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'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

I have the solution.. only married women are allowed to drive....
nope...........married women should get se**al pleasure from their husbands only ...........
not from ......things like........gear handles :rofl: :rofl:
He thinks the gear handle can arouse some un shariah intentions-
Someone should enlighten the Saudis.....that there are enough household utilities which can be used for this purpose.....
so, to effectively protect their women's virginity, they have to ban anything long and strong :rofl: :rofl:
For saudi cleric Islam lives in a small meaningless female tissue in the naughty place! So much for building a society! Last time there was a cleric advocating adult breast feeding..most of these clerics / mutaween are sick minded perverts who view the world with their monochrome vision of pervertness. It may come as a surprise, but people in Saudi have gotten so used to them their presence doesnt even matter...

Now i am sure Mosa will be going full kamikaze on this news!
In the news article there is a picture and under it is written "Saudi Arabia remains one of the few countries in the world to prevent women from driving"

All of you left those "few countries" and are just focusing on KSA. Why not the other countires as well?
Amazing how every one loves to have fun;


Go to saudi country side and women have been driving for years and they drive RECKLESS !
The suburbans burn.
But that is usually in villages where every one is known and there are far less outsiders.

Now, coming to the post, how many words in Arabic translate "virginity" ?

I know modesty, Chasity all translate to virginity when placed in different sentences.

All of you HAVE at one time or another called BBC biased, called them unfair, a LOT of you hailed the decision to ban BBC
however NONE of you tried to question the translation which was done most probably by a britisher !

Even the Iranians are in on it, whose whole religion ( to a large extent) spawned because of differences in translations in Arabic.
I suspect ISI hand in this :P.....since big chunk of commerical driving business in saudi is held by pakistanis, if women start driving, they will lose their job and pak will fall short of of much needed foreign currency which it gets thru foregin remittence by its citizens working in gulf countries...;-) ...so saudi women may or may not lose virginity by driving but pakistani drivers will certainly lose it...lol....
Can you elaborate on that. Is it like some percentage of milk should be used by your husband to be sharia complaint or something like that?

Can you tell me how much cow urine should be enough for you to STFU?
I suspect ISI hand in this :P.....since big chunk of commerical driving business in saudi is held by pakistanis, if women start driving, they will lose their job and pak will fall short of of much needed foreign currency which it gets thru foregin remittence by its citizens working in gulf countries...;-) ...so saudi women may or may not lose virginity by driving but pakistani drivers will certainly lose it...lol....

mental masturb@ti0n ....

sure, keeping with the spirit.
saudis are inviting civilian revolution in line of egypt's recent revolution...
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