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Erdogan turns back to Europe...


Apr 2, 2017
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During the flight back to Turkey from a trip to africa Erdogan gave a interview.
He claimed that the relation between Germany and Turkey have improved a lot the last weeks... after the release of some political prisoners with german passport and turkish background.
Most important sentence.. "we are forced to reduce our enemys and increase our friends" ... no more Nazi claiming and terrorist supporter claims, he wants good relations with the EU and all EU member states ... source T-online claiming a interview done by turkish Hürriyet

can some turkish member confirm the claims from T-online? What force Erdogan to make a 180° turn?

Anyone who thinks erdoğan doesn't want Europe is an idiot.
But for sure, they'll all be nazis when the next election approaches.
I have been telling this the whole time, Erdogans rants are for election gains nothign else, hes proven to change his rethorics according to the requirements of the moment.

Yes we know that like almost every politican today ... intersting is what are his real goals beside all that waving his flags in the direction the wind blows..
Yes we know that like almost every politican today ... intersting is what are his real goals beside all that waving his flags in the direction the wind blows..
Securing his power, now with the presidential system he needs to adress as much people as possible to gain 50+1% votes.
You should see how AKP started to become Kemalist just to get majority since they lost the Referandum in all 3 big cities, they started to feel threatened so they will try everything in their might and play every possible card, that Erdogan cares so much for Palestine also doesnt come from his love for Palestine, expect more surprising developments till 2019.
can some turkish member confirm the claims from T-online? What force Erdogan to make a 180° turn?
There is no U-turn,we knew this was going to happen,all that anti Europe rethoric was only for Turkish voters,elections are over so back to business as usual.
no more Nazi claiming and terrorist supporter claims,

Look, this "Nazi and terrorist supporter" thingy, took place just before the referendum. Thx for EU officials replying him and causing a fight, he managed raise his votes by 2 percent and referendum passed with %50.4

And remember the drama started with Netherlands not with Germany, at that time Holland also were holding elections and he knew how would Rutte react against him (escalating the dispute, not backing down as it would show him weak just before the elections)... i think, he choose to have spat with Holland for that reason.

He did all that drama for referendum, now the referendum passed, it's business as usual.

But don't expect everything to go back to normal. He won't be using that kind of harsh speech anymore, but he will continue this Europe vs Turkey thing.
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I have to disagree...that Nazi and terrorist supporter rethoric continued long after election... he attacked almost any german institution after election.. police, government, courts
He has to shout and bark alot on tv and show his posture so that the sheeps think "oh look what a great man, we are a superpower now", while not being able to buy 1kg of meat
I have to disagree...that Nazi and terrorist supporter rethoric continued long after election... he attacked almost any german institution after election.. police, government, courts
Come on what do you expect him to do ? Would he say, "Okay, now let's be friends" after the referandum.....Spat continued by the both sides, yet he gradually reduced his tone.
I have been telling this the whole time, Erdogans rants are for election gains nothign else, hes proven to change his rethorics according to the requirements of the moment.

Well we call this politics.
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