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Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

really? and why should Turkey sacrifice itself for a case that has nothing to do with us, except due a religious link. let the Arab countries themselves do something about it. begging Turkey when it suits you, disregarding Turkey as secular dogs when it suits you.
turkey can do as it pleases…..
but most turks chose gaza…instead of staying neutral.. the religious link is way too strong…

I am not begging for anything.

All i am saying is that Turkey, being a member of NATO, has a strong leverage to exert pressure on Israel through US and other NATO nations.

Is that so hard for Turkey?! If Turkey can't even do that, then stop this fake drama of accomodating Gazans.
accommodating the injured is drama???
what does a indian hindu have to do with any of this??…. you have no connection to this thread…
your not a muslim, your not arab or a turk…. so tell me why are you here?? if you want to say something about turkeys policies then write a letter to erdogan… these forum members can't do nothing..
Turkey helped create the Syria crisis. The millions of refugees coming into Turkey is fault of Turkey's foolish foreign policy. And Turkey is also converting Syrian refugees into Syrian rebels sending them back into Syria to fight Assad. Its a full circle. A fatal foreign policy.

And i don't think Arabs wanna do anything. Saudis and Gulf monarchs are puppets of US. They can't do anything to confront US or Israel.
failed? Syria is now in ruins, though i pity innocent losses, they had it coming for supporting pkk for many years in the past against Turkey. when Assad falls and a pro-Turkey/anti-Iran sunni guy will replace him, who will hopefully also kick out Russian base, it would be a huge win for Turkey. it's geopolitics and interests.
- 90 B-61 Nuclear bombs...40 of them are allocated for use of Turaf
- Free Patriots that defends our southern border
- Access to latest state of art weaponry (world's only avaliable 5th gen fighter F-35, AIM 9 missiles)
- Immunity against all non-NATO countries..

Do you want me to count more ?

Those weapons?!

Pakistan is not a member of NATO and it has far better defense (both Nuclear and conventional) systems than Turkey.

Pakistan didn't join NATO yet it upgraded its defense capabilities by engaging with China, Europe, Russia and US as well.

And about immunity. The immunity is as long as Turkish government follows orders of US. When Turkey starts to disobey US, immunity guarantee is a worthless piece of paper.
Nope, because we have a Arab lover PM, that's why.
maybe he just likes to help muslims…. if he helped pakistan then he will be a pakistani lover??
what do you peter that he not help gaza at all??
believe it or not bro but your blessed with a leader like erdogan… who can see past arrogance… and not worry about being a turk or a arab but a muslim and a human…
Those weapons?!

Pakistan is not a member of NATO and it has far better defense (both Nuclear and conventional) systems than Turkey.

Pakistan didn't join NATO yet it upgraded its defense capabilities by engaging with China, Europe, Russia and US as well.

And about immunity. The immunity is as long as Turkish government follows orders of US. When Turkey starts to disobey US, immunity guarantee is a worthless piece of paper.

Yeah... Pakistan is going to get F-35s and AIM-9s......:disagree:

Anyways, today, i fulled my quota of BS with you. :sleep:
Wow, that is painful. Israel doesn't win hearts with that. Is Turkey the only country helping or are Arab countries also giving medical service? Egypt is just next door.
Masters are never in the business of winning the hearts of their slaves, they win hatred. Arab countrie's cowardice and importance prevent them from helping Palestinians. In-fact they are quite aligned with Zionists and accompliced in the genocide of the Palestinians. It is utter waste of time of even mentioning about Arabs countries of the region in the context of Israeli occupation of Palestine.
maybe he just likes to help muslims…. if he helped pakistan then he will be a pakistani lover??
Pakistan is our brother state.... if he won't help Pakistan, shame on him. That's nothing to do with Pakistan being muslims.

what do you peter that he not help gaza at all??
He can help gaza, he can send humanitarian.... but he doesn't have to be a cheerleader on the front lines for Gaza. He should focus on Turks rather than Arabs.

believe it or not bro but your blessed with a leader like erdogan… who can see past arrogance… and not worry about being a turk or a arab but a muslim and a human…
I wish, i had power to give him to you :)
Those weapons?!

Pakistan is not a member of NATO and it has far better defense (both Nuclear and conventional) systems than Turkey.

Pakistan didn't join NATO yet it upgraded its defense capabilities by engaging with China, Europe, Russia and US as well.

And about immunity. The immunity is as long as Turkish government follows orders of US. When Turkey starts to disobey US, immunity guarantee is a worthless piece of paper.
you asked about what nato gave Turkey, and then you start comparing Turkey with Pakistan? are you Pakistani?
Turkey too engages with those countries and i would say that Turkey and Pakistan have both their advantages and disadvantages. Still Pakistan ultimately has the edge because of nuclear tech, i give you that. about immunity, Turkey plays the patient game. developing economy and military step by step till we can firmly stand on our feet independently. give us 10-20 years. we know the hypocrite face of the US that already blackmails Turkey in some cases.
you asked about what nato gave Turkey, and then you start comparing Turkey with Pakistan? are you Pakistani?
Turkey too engages with those countries and i would say that Turkey and Pakistan have both their advantages and disadvantages. Still Pakistan ultimately has the edge just because of nuclear tech, i give you that. about immunity, Turkey plays the patient game. developing economy and military step by step till we can firmly stand on our feet independently. give us 10-20 years. we know the hypocrite face of the US that already blackmails Turkey in some cases.

The point i am trying to make is that you don't need NATO membership to upgrade your defense industry.

Turkey can be an independent nation like many others, independent of NATO and also develop militarily.

By the way, depending your own defense industry upon a nation that can be your potential enemy is a mistake.

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