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Eric Schmidt: China is the most dangerous superpower on Earth.

I am saying this based on FAILED Tiananmen square types that happened.
Besides its their own Nuclear nation who is the member of powerful SC-P5 in the UNO - unlike British India.

Do you really know what happened in Tiananmen square?I can teach you every small detail of it and why it was a right action made by the government.do you know why you heard less and less about that every year?cause every year more people realize that whole event was a blessing for China.
I am saying this based on FAILED Tiananmen square types that happened.
Besides its their own Nuclear nation who is the member of powerful SC-P5 in the UNO - unlike British India.

Your opinion mate.

but I still stick to mine.
Your opinion mate.

but I still stick to mine.

Lets not embark on opinion factors.

One has opinion only when he does not have the facts - once he has them (facts) - he does not need an opinion.

Lets not embark on opinion factors.

One has opinion only when he does not have the facts - once he has them (facts) - he does not need an opinion.


mate, ok we also had many failed revolts.remember 1857?

Then the Non cooperation failed too.

and other than that many if our efforts failed. (Google this or you can go through ncert history textbooks, class 7, 8, 9.)

so similarly China had tianmen and other smaller efforts which failed.

now, about the the permanent member thing, mate Britain was the world's superpower that time.

So the thing is I am not saying that there will be any such revolt in China, but what I am saying is that it may happen, if too much oppression is there.

hope you get my point.
mate, ok we also had many failed revolts.remember 1857?

Then the Non cooperation failed too.

and other than that many if our efforts failed. (Google this or you can go through ncert history textbooks, class 7, 8, 9.)

so similarly China had tianmen and other smaller efforts which failed.

now, about the the permanent member thing, mate Britain was the world's superpower that time.

So the thing is I am not saying that there will be any such revolt in China, but what I am saying is that it may happen, if too much oppression is there.

hope you get my point.

No I did not!

The parallel here is different. Indians revolted against foreign rule which did not have enough force to monitor and enforce Indians. Neither there was any UNO type world democratic institution of which China is the security council member.

I am not saying that there will be any such revolt in China, but what I am saying is that it may happen

Lol man!
Dont bank on the uncertain future.
We may say that a 500 pound Japanese Sumo wrestler can walk a tight rope....
But have you seen one so far?
Thats the crux of the matter pally....
No I did not!

The parallel here is different. Indians revolted against foreign rule which did not have enough force to monitor and enforce Indians. Neither there was any UNO type world democratic institution of which China is the security council member.

Lol man!
Dont bank on the uncertain future.
We may say that a 500 pound Japanese Sumo wrestler can walk a tight rope....
But have you seen one so far?
Thats the crux of the matter pally....

I again say it, the chances are dim.
but it can happen. if the citizens feel that are under too much oppression, they may revolt.

and I am not banking on it.i clearly said it 'may 'happen.
mate, by the way our convo is shaping, it is clearly visible that their is a clash of opinion.

you are of the opinion that revolts can't take place in authoritative china, whereas I feel that people's power can overpower any authority.
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They are trying to keep those pesky wages down, from what i see with 2 primary measures. One is relocation of industries to central China, the other is importing workers from neighbouring countries (N. Korea, Vietnam) or less developed provinces. Though in the long run it will eventually mean rise of their wages as well and less competivity.

Actually both would serve as temporary solution because

You need to know why those central/western places is not developed in the first place, becuase its undesirable. Kind of like the shale oil we have in reserve. It's way cheaper and way easier to import oil from oversea than refining the shale oil we have. But to a point when importing oil played a more important factor, and it's more expensive to import than Refining shale oil, then it would be a time to get something done with our shale.

Anyway, either they are too far for support hubs, which mean more money to transport them to transport hub or the worker have poor education background or skill, which translate to money to train them, all those will make the cost of the product up. Again, it will be a solution as long as they are still cheaper to make them in big city, but also will not be a solution upo to a point it will be more expensive than importing same goods from oversea.

And you cannot import foreign worker indefinitely. At some time your labor market is going to stuff up. So it also only serve as a temperate solution.

Yup he thinks , he is scholar in economy , humanities , societies , diplomacy and history , its best not to reply

for him western people are foolish , china is great , not that i want bash any country here , but facts are facts , the forum is to impart what knowledge you got and to gain new ones but this is lost on him !!

He can think all he wants, it doe snot stop people with slight education laugh at what he wrote.
If he think he is right, he can post them, it's his face to lose, not mine, so i don't really care lol.

you just suck in economics and I dont need your lecture!

If a company decides to invest overseas and makes money out of it. where does its profit go? it is not narrowing into import and export but it is on the scope of competitiveness which will affect the companies welfare and in turn channel its company results in part into the Country's coffer! Now do you understand!

Further more China is importing according to its own demand as widely as possible. It is conforming to WTO rules or otherwise they are arguing through the tribunals!

lol, dude, it's all come down to Import and Export, THIS IS THE BASIC IDELOLGY OF WORKING ECONOMY..........

Economy 101, a country market work on Importing and Exporting goods, currency and services. Even the stuff that you say, foreign investment, is a kind of import (Import of Capital) do you realise how stupid on what you just say.........

First of all, China are free to invest in ANY country in the world, they can choose to invest in America or they can choose to invest in North Korea for all i care. The import issue is they need to unload some of the capital to other country and develope other people economy, just like the foreign nation did to China now. Do you even know how this is important? I think not.

The problem with China is, you see Chinese product is cheap now, but do you expect them to stay cheap forever? Do you expect there are no inflation ever going to happen in China? It's ok in a short run but in a long run, only selective people in China can afford the local product and there aren't any alternative product to choose from. Then your economy will be DOOM. It's simple as that.

With foreign investment, you actually achieve a win win situation where you get to get financial return and you got to help your allied, If you don't want the American Government to have your Chinese money, you can go invest in IRan, cambodia or even North Korea for all i care....

China, if unchanged, are going to follow the route of Japan as they walk themselve as an export driven economy, the only differnet between Chinese and Japanese import is, Japanese famous with theur quality while China are famous to their cost. The problem is, time is different, stop are the same, if Chinese do not open their Import market, well, then you can wait for the rice hike that coming, heck, it's already came, if you have not noticed.

I wonder how importing workers from neighboring countries going to work ;

China doesn't have full employment, official rate is 4.1 % but all other indication its more than that, as per wsj

The unemployment rate for China's army of 160 million migrant workers has risen sharply to 6% in June 2012, up from 3.4% in August 2011 according to the survey, suggesting 10 million unemployed as a result of the sharp slowdown in exports and real-estate construction.

It's a short term solution, until the labor market saturated. Then they will either need to increase the salary or stop importing all together, they would also need to compete with other country, so this i guess, is not a good way.

This show the economy is slowing pretty bad , last things they should do is import workers , you know what happens when the Chinese get angry !!!

Well you missed the lesser developed provinces part. I've read articles about how there is not enough food there so im guessing they are very happy when they reach the coast where at least they can work and have enough food.

Badside is, they are being kept down with a system called hukou, which prevents setting up permanent residency in the province you work, and with that denies education, social security etc. It is basically a system which strides to keep producing cheap workers for the longest period of time.
To be fair, CCP announced changes to the system, but idk how big they can be before seriously hampering with macro economic indicators.

The correct term is 外省民工 (Worker from another provience) the point is, they are suppose to bring a attractive salary into big city so they can lower the overall salary hike, but it did more damage than good in term of their own economy. The education different and standard of skill make a big arse out of so many business. And in some case, those company need to hike their wages to find better people so they don't ended up hiring the Migrant worker.
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Actually both would serve as temporary solution because

You need to know why those central/western places is not developed in the first place, becuase its undesirable. Kind of like the shale oil we have in reserve. It's way cheaper and way easier to import oil from oversea than refining the shale oil we have. But to a point when importing oil played a more important factor, and it's more expensive to import than Refining shale oil, then it would be a time to get something done with our shale.

Anyway, either they are too far for support hubs, which mean more money to transport them to transport hub or the worker have poor education background or skill, which translate to money to train them, all those will make the cost of the product up. Again, it will be a solution as long as they are still cheaper to make them in big city, but also will not be a solution upo to a point it will be more expensive than importing same goods from oversea.

And you cannot import foreign worker indefinitely. At some time your labor market is going to stuff up. So it also only serve as a temperate solution.

He can think all he wants, it doe snot stop people with slight education laugh at what he wrote.
If he think he is right, he can post them, it's his face to lose, not mine, so i don't really care lol.

lol, dude, it's all come down to Import and Export, THIS IS THE BASIC IDELOLGY OF WORKING ECONOMY..........

Economy 101, a country market work on Importing and Exporting goods, currency and services. Even the stuff that you say, foreign investment, is a kind of import (Import of Capital) do you realise how stupid on what you just say.........

First of all, China are free to invest in ANY country in the world, they can choose to invest in America or they can choose to invest in North Korea for all i care. The import issue is they need to unload some of the capital to other country and develope other people economy, just like the foreign nation did to China now. Do you even know how this is important? I think not.

The problem with China is, you see Chinese product is cheap now, but do you expect them to stay cheap forever? Do you expect there are no inflation ever going to happen in China? It's ok in a short run but in a long run, only selective people in China can afford the local product and there aren't any alternative product to choose from. Then your economy will be DOOM. It's simple as that.

With foreign investment, you actually achieve a win win situation where you get to get financial return and you got to help your allied, If you don't want the American Government to have your Chinese money, you can go invest in IRan, cambodia or even North Korea for all i care....

China, if unchanged, are going to follow the route of Japan as they walk themselve as an export driven economy, the only differnet between Chinese and Japanese import is, Japanese famous with theur quality while China are famous to their cost. The problem is, time is different, stop are the same, if Chinese do not open their Import market, well, then you can wait for the rice hike that coming, heck, it's already came, if you have not noticed.

The correct term is 外省民工 (Worker from another provience) the point is, they are suppose to bring a attractive salary into big city so they can lower the overall salary hike, but it did more damage than good in term of their own economy. The education different and standard of skill make a big arse out of so many business. And in some case, those company need to hike their wages to find better people so they don't ended up hiring the Migrant worker.

that is your concept of economics 101 which focus all on I & E and in particular on I for the solution of China's economiy

You have to revisit the formula on expenditure side of GDP! When foreign investments pour in for establishing Companies in China, it serves several purposes. I hope you know that and its impact on GDP. Second relying on import to maintain growth of the economy? what loads of S**t!

China has surplus manpower. The crux is how to well ultilised znd optimize usage of the resources. It is still not at the full employment level so there is still competitions as well as availability in the labour force!

As for investment, China is investing all over the world. Check your information before you talk nonsense again.
You don't see guns in China,our police don't even have guns and no anti government of any kind fighting gurrella wars anywhere in China.many foreign visitors claim that China is the safest place you have ever been to.how about in your country,do you see police an paramilitary people carrying guns?

Tiananmen Square was not my own making.
Chinese repression on its own folks and Uighiri Muslims is well understood.
Why can't Eric Schmidt make the same criticism about his own country ? It is funny how people always compare China with Japan but fail to see the similarities between Japan and the US ? Japan in the 1980's had a housing bubble but when that bubble popped the Japanese instead of breaking the banks up and allow the people who made bad bets during the bubble years to go bankrupt they did everything they can to save the banks by pouring the savings and current account surpluses into a giant black hole that the Japanese banking system has become. America is doing exactly the same thing 17 years after the Japanese bubble have popped the American housing bubble popped. And the first thing the US government did was to save the banks. The people of America and the world have been lied to in 2008 the banks weren't illiquide but they where insolvent and they still are. But the US unlike Japan doesn't have any household savings or any trade surpluses so they have to print money right away. Didn't president George W Bush say infront of the White House lawn in 2007 when the crisis first broke out that we have a printing press we can print as much money as we want ?

What is the reality of American statistics ?

The unemployment numbers doesn't take into account the falling labor participation rate. Labor participation rate in America has been the lowest in more than 3 decades. That fact has not been taken in to account to in the official figures.

When they are talking about government debt they are only talking about the 16,5 trillion dollars national debt but almost never mention the 120 trillion dollars unfunded liabilities. This is money that the government promised its people but don't have.

When they are talking about inflation they exclude the rising food and energy prices.

When they are talking about GDP growth that figure doesn't take into account the full extend of the inflation. (reason see above)

What is the reality of American finance ?

We don't know what the status is of the balance sheets of the big banks on Wallstreet or the Federal Reserve or at Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. Because none of them have been audited for decades. But in the mean time the American government has signed all sorts of agreements with these entities to guarantee their assets and activities meaning when push comes to shove the American people will have to pay for it all. Without knowing how much but i can guarantee you it will be into the tens of trillions of dollars.

What is the reality of the American economy ?

After more than 4 years of 0% interest rate trillions of dollars QE and a budget deficit between 7 to 9% of GDP the US economy ONLY registered a growth of 1 - 2,2% a year over the past 4 years. And that growth number is even inflated. This means for every 1 dollar of growth in GDP the US is getting into debt for 4 to 5 dollars.

All that "free money" that America has printed has gone in to the bond market, stockmarket and reelstate market creating a huge bubble in all three. And then there is the demographic reality as more and more Americans of the baby boomer generation is about to retire and alot of their wealth and pensions are tied in to the bond, stock and real estate markets. So just as America is about to grow old America is also about to go bust.

Eric Schmidt failed to see the danger that America poses to the rest of the world and for her own people. I think there maybe a revolution in America before there is one in China. Eric Smith like the Americans on this forum and the political leaders in America they know best about other people's problems but are clueless about their own issue's. They are simply self delusional and hypocritical.
mate, by the way our convo is shaping, it is clearly visible that their is a clash of opinion.

you are of the opinion that revolts can't take place in authoritative china, whereas I feel that people's power can overpower any authority.

Our conversation is specific to China, whose past record has volumes to speak about on this subject matter.
And looking at the past and present history, we CAN predict little future events.
Tiananmen Square Massacre failed in 1989, 23 years and continuing, no revolt by pusillanimous, faint hearted, poor spirited Chinese citizens under repressive regime.
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Our conversation is specific to China, whose past record has volumes to speak about on this subject matter.
And looking at the past and present history, we CAN predict little future events.
Tiananmen Square Massacre failed in 1989, 23 years and continuing, no revolt by pusillanimous, faint hearted, poor spirited Chinese citizens under repressive regime.

BLAHBLAHBLHA.Why should we revolt when everything goes fine.It,s indian that needs a revolution like what those maoists are doing.
Our conversation is specific to China, whose past record has volumes to speak about on this subject matter.
And looking at the past and present history, we CAN predict little future events.
Tiananmen Square Massacre failed in 1989, 23 years and continuing, no revolt by pusillanimous, faint hearted, poor spirited Chinese citizens under repressive regime.

Well, despite of that China is still doing much better than India. What does that tell you about India ? ;)
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