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Elect Ron Paul for President in 2012 Election!

You are right. Ron Paul's isolationist policies will not curry favor with majority of the US citizens (although his other libertarian views are in much accordance with actual GOP principles, but then....) no to mention with other allies, NATO countries and even the foes.

That's a common misunderstanding. Ron Paul is not isolationist in that sense. What he says is that 'allies' should pull their own weight. Germany has a powerhouse economy. Japan has the second largest economy. Why is the US taxpayer paying for their defence needs? The US is still mired in the post-WW2 mindset. The world has changed, and US needs to get with the times.

As for the Persian Gulf and the blue navy in general, the US isn't there to keep the sea lanes open; it is there to control them and to project power. Briefly, the US is there precisely because China gets its oil from there.
What is the point voting for a old man who probably won't finish his presidential term? The presidency might go to Sarah Pallin and that's a big no no.
So this means the secret/satanic society is gonna kill him if he got elected or near to be elected same like John F. Kennedy or Michael Jackson...his life is in danger then.....:smokin:

This guy is the only one who can bring back America on track!
Ron Paul is the right and the best candidate to be the future president of the USA....He is the one who can save US and the world from getting destroyed through hate and wars....We wish him best of luck and hope he will be the successful leader of the US in the coming elections......God/Allah bless everybody and bring all of us on right track.......:)
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im trying to keep this thread alive because it is very important for everyone not just Pakistani or Americans but for everyone!
pls watch the video its about a minute long!
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He is the only sane voice in the US trying to be president, as far as policy towards Iran is concerned. All others have lost their minds.

I pray that Ron Paul wins and becomes President of USA. A dream come true ... US and Iran will be able to coexist in peace and in mutually beneficial relations.
I don't know much about Ron Paul but have heard one of his speech it was fine , he seem to good person , Good Luck to him.
Hmm.. werent we doing the same for President Hussein?
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Ron Paul is not a presidential material. The reasons he gave for 9/11 is pretty dumb. What has Iraq war has to do with Osama bin Laden. I am sure even if Iraq war hasn't occurred 9/11 would have occurred. Osama bin Laden and his kind of tribes don't require any reasons to hate.

9/11 or Osama but you have already affirmed your best taste for white man bottom kissin!
Hmm.. werent we doing the same for President Hussein?

yeah but there is a BIG difference between him and President "Hussein" =D
Dr. Ron Paul predicted economy meltdown and an attack on US ( we call it 9/11) longtime ago! he's is consistent on his policies since 70s!!! even when people called him names, and declared that he was crazy!
Ron Paul is not a presidential material. The reasons he gave for 9/11 is pretty dumb. What has Iraq war has to do with Osama bin Laden. I am sure even if Iraq war hasn't occurred 9/11 would have occurred. Osama bin Laden and his kind of tribes don't require any reasons to hate.

first of ALL he didnt say IRAQ war he said GULF WAR!!
get your facts right!
his reasons for 9/11 are these:
American presence in Saudia Arabia
Gulf war ( US attacked Iraq!!)
and supporting Israel in wars against Palestine and other middle eastern countries!
and offcourse Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

and these are pretty darn good and justifiable reasons for 9/11!
And now please dont argue if the Gulf war was justifiable or not. thats not the point, the point is US was involved in that war and that was one of the reason for 9/11.
Ron Paul speaks what everyone wants to hear. The support of troops coming home , no war on the middleast, taxing the rich ...
Havent we heard this before ?

Barak Obama .....and look how he turned out clever version of bush.
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