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RND: Erdogan becomes a danger to NATO


Feb 1, 2022
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According RND, Erdogan's Turkey becomes a danger to NATO because........:
  • is systematically circumventing Western sanctions against Russia
  • is making questionable arms deals with Moscow
  • has been blocking NATO's northern expansion for months.
  • is openly threatening Greece – including by firing missiles at Athens
  • claims as Turkish the Greek Aegean islands

lmao, Greeks trying hella hard to get someone to tip the scales in their favor. Meanwhile the NATO secretary General thanking Turkey for facilitating the Ukraine Grain deal and serving as a mediator to the conflict, while also providing Ukraine with critical assets like the TB2 and TRLG-230 Laser guided missiles in countering Russia, as well as its influence over Crimean Tatars. Its role as a bridge for NATO into Central Asia(via its influence, in Kazakhastan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan). Turkey's geostrategic positioning and position as a strong regional and influential middle power is an asset for NATO interests in the Middle East, Black Sea region and Central Asia. Not to mention Turkey's postion as an emerging energy hub for Non Russian hydrocarbons coming from Central Asia and the middle east. Logical people understand that Turkey is a counter balance to Russia and always has been as a middle power, and that it is in their interests to maintain such an asset. No one besides Bob Menendez, Daddy Macron and other clowns who have personal animosities towards Turks care, pragmatic and reasonable non emotional people aren't going to randomly decide to become antagonistic towards Turkey on your behalf and jeopardize/lose out on the benefits they receive from their relations with Turkey.

Quite rich of the Greeks to act like suddenly they are hardcore atlanticists and anti Russia, given their previous relationship with Russia from weapons sales(fun fact Greeks were trying to get the russians to upgrade their S-300s far after Turkey bought systems from Russia) to other sociological Russian soft ties, serving as a way to launder Russian money in the Greek economy and giving russian olygarchs close to putin schengen passports in exchange for money.
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lmao, Greeks trying hella hard to get someone to tip the scales in their favor. Meanwhile the NATO secretary General thanking Turkey for facilitating the Ukraine Grain deal and serving as a mediator to the conflict, while also providing Ukraine with critical assets like the TB2 and TRLG-230 Laser guided missiles in countering Russia, as well as its influence over Crimean Tatars. Its role as a bridge for NATO into Central Asia(via its influence, in Kazakhastan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan). Turkey's geostrategic positioning and position as a strong regional and influential middle power is an asset for NATO interests in the Middle East, Black Sea region and Central Asia.

Quite rich of the Greeks to act like suddenly they are hardcore atlanticists and anti Russia, given their previous relationship with Russia from weapons sales to other sociological Russian soft ties, serving as a way to launder Russian money in the Greek economy and giving russian olygarchs close to putin schengen passports in exchange for money.
Menendez said it very well in his speech

Menendez said it very well in his speech

Don't worry no one gives a shit about Menendez, he is just bitter b/c of his armenian wife who keeps whispering in his ear. Republicans took back the house and who knows what happens in a few years. He has bigger things to worry about than Turkey. lol

Don't worry no one gives a shit about Menendez, he is just bitter b/c of his armenian wife who keeps whispering in his ear.
He happens to be the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee chairman.

And there are both Republican and Democrat Senators allied against Erdogan.

This speech was 2 days ago.
He happens to be the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee chairman.

And there are both Republican and Democrat Senators allied against Erdogan.

This speech was 2 days ago.

Turkey has friends too, or atleast members who value the US Turkey relationship, several members of the same committee and other prominent senators(Lindsey Graham and Chris Coons) met with the Turkish president in New York very recently to talk over some matters. Turkey also has strong relations with many republicans in the House, which the republicans just took back in the last election.

Don't worry about him, he ain't doing shit. its his job to be butthurt, he has greek constituents in Jersey and an Armenians wife afterall. lol

The State dept isn't going to decide to randomly jeopardize relations with Turkey at such a critical moment randomly.
Don't worry about him, he ain't doing shit. its his job to be butthurt, he has greek constituents in Jersey and an Armenians wife afterall. lol
I think you're the one worrying about him...
lmao, Greeks trying hella hard to get someone to tip the scales in their favor. Meanwhile the NATO secretary General thanking Turkey for facilitating the Ukraine Grain deal and serving as a mediator to the conflict, while also providing Ukraine with critical assets like the TB2 and TRLG-230 Laser guided missiles in countering Russia, as well as its influence over Crimean Tatars. Its role as a bridge for NATO into Central Asia(via its influence, in Kazakhastan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan). Turkey's geostrategic positioning and position as a strong regional and influential middle power is an asset for NATO interests in the Middle East, Black Sea region and Central Asia. Not to mention Turkey's postion as an emerging energy hub for Non Russian hydrocarbons coming from Central Asia and the middle east. Logical people understand that Turkey is a counter balance to Russia and always has been as a middle power, and that it is in their interests to maintain such an asset. No one besides Bob Menendez, Daddy Macron and other clowns who have personal animosities towards Turks care, pragmatic and reasonable non emotional people aren't going to randomly decide to become antagonistic towards Turkey on your behalf and jeopardize/lose out on the benefits they receive from their relations with Turkey.

Quite rich of the Greeks to act like suddenly they are hardcore atlanticists and anti Russia, given their previous relationship with Russia from weapons sales(fun fact Greeks were trying to get the russians to upgrade their S-300s far after Turkey bought systems from Russia) to other sociological Russian soft ties, serving as a way to launder Russian money in the Greek economy and giving russian olygarchs close to putin schengen passports in exchange for money.

What you mentioned has nothing to do with what the German journalists criticize (and not the only ones). The fact that Turkey sells war material to Ukraine or mediates the sale of the supports does not create an issue, because as is known, NATO policy is to support Ukraine.

But the fact that Turkey helps Russia avoid sanctions, or puts obstacles in the way of NATO expansion, or the war threats and invasion in Greece, proves that he does not follow the will of the alliance. I didn't see you commenting on it here, unless you agree with Turkey's actions, and consider them normal.

As far as hydrocarbons are concerned,
Europe no longer relies on ΄1-2 sources, but on many. Personally, I think that in case of a crisis, Turkey will do what Russia did, that is, it will cut off Azerbaijan's gas.

Finally, to belittle Menendez, when the US administration itself does not, proves that you probably do not properly account for the policies in Washington. Especially Menendez, what he says, he has been saying for years, that Turkey has gotten away with its arrogant and revisionist policy in the last 10 years, resulted in the reaction of the majority of Congress.
Turkey is the least helpful NATO member right now. Because,they don't really want to help either NATO nor Russia completely. Just as much as it benefits Turkey. And that's good for them actually,but the problem is that they are threatening to open a new fronts and they distract NATO's "war effort" in Ukraine. When Erdogan threatens to attack Greece,start new operations in Syria,stop Cyprus from drilling,tries to disrupt the EU's chance for a gas pipe in the Eastern Mediterannean by having Tripoli complain against Greece,by trying to get involved in more conflicts...and of course,by not letting Sweden and Finland in NATO.

All that piss the allies off. Even if Stoltenberg keeps siding with Turkey. It's obvious that the previous Turkish governments were far better NATO members and far more realistic in their politics.
Turkey helps Russia avoid sanctions

Turkey's role as a middle power mediator would be jeopardized if it placed sanctions. Turkey gets the best of both worlds, Turkey has no obligations to follow EU foreign policy(not that there is any consolidated policy) and sanctions regimes, b/c Turkey is not a EU member, Turkey will do what is in Turkey's best interests, but like other major NATO partners like Israel, the UAE, India, etc. Ukraine doesn't seem to mind, if anything Zelensky thanks Turkey for its role in facilitating the grain deal among other things, Turkey facilitated the withdrawal of Ukrainian POWs from Mariupol, it cannot do such things with active hostility towards Russia. Turkey's importance to Ukraine, with regards to its influence on Tatars, its supplying of weaponry, economic investments in Ukrainian defense with the Bayraktar factory, sale of critical subsystems, buying of ukrainian engines, codevelopement of other systems is very valuable to Ukraine. Turkey's strategic relationship with Ukraine is far deeper and goes further back than some opportunistic johnny come latelys trying to curry favor by dumping their old s-300 for new hardware and trying to draw in others to their disagreements and painting it as some principled sacrifice to help Ukraine, if you want to help ukraine, hand over the s-300 with no strings attached. lol, not too long ago, they were laundering Russian Oligarch money and giving Russians schengen passports in corrupt investment schemes, and now they act like "Russia was never my friend", and how dare Turkey do trade, look how "disloyal" they are, EU/US/France daddy please attack Turkey on our behalf. lol
puts obstacles in the way of NATO expansion

Turkey is defending Turkish interests, and even Stoltenberg acknowledged that Turkey has legitimate concerns with regards to the PKK, and Turkey is working with Finland and Sweden to resolve such issues. Did you create such a hissy fit when you "put obstacles in the way of NATO expansion" by blocking the Republic of Macedonia or try to leverage Albania's membership application to gain the upper hand in relations with Albania. Or the blocking of NATO resolutions and Action Plans with regards to attacks on Turkey's southern border, jeopardizing the safety of another NATO state, over your own personal grievances with Turkey? Or when Greece jeopardizes the interests of other EU states, just so it can use EU leverage in its bilateral quarrels with Turkey.
Turkey is the least helpful NATO member right now.

Foinikas, just b/c you are jelly about Turkey's geostratic influence and importance, doesn't negate the services Turkey provides. lol

new operations in Syria

This is actually a benefit to Ukraine, Russia cannot manage high intensity conflicts on two fronts.
they don't really want to help either NATO

How so? Turkey is doing everything besides sending troops to fight russia directly or economic sanctions(which lets be frank won't do much to Russia and would probably harm Turkey, with no benefit to Turkey whatsoever, and its not like you/EU will reward reward Turkey or give anything in return for placing sanctions on Russia, so why would Turkey do such a foolish thing? virtue signalling to people who already hate Turkey?)

It's obvious that the previous Turkish governments were far better NATO members

My dear Foinikas, Turkey's foreign policy and strategic interests do not change regardless of whichever party is in charge, this has nothing to do with the current govt, its a myth. If you actually look at domestic Turkish policy, you will notice that with regards to all the things you mentioned, the Turkish opposition supports Turkey's stance regarding the PKK and the eastern Mediterranean. In case you forgot it was the opposition party that was in change when the intervention in the 1970s. So there is no change here, you can change the boogeyman, but the policy will remain b/c of the strategic implications and interests..
Foinikas, just b/c you are jelly about Turkey's geostratic influence and importance, doesn't negate the services Turkey provides. lol
Services? Turkey is more of a liabity right now. Many in NATO are tired of Erdogan's capricious behavior.
This is actually a benefit to Ukraine, Russia cannot manage high intensity conflicts on two fronts.
This is actually against the US government's wish,not just Russia's. You're supposed to be an American,don't you know USA told Erdogan not to start a new operation in Syria?
How so? Turkey is doing everything besides sending troops to fight russia directly or economic sanctions(which lets be frank won't do much to Russia and would probably harm Turkey, with no benefit to Turkey whatsoever, and its not like you/EU will reward reward Turkey or give anything in return for placing sanctions on Russia, so why would Turkey do such a foolish thing? virtue signalling to people who already hate Turkey?)
Preventing Sweden and Finland from entering NATO,threatening Greece with war,being best friends with Putin one day,then asking for F-16s,then getting angry and saying they'll buy more S-400s,then asking F-16s again,then saying they might buy Su-35 or Su-57 etc.

My dear Foinikas, Turkey's foreign policy and strategic interests do not change regardless of whichever party is in charge, this has nothing to do with the current govt, its a myth. If you actually look at domestic Turkish policy, you will notice that with regards to all the things you mentioned, the Turkish opposition supports Turkey's stance regarding the PKK and the eastern Mediterranean. In case you forgot it was the opposition party that was in change when the intervention in the 1970s. So there is no change here, you can change the boogeyman, but the policy will remain b/c of the strategic implications and interests..
No,it wasn't the same. The Kemalist governments were more realistic and didn't have neo-Ottoman dreams. They didn't have an ultranationalistic narrative every day and they didn't have plans to set up bases here and there and they wouldn't push it if the Americans nagged. Every time we almost went to war,the Americans would say something and both sides would back down. There was also balance.
According RND, Erdogan's Turkey becomes a danger to NATO because........:
  • is systematically circumventing Western sanctions against Russia
  • is making questionable arms deals with Moscow
  • has been blocking NATO's northern expansion for months.
  • is openly threatening Greece – including by firing missiles at Athens
  • claims as Turkish the Greek Aegean islands

Turkey is sacrificing too much for NATO.
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