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Featured Emirates displays Israeli tourism ad as Israel continues to bomb Gaza

Baathism was dead by the 90s and dying in the late 70s and 80s when he first gained power unfortunately, if Saddam was a powerful leader in the 50s and 60s he would control half the Middle East.
But he was hanged as a criminal ..........was it a divine lanat for this Bathist munafiq? .
Pathetic. Needs to be taken down and Arabs needs to protest over this. No ad agency contract should be given to Israelis. Let the leaders know.
All these excuses that this ad is run by a private company or they can't take it down for business are nonsense. It all depends on their rulers. If he orders to take it down, it will be taken down next hour.

Two Iranian celebrities (Mohammad Reza Golzar and Farhad Majidi) were arrested in Dubai in two separate incidents. Golzar even hit the police reportedly. Because they were friends with the ruler of Dubai, they both were released without any punishment. At the end of the day, it all depends on what the ruler wants.
This argument is useless. The ad is probably through a private company using another private company for a simple transaction. But that doesn't change the fact that UAE is a spineless country.
People of UAE might have dignity left still but the rulers are the worst kinda scum there is. UAE has reached its peak and now it's only downhill for them. I wish them the worst. Spineless sell-outs.
I hear the Israelis are now fucking the Arab women so not surprised. Also Arab young boys are being sold in Dubai gay clubs to pedophile Israelis

business you see
I understand normalization with Israel is not an attractive prospect but i do not understand your need to be-little the UAEs tourism expertise instead of learning from it. I am sure Pakistan will not mind the billions it can make from tourism ;)
Do u not understand that global Muslim anger are your rulers ( not leaders). How can you for money normalise relations with a nation that now is slapping you in the face...violating the 1st kasbah a msujid Muslims used to face for worship and its importance to Islam. The mass slaughter of Palestinians.
MBZ and MBS have sold out. People of Emirates and Saudi inside must feel shame. Because I know there are good Muslims there. No one but no one can watch mass slaughter and say I want the fascist Jews to come for holiday..

Did Allah not give UAE and Saudi money that you need these evil vile people to visit you? Shame really
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Pakistan was offered $Billions to recognize Israel.... ;)

But we declined because we do not worship the $Dollar$... We worship Allah.

remember PM Imran Khan was offered the best sweetest deal in his account and he was so pressurizes ... its amazing he declined :) that is why i got a lot of respect for this DUDE :)
along with Modern education we need to teach our kids Islamic history not Iron man but we have to tell them stories of Omar, Khalid,Ali , Sallahdin we have to teach them to make them love Nabi (SAW) and generation and two we will have a brave generation that wont bow down to Jew pigs and willing to fight these swines!
We need to teach real meaning of Jihad which at least at my schooling was taught.
Do u not understand that global Muslim anger are your rulers ( not leaders). How can you for money normalise relations with a nation that now is slapping you in the face...violating the 1st kasbah a msujid Muslims used to face for worship and its importance to Islam. The mass slaughter of Palestinians.
MBZ and MBS have sold out. People of Emirates and Saudi inside must feel shame. Because I know there are good Muslims there. No one but no one can watch mass slaughter and say I want the fascist Jews to come for holiday..
Pakistan ...I hope any zionst that comes doesn't get the chance to leave. They deserve zero chance to life until the forces of resistance in Palestine have a nation a voice and a chance to live in peace.

Did Allah not give UAE and Saudi money that you need these evil vile people to visit you? Shame really
The brothels of UAE are main attraction for so called jew tourists, May Allah keep our country safe from such tourism though Murree and Hunza have progressed in such tourism.
The above statement shows the lack of spirit by large in Arabs and majority of Muslims and their rulers alike.

@waz @WebMaster who is this kala boot (black ghost

Again bs moderation....why do you just delete without telling us what you are deleting? Because you will be called out I guess

Probably something anti Israel that you decided you didn't like.

Why are you in hiding. Afraid to show who you are ?
Musharraf did what was necessary to save Pakistan from America's wrath.
Mushsharaf did for America against the poor but brave Muslims of Afghanistan,what Jaffer of bengal and Sadiq of deccan did for English against the Muslims of the sub continent. He also arrested hundreds of Muslims from the country and handed them over to American and got paid for it. He himself has mentioned that in his own book. Hanging is certainly called for this traitor.
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Mushsharaf did for America against the poor but brave Muslims of Afghanistan,what Jaffer of bengal and Sadiq of deccan did for English against the Muslims of the sub continent. He also arrested hundreds of Muslims from the country and handed them over to American and got paid for it. He himself has mentioned that in his own book. Hanging is certainly called for this traitor.
USA would have turned Pakistan into Afghanistan or Iraq had Musharraf not joined USA.
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