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Elephant in the pakistan room!!

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What does it matter if they are nude, your gods have animal heads

That dosent make any sense, maybe the question you want to ask is why you are worshipping idols and animal gods or dracula gods like kali maa in the 21st century

The fact that they are nude is a small point
What does it matter if they are nude, your gods have animal heads

That dosent make any sense, maybe the question you want to ask is why you are worshipping idols and animal gods or dracula gods like kali maa in the 21st century

Sir what does your god look like? Do you know? What does your prophet look like?
Thank you for pointing that out. I read the entire damn thing thinking that Malsi was the arabs :D

Same here. I would never have got it, even on a good day. :)

Sir are you hindu also? It is wrong to paint our goddesses nude sir. How we can allow that?

what is wrong. Its an expression of free speech. You can paint mohammed and ayesha nude too, whether some religion allows it or not is not the issue.
Sir are you hindu also? It is wrong to paint our goddesses nude sir. How we can allow that?

I am agnostic, not Hindu. Artists portray ordinary people and divinity alike in nude form, because the essence of art is the statement of the artist.

As for it being wrong to paint 'our' goddesses nude, if you had a thimbleful of knowledge, you would know that divinity is not material, God does not exist in the various forms that we depict her, those depictions are just the way ignorant humans try to visualise divinity, something they never can do.

If Hindus were so sensitive about nudity, there would be no Linga worship. A Linga is a male penis within a vagina, and is depicted very realistically, so what are you objecting to?
That is actually a ridiculous rule because you risk offending a whole bunch of people who didn't say anything against your religion because you choose to respond to the one who did. No sense whatsoever.

If one wants to indulge in bigotry, one should atleast have the courage to not hide under a cloak of an excuse.

My exact point as well. why someone who hates Islam should offend the entire community by taking shots at my religion on the basis of acts of individuals.

and sorry no excuses if you insult my religion i wont use abuses but will quote your own religion and practices to show you the mirror simple as that.

i dint twist words or tongue.

You insult my religion then dont expect respect in return.
Sir they are not depictions of gods and goddesses. They are of common people. And an angvastram is always there even between big perky boobs.

Yeah,Before Raja Ravi Verma,Most of the depictions of Hindu gods and goddesses were nude or semi nude.
:D in other word the Indian govt is made hostage by extremists from Saffron.

by the news said

However, the artist plans to approach the police seeking clarity. The police contended they were acting on the basis of "intelligence reports" that the painting exhibition could lead to a law and order situation or foment trouble. "We cannot reveal exactly the source. At times, we have to take action suo motu," a jurisdictional police officer, maintained
Read more at: After Delhi Art gallery, now Bangalore art academy forced to remove 'nude paintings' : Karnataka, News - India Today

No, it is not. The exhibition was not stopped by the Indian government but by the state government.
Sir they are not depictions of gods and goddesses. They are of common people. And an angvastram is always there even between big perky boobs.

Yeah,Before Raja Ravi Verma,Most of the depictions of Hindu gods and goddesses were nude or semi nude.
[MENTION=391]S Those whom we call Maa Parvati, Maa Sarasvati, if someone uses art form, then I can ask that person to not do it as it may hurt few people's sentiments and can cause more trouble.

Only those who have never bothered to read Hindu mythology are bothered by some silly painting. Those who read....err.. keep their mouth shut. So I will say no more...........;)
What does it matter if they are nude, your gods have animal heads

That dosent make any sense, maybe the question you want to ask is why you are worshipping idols and animal gods or dracula gods like kali maa in the 21st century

The fact that they are nude is a small point

The fact is that they say worship me out of love not fear . Our religion whether dracula like or martian like is not responsible for genocide, of people within our faith and people without our faith. "Look in your own glass of beer before laughing at the spit in another's"...old Zulu proverb...you should learn it. Also read the article with an open mind. It points out the reason for the problems in Pakistan. It isn't Malsi which is at fault here. It is the closet minded followers of Malsi which is destroying Pakistan. I see you wave the Brit flag. Perhaps Pakistan is spared one less. Thank heavens the Brits know how to handle your sort
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