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Erdogan: Turkey ready to accommodate all Gaza casualties, "no matter how many"

Turkey being the only Muslim state member of NATO should threaten to boycott relations with west if US and other NATO allies don't pressurize Israel to stop bombing Gaza.

Nobody cares your secret hatred towards Turkey here but tell you what... Leave aside Turkey's nato membership, there is a much much more powerful tool that arabs may shake the world up in no time; O I L... got the point?
The point i am trying to make is that you don't need NATO membership to upgrade your defense industry.

Turkey can be an independent nation like many others, independent of NATO and also develop militarily.

By the way, depending your own defense industry upon a nation that can be your potential enemy is a mistake.
who says Turkey's defense industry depends on others? in 2012 Turkey was producing 60% of its military stuff at home while this number was 25% around 2002/3. 30% is being produced under joint ventures and co-production, and the remaining 10% is off the shelf buying. as you can see, in a decade or so this 10%~40% dependency will be even lower. Turkey is in nato for a reason, which you can look up by yourself, has nothing to do with upgrading our industry.
Turkey is in nato for a reason, which you can look up by yourself, has nothing to do with upgrading our industry.

I don't wanna comment on quality and quantity of Turkey's weapon production.

Neither, do i believe that Turkey is benefiting from Defense Technology imports from NATO nations.

I was responding to Sinan who thinks Turkey is getting advanced defense Tech as benefit from NATO membership.

Why Turkey is member of NATO? Many reasons. Can Turkey live without NATO. Yes. Turkey will be better without NATO.

And considering Geopolitical factors, NATO needs Turkey. Turkey doesn't need NATO.
Interesting. Has any arab country recognized North Cyprus, condemned crackdown on Turkic speakers in western China or Russian oppression in Caucasus and Crimea ? Gaza has no shortage of supporters but others do not.
since i joined this forum, i have been getting this unpleasant impression that foreign muslims demand/urge Turkey to help muslims around the world and show sympathy, but when it comes to oppressed Turkics, the 'ummah' on this forum generally is silent and turning a blind eye in favor of China, Russia etc for their own interests.

I don't wanna comment on quality and quantity of Turkey's weapon production.

Neither, do i believe that Turkey is benefiting from Defense Technology imports from NATO nations.

I was responding to Sinan who thinks Turkey is getting advanced defense Tech as benefit from NATO membership.

Why Turkey is member of NATO? Many reasons. Can Turkey live without NATO. Yes. Turkey will be better without NATO.

And considering Geopolitical factors, NATO needs Turkey. Turkey doesn't need NATO.
well, whatever makes you sleep better.
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maybe he just likes to help muslims…. if he helped pakistan then he will be a pakistani lover??
what do you peter that he not help gaza at all??
believe it or not bro but your blessed with a leader like erdogan… who can see past arrogance… and not worry about being a turk or a arab but a muslim and a human…
Dont bring Pakistan into this.
Dont bring Pakistan into this.
whats difference?? help is help…
whats difference between gaza and pakistan???
they are our muslim brothers and sisters… whats wrong with helping them??? because they are arabs??
whats difference?? help is help…
whats difference between gaza and pakistan???
they are our muslim brothers and sisters… whats wrong with helping them??? because they are arabs??
We are not against helping others,but the problem we have with Erdogan is that he leaves the 300.000 to 500.000 Turkmens to their fate,doesnt help them no media coverage nothing,not one word.
Here he is playing the hero of the Palestinians.
Would you like it if Pakistan helped others but not the own people?
We are not against helping others,but the problem we have with Erdogan is that he leaves the 300.000 to 500.000 Turkmens to their fate,doesnt help them no media coverage nothing,not one word.
Here he is playing the hero of the Palestinians.
Would you like it if Pakistan helped others but not the own people?
are turkmens turkish citizens???
for turkey is it turkic people before anything??? type of deal? or is it who needs the help?
are turkmens under a siege and being bombarded by f16s and warships and rockets??

We are not against helping others,but the problem we have with Erdogan is that he leaves the 300.000 to 500.000 Turkmens to their fate,doesnt help them no media coverage nothing,not one word.
Here he is playing the hero of the Palestinians.
Would you like it if Pakistan helped others but not the own people?
Turkey builds camp for Iraq's displaced Turkmen
Interesting. Has any arab country recognized North Cyprus, condemned crackdown on Turkic speakers in western China or Russian oppression in Caucasus and Crimea ? Gaza has no shortage of supporters but others do not.
Good point. Arabs for Arabs. But for some reason we are running behind Arabs and leaving our own kin in the cold.
Is this Sanjay dude Pakistani? he seems hell bent on creating bad blood between Pakistani and Turk members here. Turkey is helping Palestinians today, some thing rest of the Muslim world has yet to follow.
really? and why should Turkey sacrifice itself for a case that has nothing to do with us, except due a religious link. let the Arab countries themselves do something about it. begging Turkey when it suits you, disregarding Turkey as secular dogs when it suits you.

Let's appreciate what turkish govt does . It not time to make arab -non Arab discriminations.
It time when you need to unite.
Turkey is the 100% true representative of Modern Muslim society compassionate and also true to Islamic cause


While we have our Olus , in Sindh PPP can't even accept Pakistani IDP
are turkmens turkish citizens???
for turkey is it turkic people before anything??? type of deal? or is it who needs the help?
are turkmens under a siege and being bombarded by f16s and warships and rockets??

Turkey builds camp for Iraq's displaced Turkmen
What are you talking about?
Read history before commenting on emotion.
Turkmen=Turk not Turkic.
I am a Turkmen descendant,my people migrated from Mesopotamia(Iraq) to Turkiye during the Ottoman times.
What help are you talking about,let others do what they can first,you act like we are required to help while those who are in a better position to help just sit on the sidelines.
Dont bring Pakistan into this,that is something else.
Yeah they built a camp for 20.000 people where 10.000 families have fled to that area.
A Turkmen family consists of two family members?
Not even talking about the other displaced Turkmens(300.000 to 500.000).
What are you talking about?
Read history before commenting on emotion.
Turkmen=Turk not Turkic.
I am a Turkmen descendant,my people migrated from Mesopotamia(Iraq) to Turkiye during the Ottoman times.
What help are you talking about,let others do what they can first,you act like we are required to help while those who are in a better position to help just sit on the sidelines.
Dont bring Pakistan into this,that is something else.
Yeah they built a camp for 20.000 people where 10.000 families have fled to that area.
A Turkmen family consists of two family members?
Not even talking about the other displaced Turkmens(300.000 to 500.000).
what i was trying to say that iraqi turkmen are not responsibility of turkey….
they are foreigners just gazans… so it shouldn't be that turkey chose turkmens over gazans… they should be same in your eyes… I'm just trying to understand brother… don't get offended by what i said

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