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Eric Schmidt: China is the most dangerous superpower on Earth.

What sort of restrictions will be loosened?

At the moment China has in place restrictions on FDI and on foreign competition in domestic markets. Addressing these issues, as well as others, will help in rebalancing the economy and transition to a (relatively) more consumer-oriented one. They've already taken steps to ease some restrictions, such as on FDI.

China to let in more foreign investment - FT.com

As for the rest, it's probably too early to say for sure as of now.
The widening gap is inevitable from a developing country which is on the ascension to another level higher up on the ladder. That needs to be fixed by balancing it with social policies. China is a much freer market than most other countries such as the largest "democracy" and a lot than you people think.

China entered WTO in late 2001 which is an org through which multi-lateral trades of China with the member countries are possible

China has also signed a no of free trade agreements: with ASEAN on zero tariff, with Japan, S korea, Australia, Pakistan, Peru, N Zealand and the no is growing.

Dont b/s like the other guys such as @Wombat here who are just regurgitating on distorted media articles

dude, sometime i don't understand where the hack you were educated? Mars maybe??

Do you understand the basic concept of Import and Export??

Import mean your country buy good from another country and importing them back you your country
EXport mean your country sell good to another country and ship them to another counntry.

I am not talking about foreign investment. If an American Company invest in a Chinese company and make stuff in China, that will still Count as Domestic Produce and this has nothing to do with Importing or Exporting.

You can have an American Company buy land in China and make stuff and sell it back to America, then you are still exporting, not importing. And you can have a Chinese company buy land in America and sell stuff back to China, that would have been importing even you are importing from a Chinese company.

The fact remain, you cannot get a Overall rise of GDP without suffering from inflation. And the fact to the matter is, not everyone in China are able to afford to stand up to the inflation as while there are people earning 12,000 USD a year, there are still a lot of people earn in between 4000 USD to 10,000 per year. When when inflation hit, it does not matter if you earn 4000 USD a year or 100,000 USD a year, you will still pay the same price for the same goods.

What i mean is for China to open up the Import market, then it will keep the local product down, i am not talk about more Foreign investment, actually, the more foreign investment to China now would only Kill China faster, what you need is your money put to other country and import their product, but i think this idea is too complicated for yo uto understand
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dude, sometime i don't understand where the hack you were educated? Mars maybe??

Do you understand the basic concept of Import and Export??

Import mean your country buy good from another country and importing them back you your country
EXport mean your country sell good to another country and ship them to another counntry.

I am not talking about foreign investment. If an American Company invest in a Chinese company and make stuff in China, that will still Count as Domestic Produce and this has nothing to do with Importing or Exporting.

You can have an American Company buy land in China and make stuff and sell it back to America, then you are still exporting, not importing. And you can have a Chinese company buy land in America and sell stuff back to China, that would have been importing even you are importing from a Chinese company.

The fact remain, you cannot get a Overall rise of GDP without suffering from inflation. And the fact to the matter is, not everyone in China are able to afford to stand up to the inflation as while there are people earning 12,000 USD a year, there are still a lot of people earn in between 4000 USD to 10,000 per year. When when inflation hit, it does not matter if you earn 4000 USD a year or 100,000 USD a year, you will still pay the same price for the same goods.

What i mean is for China to open up the Import market, then it will keep the local product down, i am not talk about more Foreign investment, actually, the more foreign investment to China now would only Kill China faster, what you need is your money put to other country and import their product, but i think this idea is too complicated for yo uto understand

you just suck in economics and I dont need your lecture!

If a company decides to invest overseas and makes money out of it. where does its profit go? it is not narrowing into import and export but it is on the scope of competitiveness which will affect the companies welfare and in turn channel its company results in part into the Country's coffer! Now do you understand!

Further more China is importing according to its own demand as widely as possible. It is conforming to WTO rules or otherwise they are arguing through the tribunals!

They are trying to keep those pesky wages down, from what i see with 2 primary measures. One is relocation of industries to central China, the other is importing workers from neighbouring countries (N. Korea, Vietnam) or less developed provinces. Though in the long run it will eventually mean rise of their wages as well and less competivity.
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dude, sometime i don't understand where the hack you were educated? Mars maybe??

Yup he thinks , he is scholar in economy , humanities , societies , diplomacy and history , its best not to reply

for him western people are foolish , china is great , not that i want bash any country here , but facts are facts , the forum is to impart what knowledge you got and to gain new ones but this is lost on him !!

They are trying to keep those pesky wages down, from what i see with 2 primary measures. One is relocation of industries to central China, the other is importing workers from neighbouring countries (N. Korea, Vietnam) or less developed provinces. Though in the long run it will eventually mean rise of their wages as well and less competivity.

I wonder how importing workers from neighboring countries going to work ;

China doesn't have full employment, official rate is 4.1 % but all other indication its more than that, as per wsj

The unemployment rate for China's army of 160 million migrant workers has risen sharply to 6% in June 2012, up from 3.4% in August 2011 according to the survey, suggesting 10 million unemployed as a result of the sharp slowdown in exports and real-estate construction.

This show the economy is slowing pretty bad , last things they should do is import workers , you know what happens when the Chinese get angry !!!
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I wonder how importing workers from neighboring countries going to work ;

China doesn't have full employment, official rate is 4.1 % but all other indication its more than that, as per wsj

The unemployment rate for China's army of 160 million migrant workers has risen sharply to 6% in June 2012, up from 3.4% in August 2011 according to the survey, suggesting 10 million unemployed as a result of the sharp slowdown in exports and real-estate construction.

This show the economy is slowing pretty bad , last things they should do is import workers , you know what happens when the Chinese get angry !!!

Well you missed the lesser developed provinces part. I've read articles about how there is not enough food there so im guessing they are very happy when they reach the coast where at least they can work and have enough food.

Badside is, they are being kept down with a system called hukou, which prevents setting up permanent residency in the province you work, and with that denies education, social security etc. It is basically a system which strides to keep producing cheap workers for the longest period of time.
To be fair, CCP announced changes to the system, but idk how big they can be before seriously hampering with macro economic indicators.
Well you missed the lesser developed provinces part. I've read articles about how there is not enough food there so im guessing they are very happy when they reach the coast where at least they can work and have enough food.

Badside is, they are being kept down with a system called hukou, which prevents setting up permanent residency in the province you work, and with that denies education, social security etc. It is basically a system which strides to keep producing cheap workers for the longest period of time.
To be fair, CCP announced changes to the system, but idk how big they can be before seriously hampering with macro economic indicators.

Could you please explain the premises?as it is new to me.
I do not know enough about China internally to make a valid comment. Though from personal experience I have concluded that the average Chinese is increasingly more patriotic over the last decade and beyond as is with the average Indian. Also again based purely on experience alone I find the average Chinese is not as driven towards personal freedom as maybe for majority of Indians. Hence I do not foresee any revolution in the near future, The Chinese government seems to grasp this and leek "freedom" gains in little trickles as is demanded by the populace instead of sweeping changes. The Chinese are intelligent no doubt and nothing like the Tiananmen situation should occur in the near future.
When PLA crushes our enemies, we Chinese rejoice for sweet freedom.
Not possible in China whose citizens are at government's gunpoint!

That is exactly why i said 'too' much oppression. we were oppressed by the British. and even we were at their gunpoint.

but too much oppression forced us to revolt. so it is possible in any part of the world, be it India; America or China.
That is exactly why i said 'too' much oppression. we were oppressed by the British. and even we were at their gunpoint.

but too much oppression forced us to revolt. so it is possible in any part of the world, be it India; America or China.

I am saying this based on FAILED Tiananmen square types that happened.
Besides its their own Nuclear nation who is the member of powerful SC-P5 in the UNO - unlike British India.
Not possible in China whose citizens are at government's gunpoint!

You don't see guns in China,our police don't even have guns and no anti government of any kind fighting gurrella wars anywhere in China.many foreign visitors claim that China is the safest place you have ever been to.how about in your country,do you see police an paramilitary people carrying guns?
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