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Engineering a NEW MAP for Middle East & Pakistan

Back then it was called 2014 map....and here we are, living in 2016.

The Indian army is in the process of amassing a massive buildup of its forces in Southern Afghanistan as well as the Rajasthan desert. half a million Indian troops and 1300, tanks are in the process of being deployed on the Southern Afghanistan-Pakistan border and another 2000 tanks and another million troops are already poised to strike on the Rajasthan border.

He is talking about an Afghanistan on a Planet called earth...Right? o_Oo_Oo_O
Back then it was called 2014 map....and here we are, living in 2016.

He is talking about an Afghanistan on a Planet called earth...Right? o_Oo_Oo_O

Yes, he has made factual errors....but you can see their thinking...wish list:butcher:

From a previous post....due to the ill designs of this open/discrete enemies...

Pakistan needs to ensure that its nuclear deterrence has the ability to hit any would be adversary......

The above post is in response to a number of situations:

US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5369198.stm

The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, President Pervez Musharraf has said.

US threatened to bomb Pakistan back to “the Stone Age” - https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2006/09/****-s27.html

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s revelation that a top US official said Pakistan would be bombed “back to the stone age” if Islamabad didn’t break its ties with the Taliban and provide logistical support to the US conquest of Afghanistan is yet another example of the mobster methods that have come to characterize US diplomacy, especially under the Bush administration.

Pakistan’s intelligence director was told by the then US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, that Pakistan could either totally acquiesce to the Bush administration’s demands for “cooperation” in the “war on terror” or “Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age.”

, Musharraf claimed that he could not elaborate further on the fact that the US had threatened to all but annihilate his country, which with 150 million people is the sixth largest in the world, because he was honor-bound by the contract he had with Simon and Shuster not to comment until the official launch of his autobiography.

Pakistanis React To 'Stone Age' Claim - http://www.cbsnews.com/news/pakistanis-react-to-stone-age-claim/

General Ahmed was visiting the United States on the day of the 9/11 attacks and immediately afterwards met with U.S. officials. To this day, the full details of General Ahmed's meetings and accounts of what was discussed, have not been revealed publicly. But Pakistani and western officials have said that General Ahmed's presence in the U.S. helped the Bush administration to quickly convey the urgency of the situation to General Musharraf, prompting Pakistan to agree to join the U.S.-led war on terror.

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/sep/22/pakistan.usa

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.

"The intelligence director told me that (Mr Armitage) said, 'Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the stone age'," Gen Musharraf was quoted as saying. The revelation that the US used extreme pressure to secure Pakistan's cooperation in the war on terror arrived at a time of renewed unease in the US about its frontline ally.

Gen Musharraf told CBS he was stunned at the bluntness of the US approach in the aftermath of the attacks. "I think it was a very rude remark," he said. But he yielded to the request.

In light of nuclear deterrence ....and the above examples given....Pakistan should not just be focusing on regional deterrence...i.e.. with India. Pakistan needs to ensure that it has a second strike capability with India (regional) and that the system (TRIAD developing) can penetrate any ABM/Defence shields that India is developing or acquiring. Once India and Pakistan know that it is FUTILE to have a nuclear exchange due to close proximity to each other - then confidence building measures needs to be taken. All disputes needs to be resolved via peaceful means etc. Nuclear war is UNTHINKABLE as it will be catastrophic for the region. Deterrence would have been achieved - there is no need for India or Pakistan to acquire more than 250 nuclear war heads (or what is deemed minimum numbers for deterrence to work - certainly no overkill)...no futile nuclear arms race like the USA/Russia. China/UK and France...are good examples in nuclear numbers.

For Pakistan...it needs to have a system in place that can deter other major powers (even superpowers)....for instance the UK's 4 submarines have enough firepower to put many countries back to the 'stone age' !!!

Pakistan needs (on an urgent basis) to deter big powers (whose motives are very clear - nuclear blackmail, threats, intimidation, causing and funding terrorism and instability within Pakistan). For instance the above examples will shed some light.

Pakistan needs to have something like the Israeli's ...'Sampson option' - i.e.. if we are going down, we are taking you down with us.

If Pakistan is able to develop a system like the UK's/France/China's....full spectrum deterrence (on a minimum basis only)....and has the reach to penetrate any would be aggressor and cause major losses - then that nation would be deterred. Countries such as the USA may be able to annihilate Pakistan in a full grown war, but If Pakistan has the capability to hit them hard (potential stone age)....then DETERRENCE will work.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/will-pakistan-now-seek-nuclear-submarines.430092/page-6#ixzz4GGP2bVx8
Yes, he has made factual errors....but you can see their thinking...wish list:butcher:

In our part of the world we describe this wish list as

. .
This is old but by the wish of Allah we are here and will be here

I agree....but still need to address these scheming/challenges by these 'shaitaans' .....for every action there is a reaction.....need to have the appropriate reaction and not take any of these potential threats lightly.:pdf:

never underestimate the enemy.....never let your guard down.....deal with the threat wisely but promptly so that it does not fester further :pakistan:
. .
I agree....but still need to address these scheming/challenges by these 'shaitaans' .....for every action there is a reaction.....need to have the appropriate reaction and not take any of these potential threats lightly.:pdf:

never underestimate the enemy.....never let your guard down.....deal with the threat wisely but promptly so that it does not fester further :pakistan:

Our people are our shaitaans they know the devils but yet die vote and come out to protests for the devil
Jerk off material for our enemies, nothing more nothing less.
What is this brain fart? gtfo with your delusions boy.
. .
That was really funny
Its a map from ~2010 created by FOX analyst Ralph Peters. Bernard Lewis had a similar map too. Pay no heed.
Salaam :coffee:

An interesting article that has been discussed previously - apologies if it has:angel:


Baloch separatists exist on the internet that's it

Yes, he has made factual errors....but you can see their thinking...wish list:butcher:

From a previous post....due to the ill designs of this open/discrete enemies...

Pakistan needs to ensure that its nuclear deterrence has the ability to hit any would be adversary......

The above post is in response to a number of situations:

US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5369198.stm

The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, President Pervez Musharraf has said.

US threatened to bomb Pakistan back to “the Stone Age” - https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2006/09/****-s27.html

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s revelation that a top US official said Pakistan would be bombed “back to the stone age” if Islamabad didn’t break its ties with the Taliban and provide logistical support to the US conquest of Afghanistan is yet another example of the mobster methods that have come to characterize US diplomacy, especially under the Bush administration.

Pakistan’s intelligence director was told by the then US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, that Pakistan could either totally acquiesce to the Bush administration’s demands for “cooperation” in the “war on terror” or “Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age.”

, Musharraf claimed that he could not elaborate further on the fact that the US had threatened to all but annihilate his country, which with 150 million people is the sixth largest in the world, because he was honor-bound by the contract he had with Simon and Shuster not to comment until the official launch of his autobiography.

Pakistanis React To 'Stone Age' Claim - http://www.cbsnews.com/news/pakistanis-react-to-stone-age-claim/

General Ahmed was visiting the United States on the day of the 9/11 attacks and immediately afterwards met with U.S. officials. To this day, the full details of General Ahmed's meetings and accounts of what was discussed, have not been revealed publicly. But Pakistani and western officials have said that General Ahmed's presence in the U.S. helped the Bush administration to quickly convey the urgency of the situation to General Musharraf, prompting Pakistan to agree to join the U.S.-led war on terror.

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/sep/22/pakistan.usa

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.

"The intelligence director told me that (Mr Armitage) said, 'Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the stone age'," Gen Musharraf was quoted as saying. The revelation that the US used extreme pressure to secure Pakistan's cooperation in the war on terror arrived at a time of renewed unease in the US about its frontline ally.

Gen Musharraf told CBS he was stunned at the bluntness of the US approach in the aftermath of the attacks. "I think it was a very rude remark," he said. But he yielded to the request.

In light of nuclear deterrence ....and the above examples given....Pakistan should not just be focusing on regional deterrence...i.e.. with India. Pakistan needs to ensure that it has a second strike capability with India (regional) and that the system (TRIAD developing) can penetrate any ABM/Defence shields that India is developing or acquiring. Once India and Pakistan know that it is FUTILE to have a nuclear exchange due to close proximity to each other - then confidence building measures needs to be taken. All disputes needs to be resolved via peaceful means etc. Nuclear war is UNTHINKABLE as it will be catastrophic for the region. Deterrence would have been achieved - there is no need for India or Pakistan to acquire more than 250 nuclear war heads (or what is deemed minimum numbers for deterrence to work - certainly no overkill)...no futile nuclear arms race like the USA/Russia. China/UK and France...are good examples in nuclear numbers.

For Pakistan...it needs to have a system in place that can deter other major powers (even superpowers)....for instance the UK's 4 submarines have enough firepower to put many countries back to the 'stone age' !!!

Pakistan needs (on an urgent basis) to deter big powers (whose motives are very clear - nuclear blackmail, threats, intimidation, causing and funding terrorism and instability within Pakistan). For instance the above examples will shed some light.

Pakistan needs to have something like the Israeli's ...'Sampson option' - i.e.. if we are going down, we are taking you down with us.

If Pakistan is able to develop a system like the UK's/France/China's....full spectrum deterrence (on a minimum basis only)....and has the reach to penetrate any would be aggressor and cause major losses - then that nation would be deterred. Countries such as the USA may be able to annihilate Pakistan in a full grown war, but If Pakistan has the capability to hit them hard (potential stone age)....then DETERRENCE will work.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/will-pakistan-now-seek-nuclear-submarines.430092/page-6#ixzz4GGP2bVx8
lets put our learning from past on the table
Flash Back:
cold war. USA extreme rivalry with USSR
USA trying to counter its effect everywhere
USSR have buddies and biggest and most beneficial to them Serbia or before that Yugoslavia
it keeps bothering USA and NATO that USSR have buddy this deep in europe
what they did to it "Balkanization"
Moving into present:
USA at extreme rivary with China trying to encircle it from everywhere
China have buddies
Pakistan is most beneficial to China
not only we giving them penetration to Indian Ocean but also to Mid-East(American Playground)
suddenly uncle sam grow a little bit hostile to old ally
redrawing its map

i think we should not be blind and must have something in our minds
the best way is not to go on US bad side
but we cannot afford to goagainst China
thats our only hope for survival
A moment of silence for Pakistan
First trapped between USA vs USSR now trapped between USA/India vs Chiina
. .
Salaam :coffee:

An interesting article that has been discussed previously - apologies if it has:angel:


this is from early 2000's more than 10 years ago a now senile and mentally deranged individual made this map in his mind then illustrated it to the world of how they would reshape or change the geographic borders of the region. They did it to Pakistan with TTP + ANP > Frontier in tandem with BLA/BRA + PPP in Baluchistan. This impressive mental masterbation along with a israeli paper on how to reshape the middlest was then put into play.

The have utterly failed in Pakistan with NATO + indians sitting in afghanistan with a principality in kabul planning executable mayhem in the country again in tandem with the NRO government that was brought in has failed. Truly Allah's blessing has saved the nation and a unfortunate toll of life with sacrifices of 10 of thousands of innocent lives killed or maimed for life.
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