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Why BJP get defeated in Punjab, Goa and Manipur?
1. Manipur : BJP was not in scene at all till now. even now have chance to form govt with support from smaller parties.
2. Punjab : BJP is a junior partner with presence in urban areas only. Akali Dal is the main force and due to nepotism and anti in cumbassy due to 10 year long rule they were defeated.
3. Goa : BJP tallest leader from Goa is now Defense Minister of india ...creating a leadership crisis.

Close enough !
No where in the world a mass murderer would be set free let alone allowed to take part in the elections - not even if he has a large support base of like minded extremists.

This happens only in India where hindu fanaticism has taken over the society.
only in few countries a leader who organised Direct Action Day to cleanse minorities becomes 1st Governor-General of the country.

So Pakistan is the main subject to prove that he win?
u missed it by a mile.

I have a feeling that even with so much of badblood between sp and bsp they will eventually ally in 2019 as it will be existenial battle for both of them. Desperate times calls for desperate actions.
irony is Mayawati was saved by BJP from SP goons in 1996.
Saba Naqvi....not surprised. She acted as though everything was perfectly normal as saffron sweep started big time too lol.

I only missed Arnab grilling her big time this time lulz....and squeezing some lemon juice out of her ;)

She and her father are big time islamists suffering from dyspepsia since 2014.
Lesser of 3 evils (for Punjabis)

SAD- current (now previous) ruling party (thus anti-incumbency vote) with tarnished image (corruption)
AAP- pathetic track record in Delhi and mistrusted by most Indians
CONgress- tarnished by UPA years but their CM candidate (Capt (retd) Amrinder Singh) is very respected by most Punjabis/Indians.

Simple reality is the Sikhs kept both the Hindu BJP and AAP out. Most Hindus voted for Congress after the bomb blast in Punjab fearing a return of khalistani progrom.

Parrikar was previously CM of Goa yes. BJP in Goa suffered from anti-incumbency vote (had been ruling Goa for some time now) and a few local issues (allies had left them some time back to stand and fight elections alone).

Local issues.


It was pure and simple communal politics.

Goa is only 27% Christians.

However Of the 13 BJP members who won, 7 are Christians. 6 are Hindus.

However BJP did not win even a single seat where Christians were more than 53 %. :coffee: All the Christian majority districts (e.g. south goa) voted for CONgress.

The Goa Church gave clear dictates to defeat the BJP. The Church has even announced that Modi's cashless transactions push is anti poor.

Despite all this BJP got 33% of all votes. Congress only got 28%, but congress still got 4 seats more than BJP with 5% less votes :cheesy:

Great day for INDIA, finally Indian voters have come of age, they have totally ditched tradtional vote bank and dynastic politics and voted for aspiration, development and progress. Having won the largest state in India (UP), Modi has nother HUGE mandate to keep pushing India ahead and for taking bold, dynamic and tectonic steps. Modi won't be a lame duck or incrementalist, he will rip up the play book and deliver a brand new India to the people by the time his term is over (2024 IMO).

Again you are Wrong. Take a deep breath before any premature celebration by believing your own propaganda.

In Manipur, Congress won in all the christian majority districts. BJP won on in Hindu majority discricts.

Needless to point out that BJP in UP did not even bother to nominate a single muslim candidate because they knew it was pointless.
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