Western democracy was never intended for the majority to rule, it was intended for the majority to have some form of voice. The elites was against the tyranny of democracy. So which system is perfect? It doesn't matter what system is used, a black cat or a white cat, whoever catches the mouse is a good cat. Behold the rise of Chinese National Socialism Meritocracy, its not rigid its pragmatic and ever evolving. The only constant is change itself.
You guys should be open to critism and keep improving.
You talk about being open to criticism.
I criticise decisions made and actions taken by my government if i think they are wrong,openly(they cant).
There is no need to put down another to have confidence in your own system
A reaction to an action,
I never claimed the American system to be good or the best,infact i only see some Western European to be ok,not good just ok.
My reaction was to the Chinese members naming the flaws of the American system which is not seen as théé Western system by the rest of the Western world,nobody even likes the outdated American system.
The Chinese system is worse(as explained before).
Mind you I don't agree with Communism but I also don't believe in Western democracy.
For me it depends on the population,some people fare better under communism,some in democracy and some with an authoritarian regime.
As an example i take my country Türkiye.
Democracy caused a populist in power which shows that it is not the way forward for my country.
Why do you think the majority in the West had a chance to get more populist benefits? It was because the threat of Communism, the elites had to give up power.
I disagree,it had nothing to do with the threat of Communism.
It all started after the terror atacks in the Western world.
Populist parties got more support because of these events,there was someone to blame.
The same goes for Muslim populists(blame the West),Eastern European populists(blame the EU) etc.

To conclude,
Take a look at yourself before judging others.
Attracting allies a cross the colonised World.

What allies are these?? Russia (ie Stalin) had zero influence in the World when decolonization happened at the end of WW2. Speaking of colonies who rolled their tanks into Eastern Europe and toppled their governments after WW2...it wasn't the West.
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What allies are these?? Russia (ie Stalin) had zero influence in the World when decolonization happened at the end of WW2. Speaking of colonies who rolled their tanks into Eastern Europe and toppled their governments after WW2...it wasn't the West.
Attracting the colonised countries does not equal attracted it. If you are a country under colonisation, there are bound to be freedom fighters ready to go on the opposing side. Of course the Western trained local elites would gleefully opt to remain under colonisation. Hey I am not a Soviet supporter nor a Communist ok bhai, the Americans and the West rolled alot more tanks around the world, both are evil, but you need to balance it. You go to the market, everyone knows a monopoly is bad. Common sense bhai.
An investigative interview: Singapore 50 years after independence - 45th St. Gallen Symposium
What is the unique model behind China's rapid rise?
This guy is gr8, he was the interpreter for Deng in the 80s,he was shocked that Kenya had better infrastructure than Beijing then, it was this period that made many older generation people insecured and have inferior complex, China nearly toppled in 89. Those were really tough times overnight ppl turned capitalist greedy and selfish, no more comrraderie and sense of purpose. It was not until 2010 that China came out of that and emerged confident and powerful. Today if you ask the typical Chinese if they believe in their system, 90% would say Yes.
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