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Elite Indian commandos to guard merchant vessels

Because your so called Commandoes could nt tackle single militant in taj hotel for 72 hours:lol:....So you had to take the help of foreign commandos:devil:

Give a synonym for ignorant.

Hint: He calls himself chauvinist. :rofl:

What foreign commandos? The NSG took down all 10 terrorists in hardly a day or 2 (an operation which no one would have done right. And why see this one and ignore all other successful ops?

In it's entire history, only 4 NSG commandos have been killed, 3 in 26/11, and one in the Akshardham Temple attack. They have killed hundreds, and captured an equal number of terrorists. Of course, this won't really sink easily into your tough brain, since you believe in the non-existent superiority of SSG.
1>Mate our SSG tackle them down within minutes not 72 hours....

Mehran? Minutes? And in minutes you lost 11 naval officers, one fireman, 3 SSG(N) officers, 1 sailor, and 2 Rnagers, and had 16 personnel wounded, not to mention 2 P3C Orions destroyed. If a quick operation from the supa dupa SSG(N) is so costly, I do wonder how terrible it would be if they are a bit slower.

And what Abbotobad? There was no reaction there at all. They came in a helo, actually crashed one of them into the ground, blew open a hole in the villa, and carried him out, while your entire army slept.
2> that wasnt even strike by SSG so how can u correlate here:wave:

Exactly his point. YOu failed to catch him, even though he was next to your army cantonment.
Okay let me burst your bubble....

A month back when your Masters in camp baston Afghanistan were attacked in a similar fashion to kamra attack,that resulted in total destruction of 6 jets and damaging multiple others....Since everywhere you claim their standards to be second to none,when compare to our tackling of these terrorists at kamra there was only minor damage to only one AWAC which most probably has been repaired and serving well...this is a clear example professionalism and high standards of our Special forces...

regarding Mehran attack,the p3c was already destroyed before special forces arrived and when they did,cleared the whole mess....

Talking about osama raid,you can call it intelligence failure but that strike was not carried by our special forces so ur this argument here is flawed and totally bollock....
That awkward moment when your special forces were in a press conference in front of the whole nation and claimed to have cleared the whole hotel and suddenly there was a background explosion in taj hotel and later it was found that one militant is still inside the Hotel...

And ur special forces seemed in hurry to leave the hotel and talk to media and act as heroes:devil::devil:

the real is question is not that terrorist attacked these mentioned places,the important thing to mention is that our special forces tackled these world most trained terrorists in a matter of hours in the most difficult of situations....You couldnt bring down a single terrorist for like days...this was and is a serious question on the capabilities of ur special forces...

That's because your SSG was fighting in an airbase with hardly civilians around while our security forces were trying to protect thousands of hostages. Had SSG been trying to undertake such an operation , i'm sure they would have killed more people than the terrorists.
,when compare to our tackling of these terrorists at kamra there was only minor damage to only one AWAC which most probably has been repaired and serving well..

Yeah sure...:partay:
Okay let me burst your bubble....

A month back when your Masters in camp baston Afghanistan were attacked in a similar fashion to kamra attack,that resulted in total destruction of 6 jets and damaging multiple others....Since everywhere you claim their standards to be second to none,when compare to our tackling of these terrorists at kamra there was only minor damage to only one AWAC which most probably has been repaired and serving well...this is a clear example professionalism and high standards of our Special forces...

regarding Mehran attack,the p3c was already destroyed before special forces arrived and when they did,cleared the whole mess....

Talking about osama raid,you can call it intelligence failure but that strike was not carried by our special forces so ur this argument here is flawed and totally bollock....

Americans are Master of Pakistan. They Give you $$$ Drone your Country, Kill Innocent Pakistani,**** your Sovereignty & what Pakistan dose???? nothing??? Raymond Price Kills Pakistani's and Pakistan Dose Nothing???? For US $$$ Pakistan is providing platform to US/Nato to kill Fellow Muslims in Afghanistan??? Why Pakistan is killing it's Muslim Brother for Money???? Why your Army did not do anything OBL Operation??? Salala Incident???? Want me to Quote More things for you :argh::wave::mod::tdown:
That awkward moment when your special forces were in a press conference in front of the whole nation and claimed to have cleared the whole hotel and suddenly there was a background explosion in taj hotel and later it was found that one militant is still inside the Hotel...

And ur special forces seemed in hurry to leave the hotel and talk to media and act as heroes:devil::devil:


Let's talk about your special forces. Took like 10,000 of them to clear a small mosque filled with militants. Says a lot doesn't it. Well , your special forces like the SSG have a history of failure , so I wasn't really surprised with the LAL masjid thing . One of the more recent failures being at Siachen . Their history of failures goes long way back though. Apparently , as it turns out , in 1965 war , the wannabee rambos conducted a "mission impossible" type operation , paradropping deep into Indian territory. No doubt they thought it would make them look cool :lol:. Hardly any of them survived.
That awkward moment when your special forces were in a press conference in front of the whole nation and claimed to have cleared the whole hotel and suddenly there was a background explosion in taj hotel and later it was found that one militant is still inside the Hotel...

And ur special forces seemed in hurry to leave the hotel and talk to media and act as heroes:devil::devil:


You have to stop inventing nonsense. Earlier in the thread you claimed that foreign commandos had to come and assist Indian forces during 26/11. When challenged on that, you strategically maneuvered into other stories. Now this invention of the MARCOS having prematurely claimed something to the media. None of that happened. They handed over the operation to the NSG as soon as the NSG got there, and then held the press confrerence. Before they handed over the operation, they also managed to evacuate HUNDREDS of civilians from hotels that were taken over by your thugs. (Now please don't go off with another fiction of them being Sikhs sent by RAW or whatever). I dare you to find me a video of that press conference where an explosion went off behind them and they were made to look embarrassed. Or even a report of such a press conference. And when you realize that you can't, have the spine to admit it, or at least to stop trolling. I can also find pictures of Pakistani forces and then invent a storyline to go with it. But that's immature, so I won't do it. But understand that for every story you INVENT to make India's special forces look bad, an Indian member or two will come up with a REAL event that makes your SSG look bad. We still haven't talked about your SSG's comical attempt to recapture Siachen in '87, commanded by Musharraf himself. Or about how your SSG's paradrop into Indian Kashmir ended in a bloodbath for them when Indian kashmiris, contrary to their expectations, reported them to the authorities. So you better stop.
Okay let me burst your bubble....

A month back when your Masters in camp baston Afghanistan were attacked in a similar fashion to kamra attack,that resulted in total destruction of 6 jets and damaging multiple others....Since everywhere you claim their standards to be second to none,when compare to our tackling of these terrorists at kamra there was only minor damage to only one AWAC which most probably has been repaired and serving well...this is a clear example professionalism and high standards of our Special forces...

regarding Mehran attack,the p3c was already destroyed before special forces arrived and when they did,cleared the whole mess....

Talking about osama raid,you can call it intelligence failure but that strike was not carried by our special forces so ur this argument here is flawed and totally bollock....

Can't see the difference between the harriers destroyed in a base in afgh and PNS mehran being attacked? Ok, I'll walk you through it:

The NATO base was a FOB far away from the main bases, and all it had was a handful of marines and those aircrafts. PNS mehran happens to be a major naval base, and the premier base of the Pakistan navy's (admittedly puny) airwing.

As far as NATO is concerned, the attack was by foreigners in a foreign country that they were occupying. It wasn't their base at home that was attacked. Has the Taliban infiltrated and attacked Nellis AFB and destroyed F-22s? Have they attacked the Jacksonville naval air station? That would be closer to what happened with you.

To get even closer - have American bases been attacked and prized assets destroyed by American citizens? Because that's what happened in your country - not an attack on a remote base in foreign lands by foreigners, but destruction of your naval base by your own citizens.

As to the Osama episode and why it is relevant here - it was pointed out as the only example in the south Asian region where foreign commandos had to come and kill terrorists in a country. You INVENTED a story about that happening with India, we were pointing out the reality to you - that pak is the only country to hold that distinction.
Okay let me burst your bubble....

A month back when your Masters in camp baston Afghanistan were attacked in a similar fashion to kamra attack,that resulted in total destruction of 6 jets and damaging multiple others....Since everywhere you claim their standards to be second to none,when compare to our tackling of these terrorists at kamra there was only minor damage to only one AWAC which most probably has been repaired and serving well...this is a clear example professionalism and high standards of our Special forces...

Our Master? Says the guy whose country gets bombed, and his leaders continue to be their puppets? :rofl: Don't make me laugh.

And how does US figure into this? You claimed that SSG is some all powerful, most pro SF in the world, and I burst your bubble. Why even bring up US? The Baston attack involved Marines, not SFs, btw. You are comparing the performance of an SF, operating in it's own country, against the performance of a regular force, operating 9000 miles away from home, in hostile territory.

regarding Mehran attack,the p3c was already destroyed before special forces arrived and when they did,cleared the whole mess....

Since you make these awkward excuses, I can assure you of the fact, that all of policemen and civilians thjat died in 26/11 were killed before the NSG stepped, in. And the NSG were only involved in the last 24-48 hours of the op.

Talking about osama raid,you can call it intelligence failure but that strike was not carried by our special forces so ur this argument here is flawed and totally bollock....

My question is, why did it require US SEALs, to attack the villa, right next to a PA cantonment? The logical conclusion could be either incompetence, or we can assume that the PA was protecting him. If they were, they failed terribly at it, so either way, it shows how terribly the situation was handled.
Okay let me burst your bubble....

A month back when your Masters in camp baston Afghanistan were attacked in a similar fashion to kamra attack,that resulted in total destruction of 6 jets and damaging multiple others....

Whenever any Pakistani poster calls west to be our master, do they also take pride in the fact that the very same forces order around their forces (they dont do it with ours), their govt (they dont do it with ours), violate their airspace (not this either), kill their people (.....), call them terrorist and so on. If still they are our masters, than what is Pakistan?
SSG lost 5 commandoes to a bunch of 10 rag tag TTP fighters during GHQ attacks.

They have a history , you know :

On September 7, 1965, the Special Services Group (SSG) commandos were parachuted into enemy territory. According to Chief of Army Staff General Muhammad Musa, about 135 commandos were airdropped at three Indian airfields (Halwara, Pathankot and Adampur). The daring attempt proved to be an "unmitigated disaster".Only 22 commandos returned to Pakistan as planned, 93 were taken prisoner (including one of the Commanders of the operations, Major Khalid Butt), and 20 were killed in encounters with the army, police or civilians.The reason for the failure of the commando mission is attributed to the failure to provide maps, proper briefings and adequate planning or preparation.

SSG being hunted by Indian villagers in sugarcane fields - Indo-Pak war , 1965.

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