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Erdogan declares 10 ambassadors persona non grata

Its all empty words. Like always from Erdogan.

-- 3 Turkish Military operations in Syria to block USA-France-PKK/YPG
-- to block American,İsraeli,French,İtalian research-drilling Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean
-- to change the game in Libya
-- to change the game in Karabakh/Azerbaijan
-- to protect Qatar
-- to buy S400 Air Defense System from Russia

no joke and no empty words from Erdogan

Who will bail out turkey? :)

attacks on Turkish economy wont stop Turkiye in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
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-- 3 Turkish Military operations in Syria to block USA-France-PKK/YPG
-- to block American,İsraeli,French,İtalian research-drilling Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean
-- to change the game in Libya
-- to change the game in Karabakh/Azerbaijan
-- to protect Qatar
-- to buy S400 Air Defense System from Russia

no joke and no empty words from Erdogan

attacks on Turkish economy wont stop Turkiye in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Still no declaration. We are waiting. 😁

P.s. you forgot that Greece blocks turkish research vessels as well. You could not scan a single meter seafloor so far. Whenever your red rust bucket shows up, we are there and disturb it. It needs silence to operate. We constantly blast its sensors with noise. 😁

So what will you say when Erdo does nothing and rows back as usual. Why you think there is still no official declaration to cut diplomstic ties with all EU member states, US, Canada and New Zealand. Did someone tell Erdo that Turkey would be on same level as North Korea? It would also mean no tourists, no trade ect with EU countries. Quite a bold move since Germany is turkys biggest trade partner. To push that on zero from one day to next...amazing
Does Greece have the right to be laughing about any other economy struggling?
Normally no,but in the case of Turkey it's like India telling Pakistan "haha india superpower".

Turkey doesn't doesn't need anyone it is stragetically well placed geographically it can go west or east as it pleases. It can even exit NATO tomorrow and enter CSTO the next day after and SCO.. As it pleases--
Bro,the problem is that Turkey has been playing everyone and in the end could get annihilated by everyone. Russians,Americans,Western Europeans. Remember when Saddam did the mistake to invade Kuwait?

What you guys think is that expelling 10 ambassadors just because of a human rights activist,is not something smart.

For those who say "finally a strong muslim leader" or "Erdogan has big balls" etc. you must understand that isolating the country doesn't help you. It's a bad diplomatic move.
In turkey they say 90 percent Greeks are illegal kids of Turks. This is what I heard when I was there in turkey.
Ok bro. And you believed it?
but ERDOGAN criticized İsrael for killing Palestinians in 2009 during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

and İsrael-Zionist loobs was become hostile to ERDOGAN

since 2013 , USA-İsrael-Zionist lobby including SOROS tried to destroy ERDOGAN
but they failed
They became hostile because your idiot sent the Gaza flotilla and ever since has been talking about "Kudus" and liberating Palestine all the while doing nothing about it :P
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Tiny states? Germany alone is an absolute behemeth

And yes, Turkey is dirt poor with extreme inflation. The average Turk earns not even 15% of what a greek earns per month.

Erdogan has stage 3 cancer anyways so this entire bla bla will soon end. It might also explain his erratic behavior, i guess metastasis propably in neural system.

Its empty words. So far nothing was declared official, no EU member state embassy has got any letter, so its most likely just one of his typical rants for his own audience to divert from his bad economy.

He is quite a weak person and always backs off when shit gets serious.
Is this a joke...you Greeks are a laughing stock of Europe a bankrupt destitute society and economy. Turkey is the 17th richest country in the world. Ah breaking plates again...never mind carry on
P.s. you forgot that Greece blocks turkish research vessels as well.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
They became hostile because your idiot sent the Gaza flotilla and ever since has been talking about "Kudus" and liberating Palestine all the while doing nothing about it :P

Turkey eased the embargo by İsrael on Palestine
Bro,the problem is that Turkey has been playing everyone and in the end could get annihilated by everyone. Russians,Americans,Western Europeans. Remember when Saddam did the mistake to invade Kuwait?

Turkey just protect its territorial integrity and national interests against bandit Countries and their terrorists

Turkey has the 11th biggest GDP PPP in the world

9..France $3.231 trillion
10 .. The UK $ 3.174 trillion
11 ..Turkey $2.749 trillion

Turkey just protect its territorial integrity and national interests against bandit Countries and their terrorists
Hi. Do you have something new to say? I've heard this song before.
Is this a joke...you Greeks are a laughing stock of Europe a bankrupt destitute society and economy. Turkey is the 17th richest country in the world. Ah breaking plates again...never mind carry on

You dont laugh, since you have not our living standard. Hey does a bread cost a mothly salary now in Turk-Town?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Turkey eased the embargo by İsrael on Palestine

Buddy...your reasearch vessel needs silence. All we do is to make constant noise. That overblows your sensors. So your red rust bucket always returns home port. You go nowhere.

And btwStill no official declaration by the mad man of the bosporus. :D

Go on! Do it, break relations with 27 EU nations, USA and Canada. Something not even North Korea or Iran dared. :D

As it stands now, all we have is an angry outburst of a demented and senile old man who is under so much internal pressure that the stress breaks out.
Freedom to run their own country without external interfence. These countries also caused a recent coup if you remember
Free from what?
People need foods, housing. They don’t need propaganda.
Turkish lira becomes more worthless by the day. Gdp or Ppp is just a piece of paper. Turkey needs western tourists and investments.
Something is not right with Erdogan. He goes through extreme mood swings regarding the West: friendly one day, antagonistic the next, and always unpredictable.

Expelling ambassadors will cause a diplomatic situation for Turkey, including the reciprocal expulsion of Turkey's ambassadors. Wouldn’t surprise me if the affected countries downgrades Turkey’s diplomatic status as well.

Why don't you just leave as per request? Your American buddies are looking for fights all over the globe. Turkey is not an exception.
Top 10 PKK Terror Organization supporters

Turkey lost tens of thousands of citizens and over $500 billion to fight The U.S Canada, France, Finland, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, New Zealand ( The UK ) , Norway and Sweden backed terror organizations-military coups ( PKK/YPG , FETO , DHKPC )

Traitor OSMAN KAVALA was named the Turkish Soros for his links to the controversial Hungarian-American tycoon George Soros.
View attachment 787236

-- Traitor OSMAN KAVALA has been imprisoned for four years over his alleged role in the 2013 Gezi Park protests and subsequent riots

-- Traitor OSMAN KAVALA is also accused of involvement in the failed 2016 coup attempt by The U.S backed FETO terror organization

-- Traitor OSMAN KAVALA has close ties to the Democratic People's Party (HDP), a party linked to the PKK terrorist organization

No country or no one has the right to give an order to Turkish courts regarding legal processes

This is how it should be done. A straight answer.
Free from what?

You are just a US crony.
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