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Emirati Airforce Can Take Down the Iranian Airforce In Seconds

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F-16 VS F-14

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No i think the General is kinda right. Just compare the two air forces to get a picture:

UAE Operates 79 F-16s and 68 Mirage2000s. A total of 147 aircraft which are all 4-4.5 gen and BVR capable.

Iran doesn't operate any aircraft that's BVR capable. Their best aircrafts are vintage F-14 Tomcats and early model MiG-29s. According to wiki, they have about 60 F-14s, 21 MiG-29s, 37 F-4 Phantoms and 75 F-5s. And a handful of indegenous aircraft.

So i can see UAEAF wiping out the Iranian Air Force easily, though not in "seconds" Maybe a few hours, if both parties send all their planes out.
The thing is simple, all the people who live in the middle east strongly believe that the US is heavily involved in active fear-mongering around here. UAE having some active issues with Iran has long been sought-after to be pitted against them. The military of each have confronted each other, without escalation.

UAE has always refused the Americans to pursue any sort of violence against the Iranians, however now that the economic situation of Dubai (not UAE) has deteriorated another attempt would be made with offers of this n that.

UAE's economy's main back however is that of Abu Dhabis and they won't give in so easily. They want to keep everyone happy so would probably just buy some more hardware from the Americans, but that won't be with the intent of using it against the Iranians.

Of course this situation only arises if Iran out of the blue goes nuts and starts attacking the UAE - that is highly unlikely. The way UAE and Iran have dealt with issues on the table is reassuring that no foreseeable fight is around the horizon.

Why not be honest the UAE like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, sees Iran as a belligerent “Shia” country with hegemonic designs over the Arab and Muslim world with an eye to assume leadership of the Muslim world, the Arab World included. The UAE rules are is not worried about the USA or Israel, but being over throwen by Muslims extremist like in Iran.
No i think the General is kinda right. Just compare the two air forces to get a picture:

UAE Operates 79 F-16s and 68 Mirage2000s. A total of 147 aircraft which are all 4-4.5 gen and BVR capable.

Iran doesn't operate any aircraft that's BVR capable. Their best aircrafts are vintage F-14 Tomcats and early model MiG-29s. According to wiki, they have about 60 F-14s, 21 MiG-29s, 37 F-4 Phantoms and 75 F-5s. And a handful of indegenous aircraft.

So i can see UAEAF wiping out the Iranian Air Force easily, though not in "seconds" Maybe a few hours, if both parties send all their planes out.

another comparition based at land area:

UAE 84000 sqk with about 142 combat Aircraft thats mean 591 sqk per Aircraft

Iran 1648000 sqk with about 341 Aircraft thats mean 4832 sqk per Aircarft

They have their own extremists thank you very much, they don't need iranian extremists.

What really irks the Arbi Kings is that the ordinary Arbi looks to Iran and not to arbi kings when thinking about solutions for the continued occupation in Palestine. And of course Iran is a REPUBLIC with a elected Majlis and President (not very popular in the US, but as soon as they drop their nuclear thing, they'll be all the rage and it's important to be liked in the West)

.. . . the ordinary Arbi looks to Iran and not to arbi kings when thinking about solutions for the continued occupation in Palestine. . . .

This was in the past . . .Today, all Arabs agree that Iran may be more at risk from Israel itself . . See what Iran is trying to do in the lebanon, yemen, egypt, bahrain . . etc
No i think the General is kinda right. Just compare the two air forces to get a picture:

UAE Operates 79 F-16s and 68 Mirage2000s. A total of 147 aircraft which are all 4-4.5 gen and BVR capable.

Iran doesn't operate any aircraft that's BVR capable. Their best aircrafts are vintage F-14 Tomcats and early model MiG-29s. According to wiki, they have about 60 F-14s, 21 MiG-29s, 37 F-4 Phantoms and 75 F-5s. And a handful of indegenous aircraft.

So i can see UAEAF wiping out the Iranian Air Force easily, though not in "seconds" Maybe a few hours, if both parties send all their planes out.

Agree :tup:
Why not be honest the UAE like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, sees Iran as a belligerent “Shia” country with hegemonic designs over the Arab and Muslim world with an eye to assume leadership of the Muslim world, the Arab World included. The UAE rules are is not worried about the USA or Israel, but being over throwen by Muslims extremist like in Iran.

The whole of above is actually nothing but american pop-propoganda / stereotype. The reality would be much different. UAE and Egypt have fair releations with Iran and so is most of muslim world. The Saudis only started to have problem after they stations US naval fleet on their side of Persian Gulf. This was in violation of gentlemen aggrement they reach with the Shah that forgien forces to be kept out of Persian gulf oil routes. The whole of this episode emerged from Khomeni rehotric of exporting the revolution as well funding and arming various failed Shia uprising in Saudi Kingdom. However Iran has never expressed any hegemonic or expansionist ideas. Other than random foul statements at times about Bahrain and Kuwait to irk the Arabs.

The Iranis are neither Arabis nor the mainstream Sunni which forms the majority if muslims world wide. Therefore neither they can assume leadership of arab world nor muslim world. Unless american school have been teaching that all middle easterns = arabs!

The UAE and the remaining monarchies are more or less afaird of Iran due to its democratric idealogy and not millitary might. The citizens of Arab monarchies do not approve these royal families however they continue to rule with force and american bless a pact understoon as "energy security for throne". An average arabi looks towards Iran as model political system for an Islami country unlike the monarchy of royal family. And this is what irks the Arabi monarchies. They cant stop Iranians from voting so they choose to demonize Iran instead. Sometimes in the name of politics and sometimes in the name of religion.
Speaking on behalf of Emiratis is not so amazing anymore. They are all a bunch of power brokers seeking their respective interests.
Well UAE and Iran actually have island disputes and unresolved border disputes among themselves. So there is some tension. But I think both will prefer deterence.

Iran's Dispute With the UAE Over Three Gulf Islands

And so does it has be with Saudi. As recently as two months ago Saudi authorities denined entry to many UAE citizens whose passport graphics depicted the disputed terriotry as part of UAE.
Why not be honest the UAE like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, sees Iran as a belligerent “Shia” country with hegemonic designs over the Arab and Muslim world with an eye to assume leadership of the Muslim world, the Arab World included. The UAE rules are is not worried about the USA or Israel, but being over throwen by Muslims extremist like in Iran.

Iran has never tried to "assume leadership of the Muslim world". This is fiction made up in western capitals because it sounds spicy and serves the political interests of the day. No one in the muslim world is stupid enough to believe this.

As for the whole shia vs. sunni angle, that too is vastly overrated. If anything, this schism is played up by vested interests who seek to divide and rule. The British wrote the book on these techniques and actively used them to generate infighting. We really are in no need of people sitting 10,000 miles away, with no real appreciation for our character, our history or our culture, telling us who our enemies are.

After several hundred years of being subjected to colonialism, I think we've had bloody enough. It's convenient for the gunrunner who profits by selling weapons of war to tell everyone that their neighbour is coming for their throat. Fear is good business. But the hand has been overplayed now...
Royal Saudi Air Force F-15C pilots shot down two F-4E Phantom IIs flown by the Iranian Air Force in a skirmish in June 1984

4th gen vs. 3rd gen. Not exactly a fair fight.
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