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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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Keeping hating, but in the mean time do tell what is that dream of majority of Turks regarding the army, you were talking about?

I was talking about showing respect to officers and soldiers whose wife is wearing turban or who is performing daily prayers. We know that hundreds of officers dismissed from the army just because they were performing daily prayers and their wife were wearing turban in 28 february 1998 era. Even Quran was considered as anti secular Islamic symbol in these days.

These are undeniable facts witnessed by thousands of people .
To all the people from other countries you have to know our internal politics these so called Islamist will hide in their wardrobes if any war or something happens, Erdoğan will run away from the country believe me, he brang the worst days in our history, he made us a quiet state, showed us like paper tiger, with Israel things he's radical friends but after when a drop of Turkish blood drops i will destroy that Isreal till they face the might of Turks, Syria incident we could turn it into cake after they bloody shoot our plane, im also against these kemalist who worship Atatürk, which Atatürk would have hated himself believe me they use him for his political gains.
I was talking about showing respect to officers and soldiers whose wife is wearing turban or who is performing daily prayers. We know that hundreds of officers dismissed from the army just because they were performing daily prayers and their wife were wearing turban in 28 february 1998 era. Even Quran was considered as anti secular Islamic symbol in these days.

These are undeniable facts witnessed by thousands of people .

And the thing i hate about you guys is how you still playing the victim by using turban, expecting respect while showing none...
I think it good move to teach Qur'an from Turkish perspective rather than having Saudi funded teachers teaching and than you got problems. Now whether Turkish perspective is correct or not that is not up to to me but at least it better than having out of control masses who will die for Saudi regime who themselves dont live by islamic rules, but US rules.
Bas örtüsü diye diye biktirdiniz illallah artık ne istismarci kişiler misiniz bu sözümü unutma en fazla 20 sene içinde bu millet hüseyin Çelik, Bülent Arınç, Erdoğani linç edecek.
And the thing i hate about you guys is how you still playing the victim by using turban, expecting respect while showing none...

Don't twist the topic please. I am talking about facts. Are u denying these ? No. Nobody can.

I am not playing victim. I just happy with the progress and transition of our military.
We are going to hang Erdoğan with he's friends in imrali don't worry Avrasya, to all the people from other countries you have to know our internal politics these so called Islamist will hide in their wardrobes if any war or something happens, Erdoğan will run away from the country believe me, he brang the worst days in our history, he made us a quiet state, showed us like paper tiger, with Israel things he's radical friends but after when a drop of Turkish blood drops i will destroy that Isreal till they face the might of Turks, Syria incident we could turn it into cake after they bloody shoot our plane, im also against these kemalist who worship Atatürk, which Atatürk would have hated himself believe me they use him for his political gains.

I don't know if you are just a kid or adult. But i am sure that threatening to hang a prime minister is serious crime in Turkey. Be very careful about what you say. Also you cant do anything. Most of people who had power and have same mentality with you now in jail. Most of them convicted.
A lot of people with no knowledge about Turkey discussing turkish matters with people that know what they're talking about.
Read one book about Turkey before you decide to debate a Turk on secularist matters. Many of you don't know what's going on in this country.

BronzePlaque was spot on with his first post.

BronzePlaque sympathy points +100

I don't know if you are just a kid or adult. But i am sure that threatening to hang a prime minister is serious crime in Turkey. Be very careful about what you say. Also you cant do anything. Most of people who had power and have same mentality with you now in jail. Most of them convicted.

No they are not. They are in prison but not really convinced. Google published some numbers yesterday, censorship is a reality in Turkey. Go and look for yourself how many take down requests have been made and for what. CENSORSHIP.
Don't twist the topic please. I am talking about facts. Are u denying these ? No. Nobody can.

I am not playing victim. I just happy with the progress and transition of the our military.

Well, you are the one who is twisting the topic. Are you denying the fact that AKP has exploited and still exploting turban for his political agenda?

You are playing the victim, you are happy to see the progress that serves your agenda while we're going backward regarding many issue, yet you are staying silent about them.

A nice example:

Most of people who had power and have same mentality with you now in jail. Most of them convicted.

Most of those people in jail do not have the same mentality with TR.1, they just dared to oppose AKP, as a result they've been convicted. And you, the man who were crying 5 minutes ago about turban, suddenly became so cocky about it... Typical şakirt mentality.
Let's look at people tuar supports who is under vatan hain. Sezgin Tanrıkulu CHP - Öcalan tecriti sona ermeli alın CHP yi ne yapıyorsanız.

AKP Bülent Arınç - ocalana ev hapsi.
Hüseyin Çelik - sulalesi pkkli
Erdoğan - Atatürk izlerini silmeye çalışıyor.

Solcular terörist lerle birlikte açlık grevi mi ne b..... Ona destek hainler.

Tek yol MHP bu ülkeyi asaladan kurtaran, terroru bitiren. Veya hepar veya BBP.

Komünizm ülkede sariyorken Türk bayrağını indirenleri Ülkücüler gebertirken bayragimiza sahip çıkarken neredeydiniz?? Asala diplomatlari öldürürken neredeydiniz onuda bitiren yiğit ülkücü Abdullah Çatlı.
...... while we're going backward regarding many issue, yet you are staying silent about them.

This is your point of view. For me, we are not going backward on any issue. Most of people also agree with me that why akp get elected 3rd time.

Most of those people in jail do not have the same mentality with TR.1, they just dared to oppose AKP, as a result they've been convicted. And you, the man who were crying 5 minutes ago about turban, suddenly became so cocky about it... Typical şakirt mentality.

First of all i am not şakirt. Also i don't have any connection with any religious organization or something like that. I call myself as liberal but this is not important.

Telling people in jail just because they are oppose to AKP government is a HUGE lie and disinformation. No one believes this but kemalists. There is court decision and some of them are now convicted.
Erdoğan's true face is appearing to people slowly.
Let's look at people tuar supports who is under vatan hain. Sezgin Tanrıkulu CHP - Öcalan tecriti sona ermeli alın CHP yi ne yapıyorsanız.

AKP Bülent Arınç - ocalana ev hapsi.
Hüseyin Çelik - sulalesi pkkli
Erdoğan - Atatürk izlerini silmeye çalışıyor.

Solcular terörist lerle birlikte açlık grevi mi ne b..... Ona destek hainler.

Tek yol MHP bu ülkeyi asaladan kurtaran, terroru bitiren. Veya hepar veya BBP.

Komünizm ülkede sariyorken Türk bayrağını indirenleri Ülkücüler gebertirken bayragimiza sahip çıkarken neredeydiniz?? Asala diplomatlari öldürürken neredeydiniz onuda bitiren yiğit ülkücü Abdullah Çatlı.

Valla ne konustuğunla ilgili en ufak bir fikrim yok. Sadece milleti forumlarda tehtit ederken asarız derken dikkatli ol. biri savcılığa şikayet eder sonra burdaki yazdıklarının hesabını adalet önünde verirsin. Bunlara luzum yok. Konuyu çarpıtmadan fikrini açıklayacaksan açıkla.
This is your point of view. For me, we are not going backward on any issue. Most of people also agree with me that why akp get elected 3rd time.

First of all i am not şakirt. Also i don't have any connection with any religious organization or something like that. I call myself as liberal but this is not important.

Telling people in jail just because they are oppose to AKP government is a HUGE lie and disinformation. No one believes this but kemalists. There is court decision and some of them are now convicted.

I must say, that's a very strange understanding of liberalism... Even the most fierce 'liberal' supporters of AKP would think twice before saying such a thing. Yeah dude, there is a very bright future ahead of us :disagree:
Valla ne konustuğunla ilgili en ufak bir fikrim yok. Sadece milleti forumlarda tehtit ederken asarız derken dikkatli ol. biri savcılığa şikayet eder sonra burdaki yazdıklarının hesabını adalet önünde verirsin. Bunlara luzum yok. Konuyu çarpıtmadan fikrini açıklayacaksan açıkla.

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