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epic news hour debate between imam and Maroof Raza,

Mahroof rocks really,he looks like arnab's brother.both have similar views
Arnab's a sensationalist with a loud mouth . Maroof on the other hand is very well informed in his subject field and always adds to a debate. Arnab's style detracts from the entire conversation IMHO.

I would (and have) watch a 2 hour talk from Mr Raza, after listening to Arnab for 10 minuets I want to plug up my ears.
imam gets owned by Maroof Raza regarding debate about army above religion in india,this debate was made when azam khan made a comment on muslims won kargils,must watch for every muslims in india and also pakistan in which he says why pakistan doesnot have any khan or hussain regement where as india has many regements having muslim names

start from 7.00

Epic indeed!!!!

Arnab and Maroof as a team rock.
Arnab's a sensationalist with a loud mouth . Maroof on the other hand is very well informed in his subject field and always adds to a debate. Arnab's style detracts from the entire conversation IMHO.

I would (and have) watch a 2 hour talk from Mr Raza, after listening to Arnab for 10 minuets I want to plug up my ears.

The thing is our other alternatives are sardesai and barkha dutt.

Sardesai is average and burkha sucks big time.
I just love arnab vs pakistan debates where he calls 3-4 pakistani generals.its hilarious:D
What a noisy host...
So imam demanded a pathan regiment in indian army in the line of gurkha, jat , rajput regiment etc while maroof raza equated pathan regiment as communal....it was confusing. Pathan is not a religion, sikh is. Is'nt Sikh regiment communal?. If religion is divisive then what about castes? Why regiments are based on castes like rajput, jat , gurkha etc?.
U.P has large number of pathans. They were favourite people for recruitment in east india company army but they were at the forefront in 1857 war so were never considered again. General bakht khan was pathan of U.P. Pathan is not a best soldier. In first world war, multani pathans, afridis and wazirs, mehsuds refused to fight against ottomans in iraq. They too were excluded from list of martial races like rohillas. India should never entertain the idea of pathan regiment.
The thing is our other alternatives are sardesai and barkha dutt.

Sardesai is average and burkha sucks big time.
I just love arnab vs pakistan debates where he calls 3-4 pakistani generals.its hilarious:D
It's all relative true. But then his style is pretty lame wherein when he's rely venting he won't let certain members contribute. He clearly knows little about how a proper debate is run. He is meant to be the chair of the debate- well that's his position, but he often choses sides and the conclusions he comes to are quite absurd.

The Indian media as a whole is pretty pathetic on this front. Sensationalism and ignorance is their primary tools.
It's all relative true. But then his style is pretty lame wherein when he's rely venting he won't let certain members contribute. He clearly knows little about how a proper debate is run. He is meant to be the chair of the debate- well that's his position, but he often choses sides and the conclusions he comes to are quite absurd.

The Indian media as a whole is pretty pathetic on this front. Sensationalism and ignorance is their primary tools.

Can't argue on this.
But at least he goes after scumbags with full force as if he is sitting in his drawing room.

But if u expect sanity and balanced approach in a debate with arnab then u,my friend are on the wrong channel:cool:
What a noisy host...
So imam demanded a pathan regiment in indian army in the line of gurkha, jat , rajput regiment etc while maroof raza equated pathan regiment as communal....it was confusing. Pathan is not a religion, sikh is. Is'nt Sikh regiment communal?. If religion is divisive then what about castes? Why regiments are based on castes like rajput, jat , gurkha etc?.
U.P has large number of pathans. They were favourite people for recruitment in east india company army but they were at the forefront in 1857 war so were never considered again. General bakht khan was pathan of U.P. Pathan is not a best soldier. In first world war, multani pathans, afridis and wazirs, mehsuds refused to fight against ottomans in iraq. They too were excluded from list of martial races like rohillas. India should never entertain the idea of pathan regiment.

All those regiments were constituted by Britishers. India since it's independence has not constituted and community specific regiment and India army has a rule against naming them as such.Even in community specific regiment's, commanding offficers are chosen from common IMA and NDA pool. Indian army currently uses American system of naming regiment by numbers.
What a noisy host...
So imam demanded a pathan regiment in indian army in the line of gurkha, jat , rajput regiment etc while maroof raza equated pathan regiment as communal....it was confusing. Pathan is not a religion, sikh is. Is'nt Sikh regiment communal?. If religion is divisive then what about castes? Why regiments are based on castes like rajput, jat , gurkha etc?.
U.P has large number of pathans. They were favourite people for recruitment in east india company army but they were at the forefront in 1857 war so were never considered again. General bakht khan was pathan of U.P. Pathan is not a best soldier. In first world war, multani pathans, afridis and wazirs, mehsuds refused to fight against ottomans in iraq. They too were excluded from list of martial races like rohillas. India should never entertain the idea of pathan regiment.
As @Anonymous stated, all religion/caste based regmts are a relic of the Colonial era. Post 1947 every single regmt the IA has raised has been "all India" regmts based on a numbering system or whatever so if a new regmt was to be raised TODAY it would go against the modern IA's ethos to make it based on caste/religion.
hee hee.. kya Zabardast band bajaya.. great video.. thanks for sharing... :D:D
What a noisy host...
So imam demanded a pathan regiment in indian army in the line of gurkha, jat , rajput regiment etc while maroof raza equated pathan regiment as communal....it was confusing. Pathan is not a religion, sikh is. Is'nt Sikh regiment communal?. If religion is divisive then what about castes? Why regiments are based on castes like rajput, jat , gurkha etc?.
U.P has large number of pathans. They were favourite people for recruitment in east india company army but they were at the forefront in 1857 war so were never considered again. General bakht khan was pathan of U.P. Pathan is not a best soldier. In first world war, multani pathans, afridis and wazirs, mehsuds refused to fight against ottomans in iraq. They too were excluded from list of martial races like rohillas. India should never entertain the idea of pathan regiment.
in india khan simply means muslim. so he is asking for muslim regiment that would be communal. Sikh regiment , jat regiment and others india inherited from british and were continued. there are muslims in almost every regiment anyways.
I just wath ex the entire debate and I have to eat some humble pie here. Arnab did and excellent job there, he kept hounding the SP and pressing the issue without getting sucked into petty politics. Respect to him for gonna ager this issue with such vigour and aggression. I hope he is true to his word at the end that they won't let go of this issue.

Azam Khan truly is a despicable specimen and has no place in Indian politics. I hope the EC take more serious action against him than just banning him from rallies

Maroof Raza as a former officer in the IA and as a Muslim provided the perfect rebuttal to those ignorant fools who seek to make cheap political gains from one of the finest institutions India has.

Politicians in India need to get their act together and stop engaging in such sickening activities. It truly makes the blood boil what these fools are trying to do.
This is excellent. I am going to post this in defense videos thread. Thanks @doremon
This aranab guy is an idiot. he invites guest and does not allow them to speak without continuous interruption and seems like is on some agenda.

This is was one idiotic shoutfest after another. maybe something indians in India are used to- but I personally would like to hear everyone speak and not be interrupted to the extent this guy does.

I did not get this... ( my interpretation)

Aranab- 'UPA govt do you condemn this'
UPA rep ' Yes and we even went so far to file a compliant with the election board'
Aranab- No- You don't care about this because Rajiv and sonia did not issue statement.
UPA rep- who do you think approves our public statements of condemnation?
Can't these talk shows have some modulation ? This Arse-knob and his ilk start off with high pitched shouting as if someone bit his balls ! If the host of a progam starts yelling, there is no reason why the guests won't refrain . Almost every bloody talk show ends up with a shouting match.
Be it Rajdeep / Arnob / Barking Butt - they all incite high pitched shouting matches. For Arnob- someone must drill it into his rear that as a host he SHOULD NOT shout back to his hosts. This is one thing they teach you in schools of journalism (and if AG has attended one, he should know). If I were face to face with him, and if he went on shouting, the last resort I would give him is a TIGHTest slap on his face and render him speechless for the rest of his life !

Honestly, I can't believe millions in India wait to watch his shout matches. But then, seeing how our parliamentarians behave (like buffoons), this sort of behaviour is I guess, OK for our masses ! Sad !
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