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Elect Ron Paul for President in 2012 Election!

Another Obama in the making. False hopes, stupid lies.

actually obama is just too inexperienced. The thing I dont get is that many people expected voting obama into power will cause a magical revive of the economy, stability in ME etc. People just expect too much from him. Considering Obama and other presidential hopefulls, obama is certainly the one of the best ones
Who ever comes in power in U.S he will bring bad news for pakistan.

I remember the huge claims of obama. :angry:
I think Democrats are far more dangerous than Republicans for the world. Obama is the worst thing that happened to this world.

Obama = Osama (two sides of the same coin).

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

Who ever comes in power in U.S he will bring bad news for pakistan.

I remember the huge claims of obama. :angry:

Obama said before becoming president that he would invade Pakistan but people became blinded over his dark skin color and because his dad was Muslim. People dont realize that he was raised by his christian white mother.
Who ever comes in power in U.S he will bring bad news for pakistan.

I remember the huge claims of obama. :angry:

Gentlemen, there is a certain power structure in American politics. The most powerful lobby group bar none is the Israeli lobby.
You can do nothing without there say so.

You want to pass a health/ legal/ tax bill? the Israel lobby will help you pass it, but you must give them what they want. Doesn't matter what your views as president, this is power politics.

You don't agree with them, as president, you will pass nothing.

Changing the president doesn't change the power structure.
Ron Paul is probably going to run as an Independent Candidate ( I am hoping and praying ).

If he does, he definitely has my vote.
It may break your heart, but Ron Paul is part of the system.

And no, he is not going to win (nor does he seriously want to).
Anything is better than that Obama-Nato (No Action, Talk Only) team.
How would Americans pay 15 Trillions dollar the Zionists owe them?
This guy is the only one who can bring back America on track!

Yup. True to Libertarian principles, he is the only politician who can actually balance the budget and bring financial discipline to America. But that would mean cutting subsidies, entitlements and losing all sorts of perks.

Therefore, he will never get elected.
POLL BOMBSHELL: Ron Paul Is Close To A Win In Iowa

Ron Paul, the once-forgotten presidential candidate, is picking up steam in Iowa and now appears poised to overtake frontrunner Newt Gingrich, according to a new survey released today from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

The poll finds support for Gingrich has slipped to 22%, with Ron Paul just behind with 21%. Mitt Romney trails in third place with 16%.

That's a five-point drop in favorability for Gingrich, who has raced to the top of the Republican presidential field over the past month. PPP found Gingrich's favorability numbers have fallen 19 points over the past week.

Meanwhile, support for Paul is on the rise, particularly among younger voters and voters who identify themselves as "new." Among likely caucus-goers under age 45, Paul leads Gingrich 30-16. The numbers are nearly flipped for caucus-goers over age 45.

But what Paul's fans lack in age and experience, they make up for in enthusiasm — 77% of Paul supporters say they are definitely going to vote for him, compared to 54% for Gingrich.

Interestingly, Romney's support is also stronger than Gingrich's in Iowa, despite Romney's relative absence from the state this fall — 67% of Romney supporters say they will definitely be voting for him.

In fact, there is strong evidence that Romney actually could have been a major factor in Iowa this year, if he had not stayed away from the state. As PPP notes, only 44% of Romney's 2008 supporters plan to vote for him this time — which means if he had just managed to keep his support from last time, he would be leading in Iowa by now.

The PPP survey finds the rest of the field largely unchanged. Michele Bachmann comes in fourth with 11%, down from 13% last week. Rick Perry stayed stagnant at 9%, apparently unaffected by his controversial gay marriage/war on Christmas ad last week. Rick Santorum came in with 8%, while Jon Huntsman rounded out the field with 5% support.
DON'T MISS: Ron Paul Has A Secret Weapon To Lock Up The Republican Race

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POLL BOMBSHELL: Ron Paul Is Close To A Win In Iowa
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