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Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems

Well remember the CCP has drilled into people's heads from an early age that the whole "Western world" is out to "get them". So they lump everybody into the same pile.
Well,even the USSR communists had a change of mind when they encountered the so called enemy,the Western World.
So,the Chinese are blind?
Don't you remember those 15 minute classes in school that were set aside for people to ponder new ways of "keeping China down".
Yeah,i remember.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
A good one.
The three ‘genetic defects’ of the Western model
Excellent food for thought.
Western powers led by the US on the way to oblivion.
Hail the resurgence of Asia.

Wow, so much hate exhibited here by side-kicks of the US from also ran countries.
Their extreme envy of China, not the subject here, is telling.
Looks like if they do not release their venom against China continuously they may lose sight of their purpose in life.

The 3 defects discussed in the above video.

1 First, the rational human being assumption presumes that humans can exercise their reason to think and make rational choices in casting their votes.

2 Second "rights are absolute" is also a problem, notably the overinflated individual rights and the decline of individual responsibilities.

3 Thirdly, the belief in procedural importance is admirable, but in real practice of Western democracy, the procedures are viewed as sacred and omnipotent.
The thread should limit those haters for comments. They just ruined the PDF forum so badly.
I hope there are members in PDF forum are interested, seems not many.
They hate us because they ain't us
Not always. Most Pakistanis are very friendly to Chinese, we are good allies and have good relationship.
Most ASEAN countries don't hate us, we are different, but get along well in most cases.
Russian don't hate us, we are different, but so far so good.
India as a countries has some issues with us, but day to day, people to people relationship not that bad as media portrayed.
I hope there are members in PDF forum are interested, seems not many.

Posting multiple videos in the same page will make it hard to discuss any particular one.

I,d post a single video and write a brief opinion piece on it.
I see... maybe you posted too many in a short period.

Regardless, its always interesting to read about China's meritocratic system, so keep them coming.
In China, we truly believe US democracy is a cancer, it won't lead to any progress in developing countries.
If someone talk about US democracy among Chinese intellectuals, we will laugh at the stupidity.

We don't just disagree with their ideas or value, it's not like ideology war during cold war. Chinese do care and only care the logic and facts of the ideology and value. We are just pragmatic, we knew any ideology has good side and side effects.

What Chinese did is carefully analyze those system, absorb the good part, and abandon the down side. For example, we have planned economy and state owned enterprise, but only on some special areas, such as railway, telecom, banks. We knew totally planned economy is less dynamic, and may stagnate like USSR.

Majority of Chinese companies are private, but profit driven private companies will do everything they can to make money. So education and hospital should not be private, but US privatized education and hospital, that's one of the big reason US is in the black hole of pandemic.

We knew if we have western value and political system, the west will be more friendly to us. But we will be slaved by west in the end. China is too big to be allowed in the global system. They just want to use their value and political system dismember us, like what they did to USSR.

We observed what happened in many developing countries, such as India, Thailand, Philippines, South America. Very disappointed.

China keep reforming our political system and economical system. It's evolving. In past 40 years, China has changed fundamentally. In next 40 years, China will change more than ever.

The contrast between China and India will be bigger and bigger.
In China, we truly believe US democracy is a cancer, it won't lead to any progress in developing countries.
If someone talk about US democracy among Chinese intellectuals, we will laugh at the stupidity.

We don't just disagree with their ideas or value, it's not like ideology war during cold war. Chinese do care and only care the logic and facts of the ideology and value. We are just pragmatic, we knew any ideology has good side and side effects.

What Chinese did is carefully analyze those system, absorb the good part, and abandon the down side. For example, we have planned economy and state owned enterprise, but only on some special areas, such as railway, telecom, banks. We knew totally planned economy is less dynamic, and may stagnate like USSR.

Majority of Chinese companies are private, but profit driven private companies will do everything they can to make money. So education and hospital should not be private, but US privatized education and hospital, that's one of the big reason US is in the black hole of pandemic.

We knew if we have western value and political system, the west will be more friendly to us. But we will be slaved by west in the end. China is too big to be allowed in the global system. They just want to use their value and political system dismember us, like what they did to USSR.

We observed what happened in many developing countries, such as India, Thailand, Philippines, South America. Very disappointed.

China keep reforming our political system and economical system. It's evolving. In past 40 years, China has changed fundamentally. In next 40 years, China will change more than ever.

The contrast between China and India will be bigger and bigger.

According to Zhang wei, China was the first to implement a form of meritocracy as seen in the ancient Keju system, so the current system in China is less of a reaction and more about China building upon its roots.

I think China is not doing enough to defend its image, definitely not in proprtion to its size, its system of governance is objectively superior yet still viewed negatively in global public opinion when pitted against democracy even after the latter continues to claim one victim after the other.

Democracy destroyed Iraq and libya, divided lebanon and will continue t impede Turkey's and India's progress and if incorporated in China would certainly destroy it.

Despite this record, many fail to identify democracy as the problem, they simply cannot think of a better system.

I am hoping China can overcome whatever is been prepared for it by the collective west at the end of the Covid chapter, and maybe consider promoting its Chinese model along the BRI however unusual that might be when considering how China interacts with the world.
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According to Zhang wei, China was the first to implement a form of meritocracy as seen in the ancient Keju system, so the current system in China is less of a reaction and more about China building upon its roots.

I think China is not doing enough to defend its image, definitely not in proprtion to its size, its system of governance is objectively superior yet still viewed negatively in global public opinion when pitted against democracy even after the latter continues to claim one victim after the other.

Democracy destroyed Iraq and libya, divided lebanon and will continue t impede Turkey's and India's progress and if incorporated in China would certainly destroy it.

Despite this record, many fail to identify democracy as the problem, they simply cannot think of a better system.

I am hoping China can overcome whatever is been prepared for it by the collective west at the end of the Covid chapter, and maybe consider promoting its Chinese model along the BRI however unusual that might be when considering how China interacts with the world.
It's up to their people and government to change, not by Chinese. India is faction, not like China, they won't become China anyway. Some other countries can not easily copy what China did in past decades.

Many developing counties tried to copy US, almost all of them failed.

It's the society, the people, the history, and international environment decide what system may work for them, or may not work for them.

China has no interest to export our ideology or political system. The world is so different, no universal system can apply to all countries. It's up to them to find their path to prosper and development.

US tried to export their ideology, what they achieved? Nothing but chaos.

China won't force or export our ideology, it won't work. It will cause fears among small nations. It kind of like exporting revolution. It will take time, when their current system failed, they will slowly find their own way, or failed eventually. Not every single countries can succeed, some will, some will not anyway.

Regarding image, it hurts China. But the current world order is mostly influenced by western countries. The west will use their influence to slander China and criticize China anyway, otherwise their flawed system will collapse.

The most important thing is strengthening ourselves, and the rest can only be taken care by TIME.

Chinese civilization has survived for 5000 years, we have patience.
According to Zhang wei, China was the first to implement a form of meritocracy as seen in the ancient Keju system, so the current system in China is less of a reaction and more about China building upon its roots.

I think China is not doing enough to defend its image, definitely not in proprtion to its size, its system of governance is objectively superior yet still viewed negatively in global public opinion when pitted against democracy even after the latter continues to claim one victim after the other.

Democracy destroyed Iraq and libya, divided lebanon and will continue t impede Turkey's and India's progress and if incorporated in China would certainly destroy it.

Despite this record, many fail to identify democracy as the problem, they simply cannot think of a better system.

I am hoping China can overcome whatever is been prepared for it by the collective west at the end of the Covid chapter, and maybe consider promoting its Chinese model along the BRI however unusual that might be when considering how China interacts with the world.

Without knowledge of Chinese history it's hard to understand the Chinese system, a voting system is more straightforward for most people.
Without knowledge of Chinese history it's hard to understand the Chinese system, a voting system is more straightforward for most people.
That's the tragedy of human history. Historian will write one man one vote as dark age of human history.
Please don't portray me as anti democracy. I am not. I am democracy supporters. But I do disagree with western model. Western model is backward, disastrous, and inhuman.
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