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epic news hour debate between imam and Maroof Raza,

Be it Rajdeep / Arnob / Barking Butt - they all incite high pitched shouting matches. For Arnob- someone must drill it into his rear that as a host he SHOULD NOT shout back to his hosts. This is one thing they teach you in schools of journalism (and if AG has attended one, he should know). If I were face to face with him, and if he went on shouting, the last resort I would give him is a TIGHTest slap on his face and render him speechless for the rest of his life !

Honestly, I can't believe millions in India wait to watch his shout matches. But then, seeing how our parliamentarians behave (like buffoons), this sort of behaviour is I guess, OK for our masses ! Sad !

Actually I am quite happy to hear somebody shouting back at braindead Indian politicians.
Arnab is loud,but the politicians he questions never gve straight forward answer,they always go around in circles.
This debate is not to be missed.

Recently, Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan made a statement that the soldiers who fought and won the war of Kargil were Muslims and not Hindus.

The way Maroof Raza, who’s a strategic affairs expert, humbled the representative from the Imam Council of India, Maulana Maqsood-ul-Hasan Qasmi in the above video fills our hearts with immense pride and emotion to realize that there will always be good men who’ll stand up to anyone who tries to question the sanctity of the Indian Army.

U guys won the war? What in your dreams, LOL.
Arnab is loud,but the politicians he questions never gve straight forward answer,they always go around in circles.
Well, if you watch any talk show with panelists on Indian PT television, hosts are the ones who start it off. Arnab's style put even the likes of that bespectacled grey haired square jawed (forgot his name) to shame.

On the other hand, I have never seen international TV panel discussions go into high pitched fests. Debates and discussions - even opposing ones are given respect !
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