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Elect Ron Paul for President in 2012 Election!

Good point, but not impossible.

Obama beat Hilary Clinton, and she was Israel's choice.

Obama did that by licking more israeli boots than Hillary..as simple as that..actally obama played it both side..of Arabs vs Israel..and hence was able to defeat hillary. US elections are not about ethics and selection they are about mud throwing only!
You elect Ron Paul there will be more drone attacks on Pakistan. Remember that Obama wanted to be friends with America's enemies and when he was elected he did the opposite. Heck he caused more drone attacks than Bush! Pakistan would wish Bush was back in power. Ron Paul will increase drone attacks by ten fold.
half of US still dont know abt this man..media is boycotting him..he is not getting enough time slice to speak on debates..bt i doubt his Foriegn policy...to be a super power you have to have a big "danda" in your hand to assert as when time comes, what he will do is he will transform USA in to a soft power state...which may or may not b in a accordance to which many Americans are used to now, and the direct gain of this transformation will be reaped by China to assert it more around the globe..as a hard power.

I am still a new member..any body care to throw some light on this aspect. except that he is a good candidate but he wont get elected as the situation are now in USA.
half of US still dont know abt this man..media is boycotting him..he is not getting enough time slice to speak on debates..bt i doubt his Foriegn policy...to be a super power you have to have a big "danda" in your hand to assert as when time comes, what he will do is he will transform USA in to a soft power state...which may or may not b in a accordance to which many Americans are used to now, and the direct gain of this transformation will be reaped by China to assert it more around the globe..as a hard power.

You are right. Ron Paul's isolationist policies will not curry favor with majority of the US citizens (although his other libertarian views are in much accordance with actual GOP principles, but then....) no to mention with other allies, NATO countries and even the foes. Even if he gets elected, we would see a very extreme form of conservative foreign policy, but hell, US would NOT back down from protecting its interests, and by extension the interests of every other country in the world - connected by this globalized economy. Even Ron Paul realizes that and his foreign policy will eventually get mainstream if he gets into the office.
You see, every country in the world looks up to the US as a leader. Many of its policies are truly altruistic in nature. For eg, keeping the Persian Gulf sea lanes open. In contrast to what people believe, majority of US oil imports are from Canada and Venezuela and NOT the gulf countries. OTOH, China's energy supply come FROM the gulf countries. Its NOT in China's interest or other countries interest that US stops "interfering" in other countries' affairs.
Consider that Ron Paul gets elected and stops 'interfering' in other countries affairs. There is no way a country like China will be able to fill its shoes. China looks after its interests ONLY and nothing else matters to them. They themselves do NOT have a futuristic vision let alone a solid vision for other countries, and neither are they leaders like the US, UK France, Japan etc can be. Russia is also out of the equation, and so is India for very obvious reasons (basically our 'chalta hai' attitude).
He would never make it , there would be "You know who sponsored" scandals as soon as he will attack the lobby
He sounds good, but Obama also promised to stop the wars - guess what? Libya.

Ron Paul is being accused of being racists because of newsletters written during 70s, 80s, and 90s supposedly by him!
and guess what if he really was he wouldnt even touch his wife!

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

He sounds good, but Obama also promised to stop the wars - guess what? Libya.

no he's different than all those people. He stood by his principles for more than 30 years! even when people said he was a nut crack and so on.
he can bring change not only in US but in the world!
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i can vote next election.. because i hit 18 this January.. and as of now im not sure whom to vote for O.O

Most Pakistani's in the city i live in are.. voting for Obama..
i can vote next election.. because i hit 18 this January.. and as of now im not sure whom to vote for O.O

Most Pakistani's in the city i live in are.. voting for Obama..

bigggest mistake!!!

PLEASE take a moment and just watch this!

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Ron Paul's political baggage is that he is brutally honest, however, he is gaining momentum and has raised lots of money on a grass roots level.

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

i can vote next election.. because i hit 18 this January.. and as of now im not sure whom to vote for O.O

Most Pakistani's in the city i live in are.. voting for Obama..

Obama is a fraud .. too bad Pakistanis don't see that yet
Ron Paul is a honest guy and that is what America desperately needs right now, honesty!!! I hope he makes it but as always honest people never make it to the white house (except for Abe Lincoln and the President before him, but that is very long time ago).
You elect Ron Paul there will be more drone attacks on Pakistan. Remember that Obama wanted to be friends with America's enemies and when he was elected he did the opposite. Heck he caused more drone attacks than Bush! Pakistan would wish Bush was back in power. Ron Paul will increase drone attacks by ten fold.

No. It is quite the opposite:

Ron Paul: Drone attacks are reason 'people of Pakistan can't stand our guts' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

"We're dropping a lot of drone missile/bombs in Pakistan and claim we've killed so many, but how about the innocent people [who have] died? Nobody hears about that. This is why the people of Pakistan can't stand our guts and why they disapprove of their own government," he said.

"We're bombing Pakistan and trying to kill some people, making a lot of mistakes, building up our enemies, at the same time we're giving billions of dollars to the government of Pakistan," he added. "We're more or less inciting a civil war there, so I think that makes us less safe.
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