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Nov 28, 2012
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  • 1019982389.jpg
WikiLeaks: Erdogan has watched the Su-24 Russian during six weeks
© REUTERS / Umit Bektas
A new revelation of WikiLeaks, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly ordered to shoot down a Russian plane in the Syrian sky, early October, at the beginning of the Russian air operation against Syria Daech to mobilize their constituents to a threat of war, convinced that NATO would support it anyway.

Turkish President therefore has himself ordered to shoot down the SU-24 Russian aircraft in the Syrian sky, claiming that the aircraft had violated Turkish airspace, says WikiLeaks, citing the famous pitcher known as Turkish alerts Fuat the pseudonym Avni.


The USA fall in oil smugglers side of Daech
Fuat warned Avni October 12, on his twitter account that Erdogan was preparing to shoot down a Russian plane. Known to disclose dishonest projects of the Turkish government, have always proved his revelations.Therefore it is called the Julian Assange of Turkey, one that shakes the power.

The project of the President of the country would be motivated by its strategy to mobilize its voters by the threat of war with Russia. High Turks on the ideas of Kemal Ataturk General, who conceived the project of a modern state for the Turkish people, are ready to unite before a threat of war and to support their government, as indeed most nations.

Wikileaks notes that Turkey has already shot down a drone, saying it was Russian.Moreover, according to their data, Turkey was conducting an operation against Syrian Kurdish, struggling against Daech (Islamic state).


The family Erdogan splashed by the oil Daech
At a press conference, December 2, the spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova referred to Tweet the whistleblower, noting that it was "very interesting" that the famous Turkish whistleblower has predicted this dramatic event there almost two months.

Russia launched on 30 September an air campaign against the positions of the Islamic state in Syria at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On 24 November, an F-16 fighter of the Turkish Air Force shot down an Su-24 bomber involved in the Russian air strikes against Syria Daech. According to Ankara, the Russian plane violated Turkish airspace. Moscow denies these reports but stressed that his bomber presented no threat to Turkey.


Putin: Ankara provided neither excuses nor explanations following the Su-24 shot
Following the incident, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the Turkish authorities to the terrorists in the region and has signed a decree to strengthen national security and introducing economic measures against Turkey. Moscow has yet reassured that he "did not intend to wage war against Turkey."

At the same time, several scandals splashed Erdogan and his entire family, including Daech oil traffic in Turkey and link her family with the terrorist group. In early December, the Russian Defense Ministry unveiled three Daech delivery routes in Turkey.

Lire la suite: WikiLeaks: Erdogan a épié le Su-24 russe pendant six semaines
:jester::jester:....it is better you to be a clown......
Who's the clown here? I think the letter "C" is tamped in Turcs forehead, for believing that your Sultan is innocent...with his implication in the shooting of the SU24. Just like he is troubled for being compared to the character Gollum that he ordered the court to look into it, because his feelings were hurt..and imprisoned the cartoonist.

turkey 12 2 15 ergodan-collum.jpg

And for 3 billions Euros, the EU hired the Turcs to be their gate keepers...[ at least the way Austria sees it] ....no more to say...

Its time to save Turkey and Erdogan to go. Erdogan era is the one in which the whole Turkey has been transformed but now what his regime is upto is not understand able. So the time is Erdogan to go and Turkey to save itself from european savages. Make ur account right with Russia as NATO may not come to help u.
Lol, Algerians sure do love their conspiracies :omghaha:

I can't wait to see who you think founded ISIS.
Erdogan is the last stability force in the ME, how can Putin jeopardize that !! , stop blaming the man for the rise of daesh just look at destabilized Iraq and destabilized Syria ,now imagine a destabilized Turkey, 75 millions state in chaos,Erdo doesn't care about European membership, we all know that ship is sinking .
trust me, Erdogan is the best president both the west and the east can get right now .
  • 1019982389.jpg
WikiLeaks: Erdogan has watched the Su-24 Russian during six weeks
© REUTERS / Umit Bektas
A new revelation of WikiLeaks, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly ordered to shoot down a Russian plane in the Syrian sky, early October, at the beginning of the Russian air operation against Syria Daech to mobilize their constituents to a threat of war, convinced that NATO would support it anyway.

Turkish President therefore has himself ordered to shoot down the SU-24 Russian aircraft in the Syrian sky, claiming that the aircraft had violated Turkish airspace, says WikiLeaks, citing the famous pitcher known as Turkish alerts Fuat the pseudonym Avni.


The USA fall in oil smugglers side of Daech
Fuat warned Avni October 12, on his twitter account that Erdogan was preparing to shoot down a Russian plane. Known to disclose dishonest projects of the Turkish government, have always proved his revelations.Therefore it is called the Julian Assange of Turkey, one that shakes the power.

The project of the President of the country would be motivated by its strategy to mobilize its voters by the threat of war with Russia. High Turks on the ideas of Kemal Ataturk General, who conceived the project of a modern state for the Turkish people, are ready to unite before a threat of war and to support their government, as indeed most nations.

Wikileaks notes that Turkey has already shot down a drone, saying it was Russian.Moreover, according to their data, Turkey was conducting an operation against Syrian Kurdish, struggling against Daech (Islamic state).


The family Erdogan splashed by the oil Daech
At a press conference, December 2, the spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova referred to Tweet the whistleblower, noting that it was "very interesting" that the famous Turkish whistleblower has predicted this dramatic event there almost two months.

Russia launched on 30 September an air campaign against the positions of the Islamic state in Syria at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On 24 November, an F-16 fighter of the Turkish Air Force shot down an Su-24 bomber involved in the Russian air strikes against Syria Daech. According to Ankara, the Russian plane violated Turkish airspace. Moscow denies these reports but stressed that his bomber presented no threat to Turkey.


Putin: Ankara provided neither excuses nor explanations following the Su-24 shot
Following the incident, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the Turkish authorities to the terrorists in the region and has signed a decree to strengthen national security and introducing economic measures against Turkey. Moscow has yet reassured that he "did not intend to wage war against Turkey."

At the same time, several scandals splashed Erdogan and his entire family, including Daech oil traffic in Turkey and link her family with the terrorist group. In early December, the Russian Defense Ministry unveiled three Daech delivery routes in Turkey.

Lire la suite: WikiLeaks: Erdogan a épié le Su-24 russe pendant six semaines

Lol nice source "Sputnik France"

:jester::jester:....it is better you to be a clown......

just leave him be , he is an ignorant moron

you can present all the facts but his stupidity will still lead on.
Its time to save Turkey and Erdogan to go. Erdogan era is the one in which the whole Turkey has been transformed but now what his regime is upto is not understand able. So the time is Erdogan to go and Turkey to save itself from european savages. Make ur account right with Russia as NATO may not come to help u.
turkey is not even worth "saving".
Cry all you want because nobody of you idiots can do anything against Turkey.
Russia can bully weaker countries but against bigger ones (like Turkey) they cant do anything except hollow threaths.
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